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Everything posted by BeauCoupDinkyDau

  1. Thr Dr. has told me I don't have much longer to live unless I can hurry up and get that life saving CMBB downlo-- er, transplant I need!
  2. KTs vs IS-2's, then some earily war infantry/armored car fights!
  3. Check out Kump's catalog at the Outpost: Kubel Catalog [ August 18, 2002, 02:14 PM: Message edited by: Vader's Jester ]
  4. Yuck! Stalingrad was not that great. I bought the disk before I saw the movie and regret doing so. I have yet to see a film that captures what the fighting in Stalingrad was probably like (from the books I have read anyway). Enemy at the Gates had a fairly good opening, but then fizzeled. It could have been so much more. ANd what was with the Germans speaking like Americans, and the Russians speaking like the English??! At least Stalingrad was filmed in German (with Russian when appropreate) to give that sence of being there. If you want to watch a top class war film other than SPR, get Das Boot the Director's Cut. Now there is an excellent expample of how a war film should be done!! :eek: I haven't seen "Trumpets." Is it on disk or tape? How about Band of Brothers? Haven't seen it either.
  5. You rock Gary Kump!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :eek: :eek: :eek: :eek: [ August 16, 2002, 10:49 PM: Message edited by: Vader's Jester ]
  6. Whoa! A fifty-inch machine gun?! Could it take out a platoon of M1 Abrams?!!
  7. Five bucks says Dorosh answers this one. [ August 14, 2002, 07:27 PM: Message edited by: Vader's Jester ]
  8. Hey! It's only got one main gun now!!! They can model that!
  9. WTF Prinz Eugen? :confused: First of all, I never implied us "Yanks" won the war alone. IMHO, it was the masses of Russian troops combind with Brit and "Yank" bombing of German industrial targets that crippled the German war machine and allowed the world to defeat the Nazis. And, um, us "Yanks" whipped the Japinese almost single handedly. Second, BTS is a US company, so it makes sense that they mostly produce games based on the western front (Kind of like how IL-2's creators are from Russia-they understand thier own homeland's war stories and units better than a forginer would). If you don't like these kinds of games, don't buy them! As a "Yank," I have always been much more interested in the epic battles of the east front. I don't want CMBO patched because I was born in the US! I would like to see an upgrade because CMBO is an awesome game!! I mostly agree with the others though: I would like to see the next best thing insted of a patch to an old game. I idea just sounds cool.
  10. I was hoping CMBO would be patched again with some of CMBBs new features. It's very, very doubtful though. Would be nice though, eh? If I remember correctly, CMIII (with the new engine) will cover a much more broad time period of the western front. Like the French campagin with possably the African campagin as well; plus covering Overloard to the end of the war again. This is "implied" in some of the things I have read BTS stating. Unless of course it was durring an episode when I had had too much to drink.
  11. Cpt T & Mikeydz: Where the hell are my turns?!! We're so close to finishing! Where did you guys go?! :confused: [ August 14, 2002, 12:44 PM: Message edited by: Vader's Jester ]
  12. I belive Steve said in his interview at Warfare HQ that pre-orders would probably start two weeks before the release date. If it's not in that interview, I know one of the BFC boys mentioned it at some point. I'm sure of it.
  13. Well, I was thinking of people like Dorish and Weiss who seem to post in EVERY SINGLE THREAD on this forum. I guess you could call them a major part of it, eh? Oh great, now they're gonna start flamming me for that! I'm glad I don't hang out in the Mutha Beautiful Thread! They'ed probably mop the floor with me in there! [ August 12, 2002, 01:55 PM: Message edited by: Vader's Jester ]
  14. Ya horney bastards are gonna scare the poor girl off if you don't stop. I for one enjoy the thought of sharing a PBEM with a woman as opposed to a guy (just for something diffrent), so if you sex deprived players can lay off of her, maybe she'll stick around and become a major part of the forum community. I know my spelling "suks," just bare with me.
  15. You almost can't see the diffrence Gordon. I'll beta test it for ya if you want. I'm not a modder, but gave Juju a lot of feedback that I think he liked when Ed and I tested his modslut special set (firearm pack). :cool:
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