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Everything posted by Retributar

  1. Again...i know that my explanation doesnt really apply in at least SC1!. In reality...the Japanese in WW2 built special aircraft to haul Oil-Supplies to Japan...because most of their Material/Supply ships were being sunk by U.S. Submarines...and this VITAL Commodity was not getting through. Even So...how much Oil could you transport by Aircraft???...i wouldn't think enough to make any real difference!. So, in the above example...the Japanese would not have a viable Supply/Materials/MPP transportation link !. [ February 13, 2006, 04:34 PM: Message edited by: Retributar ]
  2. A transferrance of MPP's should only be permitted if there is a transportation link where ships or land units may be able to move materials. In Japan's or China's case,...i would think that no MPP's could be transferred from Germany to Japan or from the U.S. to China or Vise-Versa until the above mentioned link could be created!. --------------------------------------------- Let me Clarify a bit!. A viable Supply/Materials/MMp transportation link may involve having "CONTROL" of that particular area. Obviously, the Japanese or Germans would not be able to move meaningfull amounts of anything if the American Navy Controls the waters with Superior Naval Forces!. [ February 13, 2006, 01:19 PM: Message edited by: Retributar ]
  3. I LIKE YOUR CONCEPT Edwin P. . Let's hope that this can become a reality in the near future...if nothing else, sometime after the game is released!. A while back i believe i had a Similar Concept along your lines of thinking in some regards. In one case...as pertaining to for Example: Attacking STALINGRAD...Where one could move several Units if so desired into the city of STALINGRAD ... and a blown-up MAP of the city would now be displayed. Here, you could fight it out Block by Block!. This of course, is not for everyone. This would be an Option to be Exercised at the Players Discretion!,...not a required aspect of playing the game!.
  4. I was just thinking,...maybey soon we can have a 50-turn Demo game posted at this Forum...for all of us to try-out!. I Wished!!!.
  5. Im fluent in either IMPERIAL or METRIC systems...,being a CANADIAN makes both systems Understandable & Usable... . because WE-USE both!. Now that im fluent in both,...i have to say that the METRIC-SYSTEM is Clearly Superior!...Especially for MEASUREMENTS!.
  6. I still like the regular AI...im not at-all interested in 'Switching Sides'!. AI's are not perfect, but overall i find them acceptably O.K.!. In other words, im quite satisfied with them!.
  7. I personally like the Eye-Candy that 'Hubert' has...i think his Isometrics look 'Damned Good'...not like those of TOAW which totally sucked. I too had an abberation about Squares...and disliked them at 1st...though now im resigned to having Squares and am willing to give them a Go!. I think 'Hubert' will have a Very-Fine Game here...and after we try out SC2...if we Dislike his Squares and/or what-ever else...we will say so!. And...by the Way i 'Hate REAL-TIME' games as the Computer always cheats so much by exploiting it...and its not a restful...relaxing way to play a game!.
