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Everything posted by rocketman

  1. A real gem. For all out there who like small scenarios should try this out. Fun but challenging. Use your brixa mortars well Then after finishing it, have a look at ChrisND:s youtube links (7 videos) above. It's great fun to watch and Chris is a wonderful host with a dry sense of humor that cracks me up. Also some insights into what he would like to develop for CMFI. All I can say is - please Chris, make it happen
  2. Re: tree sway - in ChrisND's Twitch broadcast last night of the upcoming engine upgrade he mentioned that there will be an option/setting for low-res trees (already in CMRT?) that will eliminate tree sway as some people take frame rate hits from this. Oh, and welcome to the wonderful world of CM
  3. SPOILERS************************** I've played through this German vs. AI and achieved a total victory at warrior-level. As mentioned in an earlier post I like the design philosophy in the scenario. However, the start is a bit slow for my taste. But it sure picked up the pace towards the end. A strange thing made things easier for me than perhaps intended (due to AI plans?) - on the left flank, near the railroad tracks, some 5-7 tanks bunched up in two action squares facing in all kind of directions. This made it too easy to pick them off, even though I had just three Panzer IV on the job when I spotted them. Maybe this can be corrected? On the right flank I managed to get flanking shots on all the approaching tanks and took them all out with just loosing a few tanks myself. Overall, I like the scenario and with a few tweaks it might be even better. Thanks for making it
  4. Wow, these look spectacular. I really like the design. Downloading asap
  5. POSSIBLE SPOILERS IN REPLY TO THIS POST ****** PanzerMike - first of all, thanks for all your scenarios. I've started this one, but find myself rather puzzled. I like your design philosophy with a large map to find room to maneuver, and the successive introduction of units to avoid a large setup phase. However, I've played 45 min of the 2 hours and have encountered precious few enemies, to the extent that I wonder if the scenario is flawed technically. So far having reached three phase lines, just two AT-guns, two scout cars and perhaps three scout units or so. Since I have a lot of tanks I suspected heated opposition. But maybe that is to come. In that case I will proceed, and if not, there might be something wrong with the file?
  6. Good question - made me thinking - in Swedish we say "stendöd", which means dead as a stone. Quite inanimate...
  7. SPOILERS******************** I gave it a go, but after my mortars failed to knock out the MG-nests it was near impossible to approach the bunkers etc. I was stuck between a rock and a hard place - then a barrage struck and took out a lot of my units I then abandoned it, cause there was no way to make a push. So, this is not in criticism of the scenario, but my poor tactics and bad luck.
  8. That did it at first for me, trying out the CMBB demo on a crappy mac laptop. Couldn't run it past a few turns until it overheated. As soon as I got a new computer I got the game. However, the learning curve was very steep and I nearly gave it up. Then I played a scenario in a blizzard with almost zero visibility. Then all of a sudden, in the bleak landscape a flame shot forward against my approaching squads - I didn't know there were flamethorowers in the game! That did it finally. I have played CM-games almost daily for the past 8-9 years. I must also add that the factor of spotting and not knowing where the enemy is, and the intensity that creates, is also a great feature in all its simplicity.
  9. The stukas did about as much harm as good. One bomb took out four of my halftracks - luckily without squads in them. Another bomb some troops. I think they took out one AA and one T-34 of the enemy. So let's call it even
  10. Thanks a lot for this EXCELLENT scenario PanzerMike. Great looking map, great challenge, and a lot of fun. Noticed that you put yourself as a tank commander SPOILERS************************ I opted for a left flank approach. First taking the 25VP farm, then the 50 VP hill. Those targets was assigned for recon troops with some assistance from tanks. At this stage pretty much most of my tanks where in excellent positions to take out the soviet tanks as they appeared. My plan then was to take the left road target, then center, then right and work my way back to the farms in the center if possible. I managed to do most of this apart from the 75VP farm and the church. The soviet tanks caused almost no casualties, what caused trouble was some persistent AT-guns that where hard to knock out. In the end I had three fully functional Tigers and a Panzer IV. A couple of Tigers where operational but with no main gun. Already look forward to your next masterpiece. You made CMRT shine
  11. That will make for saddening reading as my planes have a tendency to mow down my own pixeltruppen. Yes Ju87D, I'm looking at you :mad:
  12. Yep, I miss it too. Being a former FO during my military service I especially find satisfaction in well executed artillery missions.
  13. Alas, it turned out to be a measly truck
  14. I thought so too after posting, considering the HE loadout. But isn't the sound different for a tank getting taken out (louder, more "metal twisting"), than a jeep/truck (more of an explosion)? Or is it my imagination that is tricking me?
  15. I had an amazing bit of luck in my current game. My Tiger was engaging a Maxim-MG nest on a small hill some 800 m away. One round went high and I heard a sound that oddly enough sounded like metal getting twisted out of shape. But I thought it was a glitch in the game to make such a sound. I skipped to watch the action at another part of the battlefield. But when the action stopped I noticed a billowing cloud of black smoke from a treeline behind the nest. Apparently the stray round had taken out a hidden and as of yet unspotted tank. What rotten luck :eek: Can't wait to get over there to spot what kind of tank it was. Please share your fantastic stories of having a stroke of luck, or bad luck...
  16. Thanks for the new Wespe Aris - looking great as always
  17. These screens look a bit odd on my computer. It looks lika about one cm of the right hand is clipped and added to the left side of the picture. Anyone else have this issue? 1920*1200 resolution screen.
  18. Had a look at this scenario to play later on, and I must say the map is stunning - very inviting to play. Look forward to it
  19. If I remember correctly, yes, that was the one.
  20. Have a look at this thread: http://www.battlefront.com/community/showthread.php?t=114763
  21. Looks spectacular - thanks for this beauty Your refinement as a modder is of great value to us all.
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