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Battlefront is now Slitherine ×


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Everything posted by rocketman

  1. First of all - this is based on one scenario experience of tank riders, but I still want to bring this up. What struck me as strange is that i had 4 assault guns approaching me, all fully loaded with tank riders. I managed to spot them first with my tanks and hit them over and over again until they were knocked out. It took 3-4 hits each. The strange thing was that the tank riders just sat there waiting to get killed. Wouldn't it be more realistic for them to bugger out of there as soon as the first shell hits and they start dying? Granted they were out in the open, but still. Those assault guns were death traps. What are your experiences with how the AI handles this kind of situation?
  2. Is that a Pak in your trunk or are you just happy to see me
  3. Great sounding mod - that's the sound of war. Nice job - even for a southener
  4. Ouch! :eek: Will get it right NOW. Better?
  5. Sounds like your sound mod - am I right? When will it be released for our listening pleasure
  6. Waiting ... with zen-like patience. Good things come to those who wait. Take your time mate
  7. I guess they are not buildings because then enemy units would have access to them since no buildings are locked.
  8. One issue that annoys me is that sometimes you take out the squads inside bunkers but they remain "green", not taken out. The result is that any HUNT command for units that can spot the "green" bunker is negated. That restricts my options, especially when a lot of units can see it. And I don't want to spend precious HE to further attack an empty bunker. Is there any way to change the game engine so that it is considered vacated/abandoned/"red"?
  9. I would like a command to make stationary units stand on one knee in order to spot better. As it is now they too often go prone and can't spot much at all.
  10. How many missions are the campaigns - not the tutorial one?
  11. I fall into this category. I love each and every CM-setting, just for the variation and different challenges that they pose. Still haven't tried modern era. However, will happily try the next version of it. Keep up the good work BFC. Can't think of any other product that brings as much satisfaction per dollar spent. CMRT was an easy choice. Downloading as I write...
  12. Great little battle on a nice map. Challenging objectives if not careful. Great passing of time while waiting for CMRT. Good work. Your small scenarios are growing on me - will try more of them.
  13. Really enjoyed this one. Like the map, and it is fun to "play" in the snow for once. Also like small scenarios where you can easily follow the story of each squad. Will try more of your recent ones. Keep 'em coming - highly appreciated. Played on Elite WEGO and got a total victory in 26 minutes, but it was hard fought until the end. Recommended!
  14. It was one of the first games I really fell in love with. Sailing across oceans and watch the map develop. Seems like ages ago. Wait, it is ages ago - which means I'm old now....
  15. Radiohead released an entire album this way and I happily payed 10 bucks for it. I wouldn't hesitate a second to pay good money for quality campaigns. Every time I download a mod, scenario or campaign that improves my gaming experience I feel spoiled not having/getting to pay for it.
  16. Thank you Paper Tiger for a great and challenging campaign. Awesome maps and tough fighting all the way. The good thing about RT not being released yet is that I found time to finish the campaign. Highly recommended
  17. So all it takes is two needles meeting in an hay stack then
  18. After tinkering with Avast web scanner it works much better
  19. Again having problems watching broadcasts. Neither Chrome, Firefox or Explorer works. The stream stops every 30 seconds. Have no other problems with streams. Really want to watch this - anyone have a workaround?
  20. Once I had a guy about to toss a granade and as he pulled his arm back he got hit and the grenade flew backwards, killing some of my own
  21. Wouldn't it be fitting if BFC release CMRT just in time for Chris to broadcast it in all its glory in his Twitch-session tomorrow?
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