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Everything posted by MG TOW

  1. I have a Gt2300, and the shaders on looking pretty good now. What I did was install the hotfix. But I noticed the shadows were moving from right to left, slowly. Then I went onto the Nvidia website and chose the option to scan my computer and automatically choose the best driver. Upgraded to the latest drivers. And now with shaders on, things are looking good. Probably the way it was intended to. The GT2300 are old cards making a low cost come back, bumped up to 2gb ram they are usually included with Hp Computers.
  2. Beyond belice is evenly matched, did a H2H yesterday on it. Its light tho, just a couple platoons and HT. Sorry haven't looked at any others.
  3. That looks very impressive but is still alot of prep work required and would be considered a major exercise, not an on-the fly crossing. In the scope of the game. Without buoys and snorkels. As I said above a water prepped vehicles would have to considered different than a non water prepped vehicle I believe.
  4. Amtrak tested and true for sea ops. BMP, ehh, river obstacles at best, even then some preparation is required. But sure that could all be factored into the game. Why not.
  5. Interesting. Perhaps Amphibious ready vehicles vs a non prepped amphibious vehicle would likely have to cost more in game points. Also instead of Bogging the vehicle would actually have a chance of sinking, as gaming factor. There is more to it than just raising the trim vein, switching the transfer case to propellers and driving in the water. try that with just any pirauna or LAV sitting on the side of the road and it would likely sink for sure.
  6. Sounds a little like Canada was setup. Hard to fight that war without any helicopters, transports and gunships. Canada had none, zip. Relied on heavy tanks and armor sweeps...who does that sound like? They did have good artillery, the best, and spared no expense with guided rounds which probably saved their bacon. Still they lost alot of troops for such a small fighting force.
  7. I appreciated both POV's from vanir and JK. Not an expert, but served there in the day. Just wanted to add NATO's overall plan was dependant on a successful Reforger. Remember there was a defensive doctrine that would take NATO to the German/French border bases. All they had to do was hold that line until Reforger showed up, and the Norway (Norcon) contingents as well for a second front there. It was flawed, and extremely dependent on a few things, such as major airfields being intact, most of the Soviet Armor destroyed or at least equalized, and everbody playing nice, not tac nuking airfields. True, reserve air units flown from NA would have maintained air superiority. That is plausable. But it was expected Nato would have taken it hard on the chin in the first wave. No question about the French. Although they were never in a position to be dictated to by a Nato command hierarchy, they were still allies, and would have jumped into the fight. Where and when would have been discretionary.
  8. In multi player ... sure why not, wasn't clear it was for multiplayer reasons in the OP. In singleplayer..... well better hope for a looping AI.
  9. "Time Appreciation" is a military term, and a necessary requirement in the real world. Abstractions aside, it has its place in this simulation just as it has in history.
  10. I have seen pics of falschirm squads and Heer with Panzerbüchse 39 Granatbüchse Modell in italy. But this was strictly in a grenade launcher role. The numbers were rare enough that likely one was shared between a whole company. At 40,000 manufactured it is rare enough that some regiments didn't even have or want access to these. But they were in use through 1944. Italy acquired 800 Polish AT Rifles, but at such a small number, and its lack balistic punch it isn't worth going down that road IMO.
  11. Popski was considered too unorthodox for the Long Range Desert Group. So the LRDG wanted nothing to do with him, hence the private army status. Yep read a bit about this guy, gutsy bloke who had a personal hate on for the NAZI's.
  12. Don't mean to stray off topic but I find these new generation documentaries on the His and Mil channels recap too excessively and the total amount of content with the commercials and recap is very little for the time it takes to show an hour long program. I lose patience watching them now.
  13. Odd Canadians sound like americans. Here is an example of a typical American Dialect, followed by a colloquialistic Canadian example. Very different. Typical American Voices Typical Canadian Voices http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GsgVspgy184
  14. Distinctly recall reading about one of Rommels paks vs British M13/40 tank. Broadside through the driver, and out the other side. The tank was still operational, but with an entrance and exit hole. Driver was mush. If there was a tank next to the first one it would have been hit as well. But there wasn't. Point is its possible at hollow crew compartment locations, where ammo is not stacked. I would think that rare or just lucky.
  15. definitely an action tile away. Had bad luck having them fast move up to the building.
  16. The other side of the coin is the Sgt Sanderson BHD grenade toss from afar landing inside the building. This is what I strive for when attacking a building. Run to within grenade range outside of the building and put your squad to ground. the nades will fly and destroy anything inside. Smoke helps in this situation as well.
  17. The next module after the Bulge will be the Hammelburg raid, where we will get a whole new model of a Volksturm and a Hetzer B variant. Lets milk it.
  18. Aren't the patterns made by adjustment after the fact. I don't know myself, except if I wanted my mortar rounds to start here and end there in RL I made adustments on the fly. Maybe someone here knows if they had pre-ordained patterns back then, or now for that matter, I would be curious. edit: Ofcourse I would never want that much detail in a game and such adjustments coud be abstracted as is in the game.
  19. Requiring a forward observer to have eyes on the impact zone seems normal enough. But I am questioning the requirement to have Line of site on both the origin point of impact and the end point ...be it the outer diameter for area call ins or the end of the line for linear call ins. i know arty is handled well in the game, but I'm thinking an observer can see the high plumes of the explosians, and can judge distance, he is an observer after-all. So he knows he needs his arty walking linear west 75 meters for example. Even though he can't see 75 meters west of the origin, he should still be able to set the end of line or diameter.
  20. See this in real time battles. Where my panzer IV is "destroyed" after losing the quick draw, but the damage and dying does not occur until the shermal follows through with another shot. I'm wondering is it the crew that is momentarily incapacitated? This is how it looks, but if so the information is not presented that way.
  21. I wish Tow2/3 had the infantry behaviour CMBN has. I really liked TOW2/3 pretty maps, horizons. tanks and damage models were awsome. But the infantry always took so much maneuver clicks especially when a large battle raged.
  22. Reminds me of the time I bought a discounted cell phone with no #7. Ran in to old friend of mine hadn't seen in a long time. We were going to get together for a few beers. Then he gave me his phone number, and I just said forget-it, guest we won't be getting together.
  23. Played against the AI where Paks were placed amongst clumps of bushes. The shots seemed to come out of no where and the guns were not spotted for several rounds. True tho if you want to place a gun in an empty field and dig it in with cam then I see the point.
  24. I like this. Looks like a fun battle..... btw what are you using for a road mod?
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