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Blazing 88's

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Everything posted by Blazing 88's

  1. No I don't think they are, not sure?? Task Force Raff was accidentally included, it's deleted from the file now. Road to Mounteburg was a rar file as were most of the rest of the files (zip /rar /7z), I just assumed that file was downloaded since it was a rar extension, so not sure about that one. If there are more please let me know. Sorry peeps. EDIT: I cleaned up the file a bit more, it seems there were some duplicate files in it.
  2. Wow and operational /tactical level game combined! I only wish CM had that already... soon from what I have seen however (dogsofwarvu.com). What turns me away from your unmentionable game is it's RTS... not my thing. Can't stand mouse click fests even with a pause button. The other issue I have with this game, no replay feature. Looks really well done however, the operation integration is the most intriguing.
  3. No you should be able to just click the link and download. To answer your PM, yes they should all be 'Campaigns' only.
  4. Here you go... https://www.dropbox.com/sh/x89sqeiz1tdhfea/AABSKaaqd4R2-yQjMrW13me6a?dl=0 I had a previous dropbox link, for the same request from another board member, but I just deleted it about a week ago... figures. I will keep this link active for a week or so.
  5. Might it be this link? http://community.battlefront.com/topic/96330-some-performance-and-quality-tips-for-nvidia-users/?page=5
  6. Good question, surely to be answered shortly...
  7. Cool!... Yeah, yesterday I fired up CMAK to try and get some ideas for scenarios from within it for this mod. I am going to try and convert some of the board wargame 'Tobruk' scenarios that were created for CMAK by someone. I gathered screen captures of the parameters, briefings, Oob's for 'WBRP - TAHGC TOBRUK Scenario #2, The Group Cruwell Feint" (1942 opening of the Gazala battles). I was thinking I would just use your map for it and make the size of the map like it was in CMAK... That was where it ended, for now, I just do not have the time to get this done at the moment. I will try and see what I can do when I can. If all goes well I will eventually try and convert more... tick tick tick time however.
  8. This place was made for tank battles and I love tank battles.
  9. The Desert Fox approves this thread! Awesome stuff!
  10. The Operational Art of War III maybe? Probably already discussed somewhere???
  11. This is what I am waiting for, patiently... http://dogsofwarvu.com/forum/index.php/topic,1848.0.html?PHPSESSID=bfb11f46622dc539494d6ed73c447bc1
  12. A few... This link is probably the one you are looking for,. Very well done: http://battledrill.blogspot.ca/2013/08/combat-mission-tactical-problems-cmtp.html http://combatmission.wikia.com/wiki/Tactics_for_Combat_Mission http://cmsfwarchest.blogspot.ca/ Good hunting.
  13. Yes that is an option. However, I think I can wait for an automated version... due out in the near future.
  14. Any chance this system will be single player as well? ChoppinIt's system will be. Soon hopefully!
  15. Try this link maybe?? http://community.battlefront.com/topic/105060-aris-vehicle-thread/?do=findComment&comment=1651897
  16. Take your time Koh, these things work out for the better when not rushed imo... I am sure we will all scoop it up when you say it is ready. Thanks in advance for doing this. Has anyone tried to convert CMBB and CMAK scenarios to the CMx2 engine. I know there are a few out there, but since most of the research and map work (to make overlay templates for CMx2 from within the CMx1 map editors) is already completed, wouldn't that make them perfect for being recreated for CMx2 games? It is a shame as there were lots of great scenarios created for CMx1. I ask as I am giving this a go for a Tunisia scenario from CMAK called Action Front! I made overlay templates of the maps with screen shots from within the CMAK editor, patched together in Photoshop. Obviously these would then be used in the map editor in CMFI using the Tunisia mod pack. I am sure there would be several good early time period NA scenarios in CMAK that could be recreated with your mod pack Koh. For sure certain units and time period would be an issue, but that could be worked around semi-historically I am sure?? Just a thought for the community. Of course all credit would be given to the original creator of the CMx1 scenario /operation (if known).
  17. Yep I agree, but you gotta have those bottlenecks to have a good wargame you know!1!1... Lame.
  18. "Bottleneck"... Maybe a whole bunch of mines would help with that? Oh, but I am sure you are aware of that Oh Great Scenario Creating Master! I use CM as a way of revisiting history of any battle. For me CM is a study of all battles, not which one would be the perfect battle for a CM game only. Your high horse view seems biased in that you are obviously only worried about the rating that your scenario may get (understandable to a point). Which means that you do not think that certain desert battles are worth much for your time and effort. This now brings me back to what I originally said and what you disrespectfully had a hissy fit over... I totally disagree. I would appreciate any scenario that you or anyone else would create that may not be on the "ideal" battlefield for CM. As they say War is hell.
  19. +1 (for MOS:96B2P's post as well)... I suck at multi-quotes on this site.
  20. That is what smoke, weather /haze, hills, wadi's, escarpments, DUST, etc. is for... CM is perfect for North Africa 40-43 imo. I have been waiting years for CMx2 or whatever version to finally go there. Irks me to no end when someone says otherwise. Sorry.
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