  8. I myself Downloaded DOSBox0.63 and was able to use it... . I was able to access my COS unzipped files emplaced in my newly mounted 'dosprog' file on my 'C' drive, but was not able to install COS using DOSBox0.63 or directly clickin on INSTALL EXE without DOSBox0.63 In either case this COS game will not install for me!. ------------------------------------------------ -After downloading and installing DOSBox0.63 i dblclkd on the dosbox.exe ICON and got... STEPS I DID: - Z:> - Z:>mount c c:\dosprog press 'ENTER' - Z:> then added in C: & pressed 'ENTER' - Z:\>C: "Press ENTER" - C:\>dir type in 'dir' & press 'ENTER' - Previously i did make a new folder labeled 'COS' and put all my UnZipped INSTALLATION files from the COS Zip into it and then moved it to 'dosprog'[a DOSBox0.63 Mounted Folder for Dos Programs located in my main 'C' directory] - C:\> - C:\>DIR COS [Directory COS] -Now i see all of my UnZipped files from the Dowloaded COS Zip-Files - Typed in 'INSTALL' and then pressed 'ENTER' - C:\>INSTALL Press 'ENTER' > got 'Illegal Command: INSTALL' - C:\> INSTALL EXE & INSTALL.EXE also resulted in 'Illegal Commands'???. So for now...im at the end-of-my-rope!. [ February 05, 2006, 05:21 PM: Message edited by: Retributar ]
  9. Yes Agent Smith, you've got the right idea!. Look at this Web-Site where other's have encountered the same problem!. http://gamebird.dk/games/community2.php?gid=413 "download a dos-emulator like DOSBox0.60 and try it" ...DOSBox0.63 in this case...Updated Version "I'm able to run COS on XP, but it's soundless but runs perfectly. It was a puzzle to find out but you can try it, I've downloaded the software, unpacked it to C, then in the unpacked software is still the zip file of the original download, I open that, double click COS2.exe, it asks if I want to unzip and overwrite, select yes, and now in the (again) unpacked zip, you double click COS2 again and it runs, any other way doesn't work for me and totally screws up my PC (weird date settings, i.e. 2865 instead of 2004. But now it runs without sound, do print out the copy protection words you sometimes have to fill in. By the way, I got the software from another place." "Clash of Steel - Copy protection words Page 3, Word 5 - gray p4, w4 - used p5, w10 - rules p6, w6 - more p9, w3 - wish p10, w3 -conquered p13, w4 - modified p16, w4 - enemy p53, w3 - pointer p17, w5 - reserve p22, w5 - favor p27, w5 - located p34, w3 - carrier p35, w5 - available p41, w3 - purchaseable p42, w3 - option p49, w3 - needs " Also check out this Web-Site for DOS Emulators... http://dosbox.sourceforge.net/download.php?main=1&begaming_website_session=19a855fafab6c7e6f28aa74cf6b56fb3 In particular goto the heading 'DOSBox',...then...'Windows version 0.63 Win32 installer' . Download that and give it a try...there's others to pick from as well!. [ February 05, 2006, 04:48 PM: Message edited by: Retributar ]
  10. Hello Konigs...SORRY it didn't install...sometimes that is a problem with Older Games, ... i likewise had trouble installing it as-well!. I Double-Clicked on the 'INSTALL' Icon after Uzipping the Downloaded File with WinZip!. What i then got was this!... ------------------------------------------------- C:\DOCUME~1\Owner\Desktop\UNZIP\INSTALL.EXE C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM32\AUTOEXEC.NT. The system file is not suitable for running MS-DOS and Microsoft Windows applications. Choose 'Close' to terminate the application. ------------------------------------------------- My suggestion is to look for a Web-Site that has a WinXP fix for this DOS 16-bit game in order to make it install or work!. Sometimes one can find a re-constituted download that will work in WinXP!...which is what i am using!.
  11. Try This!. http://free-game-downloads.mosw.com/abandonware/pc/strategy_games/games_c/clash_of_steel.html --------THE ABOVE WAS FREE---NOT ANYMORE---- Try This Instead!... http://www.the-underdogs.org/game.php?id=20 ------------------------------------------------- --------SAME WEB-SITE...BUT---DEBUGGED COS!!!---See Below!. http://www.the-underdogs.org/game.php?name=Clash+of+Steel%3A+Future+Edition ---Also on the bottom of the above Mentioned Web-Site Link...are link's to Download's for...Gary Grigsby's WAR IN RUSSIA & TIGERS ON THE PROWL [ February 04, 2006, 11:03 PM: Message edited by: Retributar ]
  12. True Kuni!!!, ... it is imperative to be able to turn OFF!!! the 'SOUND'!...for the reason's you just stated...and as well...occasionally...for what-ever 'OTHER-REASON',...one may need to utilize that option from time to time!.
