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Blazing 88's

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Everything posted by Blazing 88's

  1. Just a thought, but would there be any scenarios or campaign info in winSPMBT (Windows Steel Panthers Main Battle Tank) that could be converted for use in CMBS or even CMSF (Euroscape mod as well). After all it is a free game: http://www.shrapnelgames.com/Camo_Workshop/MBT/MBT_page.html Maybe one could even use the winSPMBT's scenario /campaign generator to come up with some good randomly created games that could be converted to CM. Even the basis for maps could be randomly created, let alone maybe using the already created maps included with the scenario's and campaigns. Like I said just a thought.
  2. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Nmgice3ieZ4 Had to be done. ; )
  3. Not mine, it looks distorted /cropped now. May tweak it at some point I guess.
  4. By all means yes. Barbarossa and North Africa 41-43 as well. BFC please hurry.
  5. Should be a good read. As a German unit player only, for the most part, I highly recommend adding this to the bookshelf: Panzer Tactics: German Small-Unit Armor Tactics in World War II Wolfgang Schneider http://www.stackpolebooks.com/productdetails.cfm?sku=3244
  6. Yeah I noticed that earlier, but could not edit it this morning. D'oh… me fumble finger!! Long day lol… As for your question, no it does not at the moment. There is a work around for now however. From the site: FAQ Q: Can I use this with a OpenGL games? A: SweetFX does not currently support OpenGL but hopefully in the future it will. For now trying using the opengl wrapper mentioned in the readme. Work is being done on a new injector with OpenGL support but it's not ready yet. Sorry about that. Until it does I guess the OpenGL wrapper method could work for CM?? Not sure as I like CM graphics the way they are (with all the great created mods of course).
  7. Have you ever tried using SweatFX with CM? I have not, but I am using it in another sim WOFF (Wings Over Flanders Fields) and it is impressive. Here is a download link: http://www.guru3d.com/files-details/sweetfx-shader-suite-download.html
  8. Why I love North Africa and can not wait until it is eventually available years from now…. sigh.
  9. +20... For hollow cover arc's as well. Loved that in the CMx1 series. It is really annoying in CMx2 and hard coded unfortunately.
  10. Do all this and more with my desktop specs below as well with my PC Samsung 17" gaming laptop. Has nothing to do with being a mac.
  11. Or a hypothetical modern 2017ish Fulda Gap would work for me as well. Fulda Gap 2017 (or whatever). But all this is topped by wanting to help Rommel conquer North Africa (WWII North Africa: Afrika Korps, 8th Army, 7th AD, Free French, El Alamein, Tobruk, Gazala…..)
  12. Thanks. AI triggers by chance? If not possible then forget I asked.
  13. On turn 11 of battle #2, good stuff so far. Love this time line on the eastern front. Hope to see more scenario's and campaigns for this time period of the eastern front... and can't wait for early 41 to 43 east front modules from BFC.
  14. Best be making that purchase… I don't think a new engine is coming out anytime soon. Others will have more info for you I am sure.
  15. WEGO only for this cat in all CM titles and my answer for the OP would be a big NO.
  16. For the love of… I hope they go to North Africa 40-43, Barbarossa and then France 1940 instead. Don't care about the Pacific for CM what so ever. BF please ignore the OP at least until those other theatres are made. Thanks in advance.
  17. Just a heads up: http://megamek.info/ Really well done, open source and ever expanding.
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