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Blazing 88's

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Everything posted by Blazing 88's

  1. That is what smoke, weather /haze, hills, wadi's, escarpments, DUST, etc. is for... CM is perfect for North Africa 40-43 imo. I have been waiting years for CMx2 or whatever version to finally go there. Irks me to no end when someone says otherwise. Sorry.
  2. Dude... Just use PzC. Rules and game implementation are already figured out. You don't have to create a new system. Also, PzC has a whole lot more games to use for the different theatres that CM has. Panzer Battles looks to only have Normandy and Kursk - Southern Front. Whatever though, do what you want.
  3. Lol... Exactly! I think it is total RUBBISH that he thinks CM doesn't suit North Africa, other than for the time period suggested in his post. I guess "totally" should not have been used, just - I disagree. End of argument in my books.
  4. Yes I can recommend getting the mods for PzC. Makes it look much better and a lot less dated.
  5. Thanks IICptMillerII for the above explanations. I just might have to give this a try soon. I own several of the Panzer Campaigns games so I should really give this a look. I have been holding off because of free time mostly.
  6. For what it is worth (not much) I am ok with that as long as they do that and not go back and redo the CMx2 titles. I will have no interest in investing on a re-hash of the same theatres again and again.... none at this time. Down the road sure, but hopefully after a Afrika Korps / Barbarossa (and Kursk) / France 40 family of games.
  7. I remember going to the hobby store when I was younger and just drooling over that box that was behind the cashiers desk. Always wanted that game just for the reading material let alone the game... Never did pick it up. I did have AV 'TOBRUK' though. Love that game. Eventually Steel Panthers came along and that was basically it for board wargaming for me.
  8. Yes... Yes... YES!!!... PLEASE! The Afrika Korps is waiting. Those NA mods and scenarios being created will be great for now though.
  9. Wouldn't the 'Slow' command work the best for crossing bridges? Usually 'Fast' (or whatever) up to the bridge, place a waypoint, then 'Slow' over the bridge to the next waypoint, etc. That is what I always do with no issues. Mind you I have not tried out this one particular campaign as of yet.
  10. Downloaded CMFI Campaigns: https://www.dropbox.com/sh/ayqn1y42p4hc2gz/AAByPGZy8X_AWG6sCJvgT-Sxa?dl=0
  11. I figure that the campaign creators should do that as it is their work... Never thought about it actually.
  12. Try this link for them all I think: http://community.battlefront.com/topic/105060-aris-vehicle-thread/?do=findComment&comment=1450355 Also, did you need my downloaded CMFI Campaigns as well? Since you didn't say in that other thread. I could upload those for you as well to my dropbox?
  13. CMBN Campaigns: |https://www.dropbox.com/sh/x89sqeiz1tdhfea/AABSKaaqd4R2-yQjMrW13me6a?dl=0 CMRT Campaigns: https://www.dropbox.com/sh/r0s3a121dr5e7uk/AABpALgsHzA48S7ySIXvgS4Xa?dl=0
  14. Ok, I am uploading them now to Dropbox one last time, as It takes a couple of hours for the uploads. These are just the .cam files, no mods. Some of the files that I downloaded had mod files included. I did not include the mods for them, that would take long to upload. Two hours is bad enough. Sorry. Links will be up in an hour or so.
  15. Yes I am sure they are aware of it. Always good to make sure though.
  16. Exactly why I have, through all these years of using CM, never had an issue with how things transpire on my digital battlefields.
  17. Excellent. Should be a lot of fun. Thank you and the others for the time spent making and organizing the mod(s). This theater needs more love.
  18. Ah yes, the German commander Hans Dietrich OR as most women know him Victor Newman... Who's real name is Hans Gudegast or Eric Braeden. Rat Patrol had him listed as Hans Gudegast.
  19. Egger has some North Africa (AK) tank & vehicle mods created at CMODS. Some examples: http://cmmodsiii.greenasjade.net/?p=1791 http://cmmodsiii.greenasjade.net/?p=1650 http://cmmodsiii.greenasjade.net/?p=1785&
  20. Whut!... No 88s' and a Desert Fox? Ahh... COME ON!! This mod sounds great though. My excitement waned some when I found out no German units involved. That is ok, as this is a start of something good for sure.
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