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Battlefront is now Slitherine ×


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Everything posted by Wicky

  1. Infantry quality i.e. conscript, green, regular... ?
  2. 42:10 Flame fougasse - flame mines look devastating https://www.warhistoryonline.com/world-war-ii/flame-fougasse-wwii-era-britain.html Still plenty of concrete pillbox bunkers around - where I grew up in S.E England there was one by a river in town I played in as a kid and many others dotted around along roads, junctions & along the coast. Tank barrier at a local park
  3. Try https://www.fraps.com or Bandicam if playing on a PC.
  4. The extra splash range for FT units, esp foot mounted, comes in handy in night battles!
  5. Just did a quick test Flammpanzer 38 area targeting 44m ahead* with a foxhole of allied personel at 55–60m away - and splash effect causes suppression & casualties. *Area Firing seems dependent on how it is set with regards to action squares - so depending on range can appear to be able to target 50m ahead but vehicle simply won't fire.
  6. We should have crack reccie theodolite troops to get a sense of the land... (rare as a bren gun tripod http://www.militarysurvey.org.uk/Historic Archive/Equipment & Techniques/Field Survey/Theodolite.html
  7. Best open a support ticket on the main Battlefront commerce website.
  8. John operates like a Time Lord in different time & space to mere mortals...
  9. 24 SAS were killed by a mortar strike in Termoli Following the taking of Sicily and shortly after the capture of Termoli on the Italian mainland, the Germans counter-attacked. Wiseman had just left his truck to talk to a messenger from his CO when the vehicle received a direct hit from a shell. His whole troop was killed or injured. It was, he said afterwards, the worst moment of his life. https://books.google.co.uk/books?id=yvrNCwAAQBAJ&pg=PT173&lpg=PT173&dq=Termoli+mortar+truck&source=bl&ots=lAosoHrlh5&sig=ACfU3U2Ycru9J9a8l8ev6lIwdpk-GrLkqQ&hl=en&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwjp1bfLtOzkAhX6SxUIHQWhBWIQ6AEwEnoECAkQAQ#v=onepage&q=Termoli mortar truck&f=false
  10. 'I stole a plane to get out of the Navy' "So I started the engine, switched the radio on and the control tower started asking who I was, what I was doing. I didn't answer. I taxied and then…" He rubs his hands together theatrically and shows me his open palms like a magician delighting in performing an elaborate disappearing trick. "And then…. I was gone."
  11. As mentioned some gound level bushes will help with concealment - but at relatively close range given time/turns they can still be still be spotted even if they have a targer arc. Stealthily crawl em in - get them to call in their fire mission - hide - unhide when spotting rounds are coming in. Good luck.
  12. Not I imagine then for art school - entrance to them was from demonstrating some form of eye hand drawing ability - and this was honed by life drawing , first from plaster casts and then life drawing in the classical tradition. There was in acedemia / pre-camera a heirarchy for artists where the best emarked on careers as Figural / portraitists, then lower down Landscapes, then the lowly Still Life artists. Things now are a bit more flexible - Hitlers work reminds me of when I first attended life drawing at an One year Arts Foundation Course (pre Uni) following A' Levels and I was seated next to an aspiring industrial designer - and he produced a wonderfuly drawn picture of the room inc plumbing/ radiators etc all in perfect perspective but where the nude model was meant to be was just a blank untouched silhouetted outline. Here's what the precociously talented Picasso (b. 1881) and Dal (b. 1904) i were doing in their early teens. https://mymodernmet.com/picasso-early-work/ https://www.wikiart.org/en/salvador-dali/all-works#!#filterName:Period_early-years-1917-1927,resultType:masonry
  13. I use Cloudapp > https://www.getcloudapp.com Alternatively > https://postimages.org
  14. BJ - Die-hard eurosceptic or opportunist? "Writing for The Daily Telegraph, he (BJ) says that if Britain left the EU, “we would have to recognise that most of our problems are not caused” by Brussels.
  15. That was 2003 after "DPRK's revelation of its nuclear development program in September 2002" after North Korea committed not to develop nuclear weapons. US supplied Oil was meant to tide them over until LWR came on line. https://www.nti.org/learn/treaties-and-regimes/korean-peninsula-energy-development-organization-kedo/
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