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Everything posted by BeauCoupDinkyDau

  1. 1) Ted is crazy. 2) Avoid speaking to him at all costs. 3) Newbies, beware of the "tourneys" he runs. 4) But remember to always ask him what grass he is smok--, er, using. "Yeah. Did you hear Ted's "football" season was over before it started?" "Really? What happened?" "He and his team done sniffed up all the lines, and smoked up all the grass."
  2. Hey Six Guns! Buy it now!!!!! While the grapics are indeed outdated, this game rocks!!!!!!!! I can send you some pics of what a fully modded CM battefield looks like if you will e-mail me (to show you just how much the modders have improved the "look" of the game). Here is my address: DBURCH@bak.rr.com Don't wait for CMBB. Even though it'll probably be better, CMBO is still worth owning!
  3. Sears my firend. Those Wal-Mart puppies die a quick death. Save your money now and buy a quality one that will last. [ July 18, 2002, 10:37 PM: Message edited by: Vader's Jester ]
  4. What's your problem skelly? Matt responds to us all the time even with his busy schedual. Why are we piss ants? Why is he an ass? I think you are just some stupid flammer that wants to get banned. Well, you are on the right road then; keep driving.
  5. Sorry that was the Korean war you're thinking of there </font>
  6. Sir A, if your tank scores a killing shot on a target but the death clock indicates that "the enemy crew hasn't bailed out yet," then your tank will continue to believe that the dead tank rget is still alive. This will neither raise nor lower the threat that the tank represents IN THE EYES OF YOUR TANK'S TACAI, so if no worthy targets are to hand, your tank will continue shooting at the dead tank. If another target presents itself before the "death clock" on the dead tank runs out (meaning the crew bails and confirms the tank's death) then your tank's TacAI will do the normal "does the new target present a greater threat/better target than what I've been shooting at?" If answer is YES, then your tank will switch targets off the dead tank (while still thinking it's alive). If answer is NO, then your tank continues shooting at the dead tank. Geddit? DjB</font>
  7. I think squads should have health bars and be able to pick up power-ups just like they did durring the real war!
  8. I've got Kershaw's It Never Snows in September (Market Garden from German POV), but have yet to read it. How would you compair War Without Garlands to other books covering that time period? I know you said it was the best, but by how much compaired to others? I really liked Ryan's A Bridge Too Far , and I think that is why I never got around to reading Kershaw's book on Market Garden, because Ryan's filled my need for knowledge on that battle. If you liked Kershaw's Barbarossa book that much, I might just have to dive into his Market Garden book sometime soon! . . .and pick up the Barbarossa book too. [ July 18, 2002, 01:49 AM: Message edited by: Vader's Jester ]
  9. The Last Battle - Cornelius Ryan I would mention Panzer Aces and Barbarossa , but someone on this thread already has. I have Anthony Beevor's Stalingrad , but have not yet read it. Enemy at the Gates by William Craig was also a good read (and informative if it's your first book on Stalingrad like it was for me).
  10. Captain Wackey might be your guy. If you (or he) could combine the backgrounds from Medal of Honor with those beach noises, you might just have what you are looking for.
  11. Thanks for the bone guys! If you keep having previews and sneak peaks like this on a constant basis like you've been doing, I will be able to maintain my erection for CMBB until the day it arrives in the mail! (I don't have to explain to you what happens at that point)
  12. Whoa! You're nuts! :eek: I won't even take the four hour drive from Bakersfield. You are looking at an eight hour drive my friend! :eek:
  13. Thank you sir. And yes, we need to talk to these veterens more and more. They are leaving us in greater numbers every day. Soon we'll have none left to speak to and honor in person.
  14. Thanks Gary! Not only is it kick-ass that CM Outpost is back in action, but that report rocked! Thanks again! :eek: :cool:
  15. The "pieces" are hard coded into the game, so they already show up on your copy of CM. However, you were probably looking at Juju's Hollywood Explosions II at the Last Defence website. I think you can find the link to LD at CMHQ. Here is the link: Last Defence [ July 15, 2002, 01:58 PM: Message edited by: Vader's Jester ]
  16. Hey Headcount, Insted of complaining, contact Matt or one of the other guys with your ideas. If anything, Battlefront and BTS have been very open and applied many of our ideas to the product. If you can use your best busness voice and demonstrate your ideas to them, they might just incorporate those into the game. It's worth a shot. Even if they stick to the splash screen anyway, someone is gonna mod it at some point anyhow. The backwards R's don't offend me though. They are a little cliche, but I'm more interested in the game than the spelling on the splash screen myself. [ July 15, 2002, 02:02 PM: Message edited by: Vader's Jester ]
  17. But they said: "by September 20th" [ July 13, 2002, 12:34 AM: Message edited by: Vader's Jester ]
  18. Better take her to bed as much as possable until then to help soften the blow of your dissappearance! That's what I plan to do anyway. "Honey, whatcha do'n right now. . ." One month later: "Where the hell is Keith?" :confused:
  19. Thanks Manx for the effort, and thanks Marco for the awsome mod and the follow-up on it.
  20. Is it just me, or does the Achillies have a texture issue? Mine is missing the texture on the the front of the turret (lower-half) just behind the mantlet. I checked the bmps, and found (nine I belive) with no gap in the sequence (to make sure I wasn't missing a bmp). Anyone else notice this, or am I missing something?
  21. Didn't BTS say that they would go back to Western Europe (expanded this time of course) for the engine II rewrite? :confused:
  22. Who's this guy? What does he think I'm gonna do for him?!
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