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Everything posted by Retributar

  1. beginner's luck GalCiv2 is Galactic Civilizations 2. http://www.galciv.com/index.asp?c=1&u=0 & http://www.galciv2.com/ This is a SCI-FI game...Space-Based WarGame instead of SC2 which is a Land-Based WarGame. I recommend it!...i already have GalCiv_1 and will soon order GalCiv2!. Enjoy the Web-Page!... [ January 16, 2006, 11:17 AM: Message edited by: Retributar ]
  2. Why Not!...should this not be possible,...i would myself like to see this feature in the Game!. Good-Point! Edwin P.!.
  3. pzgndr ... your thought's on a Russian DOW...are nothing less than Spectacular!,...it makes a lot of common-sense and shows great-effort in a well thought out argument on this Subject-Matter!.
  4. Hear! Hear! ... We WholeHeartedly Agree...!. Also we 'recently' had a discussion on how Russia should not be able to pre-maturely attack Germany early in the game...as in REALITY...that did not occur!. Unless one selects an OPTION-BUTTON to throw this item into the barrel with other possibilities that may or may not(Random Odds Generator) take place in the Game.
  5. beginner's luck...yes!!!...that is/was the Tank!. Seem's there's no hiding anything from you!...what???...do you have eye's behind your head?. I don't think that they built many of them other than a few for experimental purposes...and as you mentioned it was Primarily for Anti-Aircraft purposes...but some Canadians used it against some German's in a Fortification or Fortified-Position...and the SKINK smoked/flushed them out of it in a hurry...inflicting many casualties!. So, yes...it was an AA-Tank first and foremost...but, Me-Think's...had more been built to deal with Fortified Positions...im sure that it would have greatly helped out and have been a relief to those who now would not need to storm the Fortification personally!.
  6. begginer's luck ...i'm Canadian as well...so is 'Hubert Cater'...we are but a few of the few!. Anyway...since i was so Impressed by your Sherlock Holme's Skills, i would like to ask if you can continue to use your Skill's to Research...the Canadian SKINK OR SKINK'S TANK?. The German's who were unfortunate to encounter it...basically ****-their-pant's and readilly surrendered after encountering it!.
  7. Very impressive investigative work beginner's luck ...i didn't believe anyone would find anything on this subject!!!. I enjoyed reading the links you posted!!!...thank's again!!!. Jersey John ...Now to answer your Question ... regarding how ... -- If they'd built that iceberg aircraft carrier, I wonder what the displacement would have been? The ships would be cheap to make so that a vast number could be made. The ships could be up to 4000 feet long, 600 feet wide and 130 feet in depth. They could be used to carry aircraft to protect shipping in the mid-Atlantic This substance was named “Pykecrete”, after Pyke. Plans were drawn up for a vessel with the dimensions of 2000 feet long with a displacement of 1,800,000 dead weight tons. For the best possible results, the ship would need to be built in Canada or Russia, where the ship could be naturally frozen. [ January 14, 2006, 04:23 PM: Message edited by: Retributar ]
  8. I really appreciate your reply Jersey John even though all i was expecting was ridicule!. I did infact see this subject mentioned in a show on Secret Weapons...but, was still in disbelief after watching it. I have never heard of anything like it before!. I was very reluctant to even mention it...but, the Witching-Hour got the best of me...and i thought...'O'...what the Hell!!!. Anyway...to sumarize,...the way you explain it Jersey John, there may have in-fact been a reason for the Secret-Projects people to conjure up something so seemingly preposterous like this!.
