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Everything posted by BeauCoupDinkyDau

  1. Manx, I can assist you. Check your e-mail. [ July 10, 2002, 10:03 PM: Message edited by: Vader's Jester ]
  2. What's ah CMBB? I thought this was the Sudden Strike forum. :confused:
  3. If the forum colors change, we bitch. If we don't get a release date, we bitch. If the 1943 model of the MG42 does not fire the exact amount of rounds on a Tuesday in the second week of December in overcast conditions with a verteren crew that smokes French tobacco after reading letters from home, we bitch. What a bunch a babies. Me included of course (although I'm way more patient and understanding than some of yous!) :cool:
  4. AGAIN, AGAIN! THEY'RE DOING IT AGAIN! Send in the lawyers! [ July 10, 2002, 04:57 PM: Message edited by: Vader's Jester ]
  5. Look, he's doing it too! Do something BF.C, or these scalpers will force you to waste more time and drop another AFV!!!!
  6. Hey guys, LOOK! Manx is trying to scalp CMBB! Get'em lawyers, GET'EM!!!
  7. Distribution, simistrbution! I still love you battlefront.com. *Big wet kiss* [ July 10, 2002, 04:45 PM: Message edited by: Vader's Jester ]
  8. I wish those guys at BTS would stop pulling over for pee breaks and just release the damn thing already!!
  9. Question to the lucky ones that Rune hosted: Do tanks have a recoil when firing now? Does the hull rock from the force of the discharging main gun? And do the bigger guns now kick up dirt and debris after firing?
  10. Sometimes that is an indication of an update in progress. Woo-Hoo!
  11. Okay, where are these bad boys? Time to post 'em methinks.
  12. I would just like to say thank you to BFC and BTS for letting a few of the CM consumers have a go with CMBB. I am not in any way upset that I was unable to attend, nor am I jealous of those that could. I wish I could have been there for sure, but it is a huge planet we live on, and the event had to take place somewhere! I am patient, yet excited for the release of what is probably going to be the best wargame experience I have had since CMBO. However, I do not expect a release date if BFC is unable to give one at this time. I also understand the desire to keep some of the game hidden to the general public if only to give us something to be wowed with when we boot it up for the first time. As for the whiners that felt they are being cheated, I say: Get a life! Step away from the screen, and go do something else insted of waiting and crying about this game. Go have sex with your partner, or watch TV, or go to work, or drink a beer, or mow the lawn, or help out at the local mission, or pick some goobers; whatever. JUST STOP YOUR G**D**M WHINING ABOUT THIS GAME!! Oh, and an extra thanks to the lucky ones that could attend! Youir insites have made the wait that much more exiciting!! :eek: Thanks! Especally you Lord Dragon, you son of a w****!
  13. "Mattel Electronics presents: B-17 Bomber." There is a page that you can download some of the Intellivision classics on: http://www.intellivisionlives.com/. (They sell most of the others in very reasonably priced CD-ROM packs) "Bandits, twelve-o'clock!" :cool:
  14. I just think it's funny that the beach is somehow a central location for Southern California CM players. Most of us are inland I would think. Whatever, Newport or Santa friggin Monica are fine by me. Vader, you're buying the first round </font>
  15. Guys, I can only meet on a Sunday. If the group wants to meet on a Saturday, then drink one for me!! :cool:
  16. Whoa! 45 mins!? I feel so bad for you! I thougt that 4 hour drive to Vegas I just took was long! Sheesh! Guess I won't make the 2 hour drive to Santa Monica then.
  17. HOLY S***!!!!!!! I haven't been this excited about a mod since your Jeep Andrew!! Tell me you've got a sweet Chaffie to go with it!! :eek: :eek: :eek: :eek: :eek: :eek: :eek: :eek:
  18. Looks great! The new trooper models and textures make me wanna cry they look so good!!
  19. The Outpost was one of my favorit CM sites. Glad to see it's back in action!!!
  20. Way cool, Gordon! One of my all time favorites, and one of the best looking low-res mods ever! Thanks!</font>
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