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Everything posted by BeauCoupDinkyDau

  1. Fred, I don't think Chad is enforcing his preferences on you. He's just expressing his opinion on the matters discussed here.
  2. Yeah, but Chad, we're talking about game aide options here. Would you be upset if BTS said you were only getting a camera view at level one because this is more realistic? What most of us who want these options propose is that they are optional; like unit bases or the number of trees. These are game aides, correct? We just want the same thing with tracers and shockwaves. No one here doubts CMBB is an awesome game. But we would like certain options that ensure everyone will get the most of the game. Do you not have your settings for CMBO a certain way? How would you like it if your favorit option didn't exist? This is what we are getting at.
  3. Of Shockwaves and Tracers. . .and Realism handels this same subject with a little less passion, and a little more objectivity IMHO. [ September 04, 2002, 01:33 PM: Message edited by: Vader's Jester ]
  4. I agree sarge. I've thought a lot on this, and I think the shockwaves for explosions should have a toggle on/off ability. There is no need to show house or gun shockwaves as they really were not game aides like the explosion bubbles were. Tracers too need to be enlarged as you suggest. Maybe even a toggle there? Small, med, and large tracers, like how unit size can be enlarged to aide in gameplay? Hopefully the main gun rounds are moddable like the tracers are, as it is hard to follow the action with the more realistic looking dark grey rounds. If not, I hope enough of us whiners opt for that change as well. I agree with the BFC guys that we need to let the new changes sink in first before we pass judgement, and I intend too. But as things are at this point, I think people are going to continue to request these enhancements even after they get the game. For the moment though, I think bug crushing is (and properly so) the priority over code tweaks. [ September 04, 2002, 01:13 PM: Message edited by: Vader's Jester ]
  5. Whah, Whah, WHAT?!! Stock graphic lover! Burn 'im.
  6. Yeah, view 1 floats a little now. It's not that big of a diffrence though IMHO. Don't forget that you have some camera micromangae ability with Control-A and Z. [ September 03, 2002, 02:39 AM: Message edited by: Vader's Jester ]
  7. 1st game: 82 - 18 I was Axis vs the AI. 2nd game: 82 - 18 I was once again Axis. 3rd game: (In progress) I have given the Allies 100% troop bonus. The computer has lost three KVs so far and I lost my toon command tank for the PZ IVs.
  8. Come to think of it Kwazy, I can't recall any footage (other than the Trinity A-Bomb tests) that shows shockwaves in explosions until post Korean War. It's no big deal to me. I just like 'em. If I want to see them, there's this little known game I can play called: Combat Mission: Beyond Overloard
  9. Um, dude, calm down. We are not bitching. We are the consumers. You know, the ones who make or break business of any kind in this country? We are mearly expressing our opinions and concerns to get the most out of wargaming buck. The guys at BTS and BFC, fortunatly for us, pay attention to our requests and make changes within reason. Most of the improved elements in CMBB are thier bigger-and-better ideas combined with our feedback on CMBO (and what we would like to see in CMBB). So next time, insted of attacking the people on the forum, why don't you read some of the threads first. I can't think of one: "I'm not gonna buy this piece of s*** game," or "CMBB sucks to high hell," anywhere. We are all very impressed and excited with what the guys have worked so hard on. So relax and have fun with your demo! And when you see something you think could be improved, sound off! Dosen't mean they're gonna change it; but you just might be suprised in that next patch you download!
  10. I haven't even seen a tank blow in CMBB yet. That internal effect sounds cool. I did watch that small wheat fire in Yelnia Stare spread to the rubbled building next to the field. Burning rubble! COOL!!! :eek:
  11. I has been crashing for some (me included) when you select a baild tank crew. The whole game freezes and you have to reboot. Sound familure?
  12. I've played this scenario three times as Germans. On the first two games, I lost two tanks to bogging. Weird. On the third game, not one tank bogged. What is up with this? Isn't steppe just wild grasslands? The ground shold be firm enough to support even the heavyist uber-tanks.
  13. I saw russky tank hunter teams throwing these at my Pz III's. They took out one of them with the little bastards. I've known of their real world existance, but was suprised to see them in the game. Very cool. Did the Russians use captured versions of this AT grenade against Axis armor?
  14. I beg to differ. I have seen may war time docs of bombs and artillery producing quite visable shockwaves.
  15. The AT rifles are not totally worthless. I had an AI controlled AT rifle team force a crew of a Pz III to bail after about the fouth shot from a range of 15m. The fouth shot was the first penitration (side hit) and musta scared the crew to death! They were ignoring the rifle team at first, opting to spray a Maxim team about 25m away. :cool:
  16. Let's hound BTS to bring back the arty hit shockwaves!!!
  17. Yeah, I loved the arty hit and house explosion shockwaves (glad the tank gun shockwave has been replaced though). I miss 'em too.
  18. *The sky is one whole pic, not a repeating texture. *Tanks unbuttoning on their own (as you said) *Pz III crew bailing from AT rifle team (team was 'bout 15m away). *Shells shattering against tank hulls. *Wind and blowing trees *Covered arcs *Vechicle morale. *Muzzle flash and smoke (although I miss the "shockwave" from arty hits and building explosions) Speaking of the new flames from barrels, I really want to see a flamethrower in action now! :eek: Can't wait to paint a happy-face inside of the StrumTiger's barrel. I have to admit, even though I just love CMBB, I will probably keep on CMBOing now and then.
  19. I always understood the rear MGs on certain Russian tanks to be used to deal with tank assaulting infantry that came up from behind.
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