  9. A little off topic i will be right now...but ICELAND brings to mind an idea that was brought up on a 'Secret Weapons' show i watched. The 'Allies' were seriously considering building an Aircraft-Carrier out of WATER & SAWDUST. Once this recipe is mixed it is then sprayed onto a frame of sorts, freezes and is now hard & strong enough to support itself as well as the aircraft and crew that would inhabit it!. Much better than just ICE!. They went on and on illustrating how the crew would be able to be comfortable on a ship like this and how it could infact launch and recieve aircraft...as the runway was specifically treated somehow so that it would not be slippery,etc. Im sorry that i do not have more specifics on this as the show caught me off-guard and i wasn't prepared to write down details as i should have,...i don't even remember the name of the show!. Of course, this ship would only be able to operate at the Polar-Region,...why they would need an AirCraft-Carrier in that climate, i don't know?...it seems too-bizare an idea!. Anyway...this is just something different to think about!. One in a thousand chance!...did someone else see this program?.
  10. Good point to bring up jon_j_rambo...that is something i would really like to know...and that is...how many Russians fought with the Nazis? I know that the Nazis had a sizeable force of Cossacks for example, that decided to fight with the Nazis against the Russians. The Ukrainians were not happy with the Russians...i dont know what the problems were exactly...but the Ukranians were more than happy to fight the Russians when the opportunity presented itself!. I am not versed to-good in this area of WW2...so i am also unaware of any others that fought for the Nazis in that region!.
  11. I favour what Edwin P. talked about alot...which is,various DIFFICULTY LEVELS...but i also would like to include varous COMPLEXITY-LEVELS!. With various COMPLEXITY-LEVELS...one could either increase or decrease the COMPLEXITY of the game...for those who prefer SIMPLICITY...or for those who love COMPLEXITY (so called micro-managing)...then, they would be able to adjust the game to thier prefferd COMFORT-LEVEL!.
  12. For the ONE-FINGER pointing TOWARDS the accused,...there are THREE-FINGERS pointing towards the accuser!.
  13. CAN YOU PLEASE ELABORATE MORE ON THAT Blashy ...THAT... Tiles are immensly better for tactical play. As i myself am really unaware of just what kind of difference there really is???. Thank's for your input!.
  14. I apologize for my IGNORANCE SeaMonkey ...but i am as-yet unaware of or how to use the ENTRENCHMENT feature in the SC1 game!... i rarely stood still or tried to hold on to anything against a foe...much in my games...as where i held there were no determined assaults going on...so i guess i just never looked for it!. But...thank's for bringing it to my attention!.
  15. Does the Defender as-well get a 25% Defensive Bonus and moreso for being stationary longer or somekind of Bonus for not moving the Previous turn...IE:_Dug-In?.
  16. I agree with beginner's luck...13 HQ'S sounds like something out of the 'Outer Limits'!. BUT!!!...To be fair...i just ask that you try to enlighten us as to why or how you came up with 13 HQ'S?.
  17. Your an insomniac like i am Jersey John ... and also i am in complete agreement with your short dissertation on Germany's situation/postion in WW2!. Those are the realities...not the fantasies of that particular situation!.
  18. I too say that i am favourable toward that idea!!!. Then if the Russians are massively successful...they can then decide to turn against the Americans next after the Germans are defeated... as this hypothetical scenario was dramatized in the movie PATTON!. Without the ALLIED human player controlling the Russians a little realistic suspense might/could be incorporated into the game to make things a little more exciting!.
  19. The simple reason for me to focus on the Germans is not because i loved what they did, but, because they lost!. I rarely if ever really like to play the side of the winner...and always like to try to find out why the loser lost...and what could they have done differently to have reversed their end-situation!. This is a study in itself!.
  20. beginner's luck ... it's a relief to get back to a relevant topic...thankyou!.
  21. Good ideas from the both of you!,...if this keeps up and even some or enough of these ideas are used/implemented from this forum...we will have the 'WARGAME OF THE CENTURY' right from here!!!.
  22. I would personally like to see the German option to invade Amerika included in the random game setup as i do believe that had events been more favourable for them...that they would have attempted it!.
  23. What is wrong with T.V. info?...it is generally good!. I found out about 'Thermopylae' myself from a historically accurate Comic-Magazine many years ago...and i have never found it to be incorrect or misleading in any way,...it was illustrated as it actually took place!.
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