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Everything posted by rocketman

  1. Hey Chris, can you give us info if there are any scenarios/campaigns with the pack?
  2. I hope this pack will entice Fuser to once again work his magic of modding. I'm sure these vehicles would be fun to work on - right?
  3. I really hope there will be scenarios and campaigns with the pack so we get to play with these as soon as possible (as I'm not inte QBs).
  4. That must take some buddist zen patience to have the game for so long and not playing a single game, while being a CM-fan. Respect!
  5. Reason I use Stugs in closer proximity to russian infantry is their lack of hand held AT-weapons and shouldn't be much of a threat outside range of throwing granades.
  6. I've been annoyed by that feature as well. Really close to the enemy the commander unbuttons to fire the MG even though I targeted manually (not light). He got killed, and two seconds later another crewmember unbuttons and gets killed as well. The Stug panicked and retreated without ever firing its main gun. n:mad:
  7. Oh, the memories One of my favorite games back in the day. We have truly come a long way to CM*2!
  8. I had to watch the replay several times to make sure what I saw really happened.
  9. Picture this: A squad of four pixeltruppen assault the crest of a hill and discover a slit trench and stiff resistance. Soldier #1 stops and pulls out a grenade. So does Soldier #2 a moment after. Soldier #1 gets shot as he is about to throw the grenade and it falls at the feet of Soldier #2 who gets blasted as he is about to throw his grenade. He drops the grenade which falls at the feet of Soldier #3 as he shoots at the trench. He gets blasted as well. Soldier #4 runs away in abject horror as the surviving witness. I really wish I had a video of this. It is a testament to how excellent CM2 games are in simulating combat resulting in unique turn of events. Please share similar stories.
  10. SPOILERS***************** I found it very useful to bring two armored cars up the middle to the small entrance(s) by the watch tower. They provided very useful in infantry support and are also not exposed to AT-guns in that position.
  11. It was actually. First third of the scenario beat me up badly to the point where I felt it was almost impossible to win. But a very successful breach team got me an entry into the railyard that proved to be the pivotal point that allowed me to pour fire at a lot of soviet units.
  12. Should add that it was a hard fought victory with a lot of casualties. This scenario is no pushover or for the faint of heart.
  13. Thanks for a well-crafted and beautifully modded scenario - it was a joy to play. Got a total victory on elite wego. Used all four avenues of approach as indicated in the briefing.
  14. When I play a well-made scenario, then that is the one I like the best at the moment. What I like the most is the variation between the three than one single game.
  15. Now it works. There was another background sound in a sound mod I thought only contained weapons and voices.
  16. First of all - welcome - glad you found what your looking for. Red Thunder is indeed the latest installment, but I would highly recommend all three WWII games. The are quite different (yet the same engine). Try all three demos and pick and choose. They are all worth the money by far. I play the games on a daily basis so a lot of bang for your buck (pun intended). By all means do post in these forums, most of the time you will get excellent advise. The learning curve of the games are quite steep, but once you get the hang of it, the challenges are endless.
  17. I'll try that. Thing is, the game now works only that some mods load and some don't, which seems odd as they are all in the same folder. For example Aris Panzer III & IV mods don't. Also I suspect uniform mods. Explosions, tracers, gridded terrain do. I don't use animated text, which has caused problems before. Has someone else encountered problems with vehicle mods in 3.0? Update: Could this be a problem caused by playing a scenario created before 3.0 (Raging Buffaloes mission #2)?
  18. Well, it didn't quite do the trick. Next scenario I notice that some mods are missing. So I moved all my mods to a created Z-folder in the "Data"-folder. Then started a german dealership to look at the mods. It stopped loading at 77% (I have a dump-file). I then moved the mods back to the original folder "Mods". Again it stopped loading at 77% (another dump-file). It seems that CMFI now is broken when trying to use mods. Do I need a re-install of the entire game? Update: After restarting the computer a couple of times CMFI works again. However, some mods work and some don't. Are some simply incompatible with 3.0? Strange since the ones not working are vehicles.
  19. Thanks - will try that. I don't have a "Z"-folder in CMFI. For some reason they are in "Mods" in "User data". But maybe there is no difference?
  20. Is it possible to target light briefly? If I don't want to waste my zooks.
  21. I forgot to move the mods when updating to 3.0. Hit decals went missing and some mods do not load. Would a solution be to remove mods, and re-install 3.0? Or do I need to do it all from scratch?
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