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Blazing 88's

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Everything posted by Blazing 88's

  1. Oh no no, I meant in general. I haven't even played this scenario as of yet.
  2. The German's firing their 88's unlimbered was a real capability and should be in the system then as well… See where I am going with this? Just have some of the Ruskies lighter tanks driving along with you, when they get brewed up, instant smokes screens.
  3. Erwin, have you tried Razer Cortex - Performance Enhancing Launcher? Link: http://www.razerzone.com/cortex You might be able to cut out some of the stuttering issues, maybe all, by using it to launch CM (and other games). Maybe not so much for this test scenario, but for other scenarios if you are experiencing stuttering issues with them. You may be able to get another year or two out of your present system using it. Worth a shot since it is a free download. It's that little blue pill for those old cpu's out there (and even the new ones). Sorry, not trying to hijack the thread, however this could be a useful link for anyone. This program helped me out when a flight sim, WOFF, was causing stuttering issues with my rig.
  4. Then why defend? I love turning it around on the attacker with a well setup /planned counterattack. Sometimes attacking before the "attacker" attacks. Of course force composition sometimes can limit this, however this is also when you can catch the "attacker" off guard by hitting him on the nose when not expecting it.
  5. Have you added a bunch of zzz's to the name of the mod so it overides other possible mods? Maybe another sandbag mod is in play??
  6. Hmm, I have NVidia card as well, however my sandbags are covered with camo. By the looks of your pic, it looks like some kind of transparency issue is making the camo looked faded on your sandbags or something I am not sure. The latest NVidia driver is 344.11 by the way, just came out.
  7. I do the same. This scene from Cross of Iron has always stuck with me when commanding my pixxeltruppen... http://www.yourepeat.com/watch/?v=Ye9J4nQrz5s
  8. I wonder if there is a way to convert /edit /revamp RobO's Quick Campaign Generator Excel spreadsheet for the book keeping purposes and incorporate it into this? For anyone that may be interested, you can locate the files at CMMODS under both CMAK and CMBB - RobO is the author. His spreadsheet took care of all bookkeeping and setup battles to be played out via QB in CMBB and CMAK. It is a great creation.
  9. That is what I have been (and many others) waiting for since CMx1. I mostly play the AI so that would be an ideal creation at some point. Oh well.
  10. Love the "Total War" concept. Just curious, will there be an AI opponent available with this, like the "Total War" series? That would be fantastic.
  11. Is there no way to say use part of the spreadsheets from RobO's quick campaign generator from the CMx1 series? Just curious if that could help with the labour involved.
  12. This should be a sticky with a donation link included in it.
  13. Not at all, good tactics. One of the first things that I check out with my vehicle units and arty is the amount of smoke rounds each one may have. Smoke works great for me for any counter attacks or attacks. Against a human it works great for setting up feints etc... Now I assume players may consider it "gamey" against the ai, as the ai does not use it the same way that a human might offensively or even defensively. The ai seems to use it more for retreat purposes, like vacating a position from which it has received fire... at least that is how I understand the way it uses it, I may be wrong. If that is the case, future versions or updates of CM, the ai's use of smoke rounds more aggressively would be a fantastic addition.
  14. This may be a silly question, do you have "View All" selected for your "Folder options" (PC)? Otherwise files tend to not appear with that option not clicked on.
  15. Always why I wait it out for about a year or so.... I am about due for video card upgrade.
  16. Love Nvidia cards. I had a bad experience with a Radeon card several cpu's ago and have never went back.
  17. Ambush! http://flyhi.de/games/ambush1.html#prolog This WWII board game's scenarios would be a good conversion for this. The repository has one posted called: TWC Ambush on Map A
  18. This has been wished for before and would be a good thing. Plotting with pause times, per vehicle, to make a convoy or formation work is tedious... in a sick kind of way, I don't mind it. A sense of accomplishment when you pull it off, especially with lots of units.
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