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Everything posted by BeauCoupDinkyDau

  1. "One-million dollars!" *holds pinky finger to corner of mouth*
  2. Yeah, he rated CMBB a 10, but the attitude has got ta go! [ July 31, 2002, 02:44 AM: Message edited by: Vader's Jester ]
  3. They're, uh, kind of busy WORKING THEIR ASSES OFF right now. I think most of our bones from here on out will come from screenshots and interviews from paper and online gaming mags. Oh, and my wife. And the occasional hottie walking by. Oh, and. . .nevermind.
  4. Matt hinted at some special sound "type" that will be new to the CM enviroment. I'm betting both of my kids and a hundred schillings it is reload sounds for field guns.
  5. Let me guess: You have a Dell computer with a Nivida based graphics card? And you are probably running in anything but windows 98se or Windows XP? This is a problem that has been discussed on the tech forum before. I used to have it until I installed XP. Give your PC about one hour after booting up to clear the problem. For some reason, it always disappears after about one hour or so. There is nothing wrong with that PBEM file. Anyone that looks at it (asside someone with your problem) will see a perfectly normal movie turn play out. Here is a link to the thread that discussed the problem. Hope this helps. Replay Timer Funkyness [ July 29, 2002, 02:59 AM: Message edited by: Vader's Jester ]
  6. Another thing I do is turn off the VFs before I see the battlefield. I just look down at my keyboard until the game loads, then turn flags off. Make sure you don't use unit bases either; it allows the AI to supprise you now and then (almost like an extreme fog of war). Also, depending on the mods you use, some of the AI's men and AFVs can be real difficult to see. I try to pick mods that allow the enemy units to camo-in without blending into the scenery completely (just like in real combat most of the time). This makes them hard to spot, so the AI gains yet another advantage over me. I don't care what the whiners say. CM AI is very good and fun to play against given the right conditions.
  7. Well, that, and it could be put out of action by an enemy soilder blowing his bad breath at it from 500 meters.
  8. Those Hungarian tanks look awsome! They look as good as the ones from IL-2's upcomming Forgotten Battles expansion! And IL-2 graphicly is more complex than CMBB!!! :eek: :eek: :eek: Here is a link to those interested in viewing the IL-2 models: IL-2: Forgotten Battles screenshots [ July 28, 2002, 05:50 PM: Message edited by: Vader's Jester ]
  9. Thanks Ed. I tried the drivers to no sucess. My wife took back that version of Roxio after I uninstalled it. The problem seemed to be solved that way. I think I am going to try Roxio CD Basic insted of Platinum (what I had before I upgraded to XP).
  10. Will we be able to import some of our CMBO maps? Anyone know this one?
  11. So, I install Roxio CD Creator 5, and afterwards, my computer gives me this message: DirectCD 5.02(155) The driver 'CDR4_2K.SYS' on your system is old. Please re-install DirectCD to update this driver. So I think, Okay, I'll deal with this when I have the time. But now my PC won't read any disks in either CD-ROM drive! I can't play CM, I can't do anything! So, what is this DirectCD, and how do I find the updated drivers I need to get back into the game?!
  12. Oooh, I forgot! Bouncing the Rhine (which I was a playtester on) is quite excellent. It is medium in size with just enough units to keep you busy without overwealming the player. Make sure to play as the American paras if you try thant one.
  13. D'OH! :mad: You mean I can't hide from enemy machine gun fire when I'm behind this mutha?!! Grrrr. :mad:
  14. Do vehicles now offer protection/cover to troops and other AFVs (both when dead and alive) in CMBB? [ July 26, 2002, 07:06 PM: Message edited by: Vader's Jester ]
  15. The Ferd I have never seen from that angle, but the others have been around. Thanks for the heads up!
  16. Villers - Bocage as the Germans is fun. Right now I am playing Ardennes - Team Desorby (as Germans) for the first time, and am having a good time with that one as well.
  17. Scipio, I use that wav file. It's so melodrmatic and sinister, just like a Nazi in a 50's or 60's American war movie. I love it!
  18. Plus loss of job which leads to loss of house, car, dog, PC, then CM:BB because you can't play it out of a cardboard box. So I guess you can loose the wife, just not the job. Keith</font>
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