  13. I think that since IRAN now has Very-large Oil contracts with CHINA & RUSSIA...as well as IRAN having mixed in... a STRONG 'Muslim-Extremist' Ferverish-Attitude,...that they will now feel that no-one will Dare bother or threaten them now!,...not even the U.S.!. As then CHINA & RUSSIA would have justification to rapidly respond to protect their VITAL OIL interests in IRAN,... this will NOW give the IRANIAN'S the security to develop their Nuclear Weapons to Efface 'ISRAEL' from the Map!...as is their intended AGENDA!...and give JERUSALEM to the Hamas PALESTINIAN'S!. CHINA ... will in 20 years time become the World's leading Economic & Military SuperPower ... and i predict that they will begin their Muscle-Flexing by first taking back TIAWAN to begin with!...and DARE the U.S. to try to stop them!. The U.S. at that point may or may not be in a postion to counter-act CHINA'S move!. The Chinese want TIAWAN back very very badly!... . So here are but two unpleasant Hypothetical situation's...that may likely not just be Small-Scale-FireFight's!...at least, not to begin with!. SO!!!,...Major Mid-East Turmoil! & a Future Expansionist/Militaristic CHINA!...are in my view two future actions!. Granted...these are just my personal opinion's...just a 'Gut-Feeling'...and i hope i am entirely wrong in my Premonition's!. However!,...i would like some TALENTED MOD-PERSON to make these hypothetical situations for SC2 or SC3 game-play!.
  14. Konigs ...Historically to the best of my knowledge...what you ventured in your question...is just so!. The German's for example had severe problems with Equipment,Mechanisms,etc freezing up so as to make the Equipment unusable. I heard from a show or somewhere...for example that the Russian's had learned to work in this extremely cold environment by using various types of 'exotic oils' to prevent Machinery & Mechanisms from Freezing-Up! From what i know...the Russian's had few difficulties operating in their cold environment!...and the German's...had many...as did Napoleone' when he invaded Russia!. Let's see what some of our investigate Blood-Hound's can come up with as to that Freezing-Situation on the Eastern Front!.
  15. Yes!...now that ive gone to the Peoples Tactics Web-Site...i remember the game!. I did play it for a bit...It was difficult to figure out the instructions/rules etc...but, what i did play seemed to not be too bad!. I believe the fellow who made this game...was posting at this SC2 Discussion Site around a year and a half ago or so!. His game has promise...as far as im concerned...but i would like for him to greatly SIMPLIFY his game rules and instructions.
  16. As the HAL-9000 Onboard Ship's Computer on 2001 A SPACE ODYSSEY said to the Astronaut 'Floyd???'...."Take a 'STRESS-PILL' and Relax!." Bravely Hang-In there 'Liam', we should be within a Month or so of Release...my "SPIDY Senses" tell me!.
  17. As the HAL-9000 Onboard Ship's Computer on 2001 A SPACE ODYSSEY said to the Astronaut 'Floyd???'...."Take a 'STRESS-PILL' and Relax!." Bravely Hang-In there 'Liam', we should be within a Month or so of Release...my "SPIDY Senses" tell me!.
  18. As far as im concerned Edwin P. ... your Explanation/Argument on AI is where i would like to see it go!. I also think i understand to a limited degree...how difficult it must be to create a good or challenging AI without it having to cheat in order to be challenging!.
  19. Not only what the two of you have mentioned...but i would also like to see included is a 'Preparation Phase', whether that be a month or several months...before a DOW would actually be able to be declared!. This means that you would no-longer be able to whimsically, at a moment's notice pick any country on the War-Map, Declare War & Invade!!!...No-More!!!,...Instead you would need to Plan-Ahead and do 'Invasion Preparation Work' for a month or a few month's 1st before a DOW would be able to proceed!.[Depending on the Size of Target Country?]. What exactly this would include, im not sure, but perhaps...the Stockpiling of Fuel & Ammunition, Re-organizing & Emplacing of Units in Starting Postions & the Diverting of Air-Fleets would/could be some of tasks required before an invasion could take place!. Also, with this system in effect...Russia now for example would/could get Report's/clue's that the German's on it's Frontier/Border Area ...are indicating unusuall German Troop Movement's...and the Russian's therefore would now have the chance to go-to a 'Heightened State Of Alert' EG:increased/Bonus Defense Factor...At % MPP Cost perhap's] ...and now have an opportunity to make preparations for a possible invasion!. [ January 22, 2006, 05:07 AM: Message edited by: Retributar ]
  20. Thank-You Edwin P. for expressing your evaluation of which i am of the same mind as you!. I like games for all-seasons...eg: if im tired i like a less mentally challenging game...because i simply want to play a good fun-game with less head-work. Conversely...there i times when i crave a Micro-Managing/Complex game to get into!. This is not to say that a less Complex game is a lesser game...it is just an alternative game-style which i myself need...i need a variety of levels of games...not just one-type!.
