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Everything posted by BeauCoupDinkyDau

  1. And don't forget that you can see the rank of that unit too! I think this is on their "please fix or somefink" list already.
  2. Target Lock?! "Goose, I'm too close for missles! Switching to guns!"
  3. Hey people. I'm disappointed with the demo as well! If there is one thing that I wanted in it, it was fricken AFVs with fricken laser beams attached to their turrets!
  4. Only seen in the Summer scenarious, but from what I hear, the bell tingle is done quite nicely... </font>
  5. Thanks Jason. That's much closer to the answer I was looking for. Thanks Guys!!
  6. Man, it's slow going with Mikeydz right now. He sends me two files every three days. At this rate, it'll be September 2008 before we finish (and we only have 4 turns to go!).
  7. Heh, heh, heh. I did the same thing. It was my motivation to reach the end of the map. I really wanted to see the new post "dust cloud" that buildings left behind. I grabbed my LOS tool and yelped "cool" when my tank crew couldn't see through it. :cool:
  8. Yeah, and how about putting more demo into the demo as well. I tried not just unplugging my monitor, but going as far as pulling my eyes out with a corkscrew and jabbing daggers into my ears. I even shot myself twice with my neighbor's Kar98 to simulate how a wounded commander could still control his troops. I found the game unplayable as well. This is such a rip off! How's my typing? I'm not used to the brail keyboard yet.
  9. Hey, I got to have a close up look at the A-10's cannon, and it is not that big!
  10. DUDE! I so hope there is a manhole cover sound so it can be modded with a "Houdy-Ho!" when your troops appear out of the sewars! LOL
  11. I think it's just the choice of scenarios. What really irked me about the demo was the recycled backround sound from CMBO. I hope they have diffrent sounds for the full game. Can be modded, I know, but there are very limited choices out there for good background sounds.
  12. Nice pics --am--, but the last one is not a captured Panther. It is a German redressed Panther for the Ardennes Offensive. They tried to make several tanks look loke American TDs. That's one of the better looking ones as they have put up a false side on the turret to approximate the shape of the M10's.
  13. I'd just like to say that I think Battlefront (and especially you on this thread Steve) have been very diplomatic in reguards to everyones complaints. While some are worth taking the time to address, others just seem to be laughable and driven into the ground. I think this thread is a good example of the latter. I agree the demo didn't carry the excitement of the original, but since this has been stated over and over, why does it continue? I have read through most of the thread, and almost everyones points are valid ones, but since the game is now on our heels and the condition of the demo isn't going to change, why do people perseverate on this topic? While I'll probably be called a fanboy (it won't be the first time) for supporting battlefront's decisions and fairhandedness in addressing this issue, I say DROP IT PEOPLE. A great game is uppon us. So what if we have to wait for a new CM fix because the demo could only be played a couple of times before it got boring? In a few weeks, we're gonna have a kick @$$ helluva good time bashing each other with what appears to be a new and robust QB setup. So who cares that the demo scenarios are dry? We're gonna play a million QBs in the first week, and I bet we'll see new player scenarios and operations start to pop up within days of release (in addition to the 50 bats and 10 ops that come with the game). So kick back and enjoy your families and football season while CMBB isn't in your hands yet. Because soon you'll not have as much time for either. [ September 09, 2002, 02:04 AM: Message edited by: Vader's Jester ]
  14. Stallinwhat? I thought this was the Sudden Strike II forum. Where the hell am I?
  15. So what are you saying Andreas? That it rocked at beta version 1, but they got it to suck just right before sending it into reproduction? [ September 08, 2002, 06:34 PM: Message edited by: Vader's Jester ]
  16. Yes! It's as I had hoped. BTS has modeled the "sucks" factor into the game!! I can't wait to be disappointed when my copy arrives in the mail! Sch-weet!! :eek:
  17. Dude, Directive, relax. It's just a game. You can't have ill feelings towards this guy. He used the demo exactly the way it was intended to be used. He downloaded, played, and then decided it was not worth his 45 bucks. I say, good for him for making a judgement for himself and doing what he needed to do. Chill.
  18. I agree as well. All low member number holders should be put up against the wall and shot as they seem to be the only ones obsessed with making decisions on a person based on a stupid number that means nothing. I think we should start judging persons now based upon ther social security numbers, drivers licence numbers, and of course, by how much money they have (the ulimate number of measure). Because as you know, those with more money are better people than those without.
  19. Silly russellmz, you play with death! Us 7000 series types are much less stable than the 9000 series. You did see what HAL did to the crew of the Discovery didn't you? [ September 08, 2002, 01:40 AM: Message edited by: Vader's Jester ]
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