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Everything posted by BeauCoupDinkyDau

  1. You can cut this price at least in half if you build it yourself. Think of all the trouble you can get into with all that extra cash.</font>
  2. I don't know. One night (two years ago) I was watching SPR with my then 19 year old brother-in-law. He turned to me and in all seirousness asked: "So who won World War Two anyway?" I said, "Did you go to high school Greg?" "Well, yeah stupid." "So what did you learn?" "Uh, I can't remember! Who won?" "The Nazis did Greg." "Really, nuh-uh." "They sure did." "Really?" "Really." "No they didn't 'cause Hitler is dead." "Yes, but the regime endured." "What do you mean?" "The government survived the war. Why do you think we have so many skinheads in the US? They support Nazi Germany." "You're lying." "Goodnight Greg." "Tell me the truth. Who won?" "Goodnight Greg." I still don't think he knows.
  3. One new state of the art PC gaming machine: $3000 Taking a month off of work without pay: $2200 Pre-ordering a copy of CMBB: $52 Getting CMBB and playing it on your new rig for a month straight: Priceless There are some things that money can't buy; for everything else, there's Mastercard. [ September 07, 2002, 10:51 PM: Message edited by: Vader's Jester ]
  4. I think the whole judging people by their member numbers is stupid. Why does Jon Doe #9991's opinion mean jack s*** compaired to everyone in the 5000 and below area? So the newist newbies don't understand all the ins-and-outs to the CM world. SO what? Does that mean they loose out on our respect as fellow players and human beings? Does this mean they have nothing to offer the community? What a crock of s***. In case anyone forgot, the forum had a corruption problem several months ago. There are a lot of newbies with numbers in the fricken hundreds now and many long timers like our friends here that had to resign on in the 9000's. Can't we just treat each other with a little more respect and equality?
  5. You are sick! My wife would just tell me to do something usefull instead!</font>
  6. I have a small fix for this here: Replacement Background Sounds if interested. Just post on the thread or e-mail me if you want it. [ September 06, 2002, 05:18 PM: Message edited by: Vader's Jester ]
  7. Sitz, All I can picture while hearing it is Duval's choppers storming the beach with their rockets and MGs.
  8. You guys gotta take up Andrew on this one. This piece of intro music fits CMBB perfectly. :cool:
  9. Shatter, no CM player has this sound I promice you. It was built from scratch for a custom multiplay map for Medal of Honor by a mod author that I do not know the name of. :cool:
  10. Tired of listening to that recycled CMBO background sound in the demo? Think background noises need a little pep to them? Want a background sound never used in CM before? Well, then send $29.95 to, er, I mean, respond to this post and I will send you an all new backround sound file in mpeg format. All you need is a decoder like what Scipio offers at Warfare HQ. The size of this file is 608kb, so it should fit in even the smallist of inboxes! ACT NOW while supplies last! Note: While sounding realy cool, this file has a noticeable pause when it loops. It's very subtle, but it's there. [ September 06, 2002, 05:19 PM: Message edited by: Vader's Jester ]
  11. Heh, heh. You're right Diceman. The AI targeting logic in CMBO is a little screwy at times, but it's still the best West Front game out there. Now I'm sure I'll play the crap out of CMBB for the first few months like everyone else, but I still plan to visit CMBO from time to time.
  12. Am I the only one that is reminded of the three-man recon teams in Close Combet: The Russian Front? I always loved using those suckers. Sneak 'em ahead to spot enemy units, hide 'em, and then either ambush passing infantry with the SMGs, or tanks with the Fausts.
  13. Yes, it is everything CMBO was and more. Quite excellent. Death clocks, EFOW, expanded unit commands (all of which are very cool in their own right), improved AI logic, more detailed graphic models, eastern front setting, improved machine-gun performance, better over-all sounds and textures, doo-dads, new terrain types, expanded unit database, the list can just go on, and on, and on. . . It's almost in our hands brothers. It's almost in our hands. . . But you know what? I probably won't stop playing CMBO reguardless of it's excellent sequal. [ September 05, 2002, 09:57 PM: Message edited by: Vader's Jester ]
  14. Neither had I TB. If that is true: BTS please fix or somefink! VPs should only be confirmed on units your men can see. Now if you drop arty and an unspotted halftrack brews, then you should see a VP change because you can see the smoke behind that building/woods/whatever. But if it just KO's and it's out of your unit's LOS, the VP should change secretly (but not seen in your display).
  15. Peace Vader...we wargamers have to stay together... Fred</font>
  16. Sorry about earlier Fred. I got a little carried away. No, a lot. I have a habbit of trying to keep all parties at ease with one another by playing mediator. It is sometimes unwelcome of course, and insted of letting things be, I get unecessarly offended. Peace. . .my friend? [ September 04, 2002, 07:49 PM: Message edited by: Vader's Jester ]
  17. To an extent I agree. The usefulness of the info is now limited in EFOW as the gun/tank crew really don't know what is happening with thier target until the bail or brew up. They can see the hits of course (that's why you get the report), but they keep firing until you retarget or they can confirm the kill. I love the new EFOW! :cool:
  18. I like it Gordon. Is that the same type of weathering you tried to put to your new KTs? I hope they are still in the next CMMOS release.
  19. Vader, with all due respect, I was not talking to you... And if I need your advice, I will politely ask for it. Fred</font>
  20. Fred, Fred, Fred, Fred, Fred. . . Either use smilies to show what type of inflections are in your speech when you type, or reword then. You come off as mildly stand-offish. Use like so: [ September 04, 2002, 02:50 PM: Message edited by: Vader's Jester ]
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