  21. John DiFool the 2nd ... 'Winston Churchill' called the FW-200 CONDOR 'THE SCOURAGE OF THE ATLANTIC'...this hardly denotes the Airplane you are talking about. http://www.sciencedaily.com/encyclopedia/fw_200_condor http://www.9thflottilla.de/9fw200.htm This CONDOR aircraft was NOT 'POORLEY ARMED' as you are suggesting..for taking on and sinking ships http://www.kotfsc.com/aviation/fw200.htm it was however 'NOT' capable of dealing with 'FIGHTERS' which increasingly became more and more of a problem as time went on...and was subsequently withdrawn from action as to 'Sinking Allied Shipping'. This was a LONG-RANGE airplane...and obviously FIGHTER'S were not able to keep up with it in it's LONG-FLIGHT'S to be able to provide adequate 'ESCORT DUTY'!. So, at some point the FW-200 CONDOR was removed from active anti-shipping duty and instead, relegated to OBSERVATION of 'ALLIED SHIPPING' only which then this information was passed on to the U-Boats or to whomever to do what they could!. [ January 19, 2006, 04:59 AM: Message edited by: Retributar ]
  22. John DiFool the 2nd The Germans did infact have a large 4-engine aircraft that was used in the Atlantic to attack shipping...however,because of low production numbers they were later ordered to avoid attacking allied shipping...but,instead report the sightings of ships only. Focke-Wulf FW200 CONDOR: http://www.sciencedaily.com/encyclopedia/fw_200_condor The Luftwaffe initially used the aircraft in conjunction with the Kriegsmarine, making great loops out across the North Sea and (following the fall of France) the Atlantic Ocean, the aircraft undertook maritime patrols and reconnaissance, searching for Allied convoys and warships to be reported and targeted by U-boats. The Condor could also carry bombs or mines to be used against shipping and it was claimed that from June 1940 to February 1941 they sank 365,000 tons. From mid-1941 the aircraft were instructed to avoid attacking shipping and avoid all combat in order to preserve numbers, but the arrival of the new escort aircraft carriers was a very serious threat. -------------------------------- http://www.9thflottilla.de/9fw200.htm Focke -Wulf Fw 200 The by Winston Churcill called Scourge of the Atlantic Focke-Wulf Fw 200 Condor was a master-piece of improvisation The plane was constructed as an airliner for non-stop flights between Berlin and New York and had a greater range as all other german bomber types. The KG 40 was equipped with Fw 200 to attack convoys. In far-range operations from the french coast to Norway and in co-operation with the U-boats the plane was a very effictive weapon. From August 1940 until Februar 1941 85 ships with 363.000 BRT were sunk by Fw 200. The disadvantage of the plane was it's primary construction as an airliner which lead to some hull-breaks at the landing. As the british began to secure their convoys with fighters the Fw 200 became an easy prey which lead to a re-direction for cargo-purposes in 1944.
  23. With a little time and effort beginner's luck this game is not hard at all to play. Just play some games with a smaller map-size so that you can get into the learning curve quicker. After a few days of playing the game will become very easy to play!. You'll probably want to get GalCiv2...which should be out on the market in a months time!. The main thing in the game is to explore as much as you can as quickly as you can...so that you know who is where and what planets are available for colonization and colonize like mad!. Send out your 'SURVEY' ships to start your exploration...they also can pick up artifacts and new improved technologies in their travels...which will help you get a technological edge!. Find websites to goto to get new MODS and various packages to enhance your game as you see fit!. Have Fun!...i did...and im thinking of playing it again soon!. Right now im playing some old games...PG2 and Imperium Galactica 2... both of which i have a hard time growing tired of! Bye for now!
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