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Everything posted by BeauCoupDinkyDau

  1. Am I the only one interested in this beauity? Maybe the CMBB bug has just infected everyone. I guess it's up to me to keep BUMPing this thing then.
  2. Excellent Gary. You're probably going to go insane if you try to do this for CMBB though! :eek:
  3. <lecher_mode> Hmmm blonde, 21, running about a 40 watt lightbulb... is she busy Friday night??? hehehe </lecher_mode></font>
  4. No JU-87's. We bitch too much about bones, and the entire airstrike code had to be scrapped so we could get "sneak peaks" from Matt.
  5. My sister-in-law (blonde, of 21 years) just looked over my shoulder at the top pic of the Jumbo with the VF in the background and said: "Are they on a golf-course?" A moment of silence while you recover from the laughter I know you are going through right now. . . . . . . . . . . . . . I then said: "Yeah, after killing each other, the Krauts, Tommies, and Yanks that were still alive would play eighteen holes before calling it a day." She bought it. Blondes. . . [ July 23, 2002, 12:52 AM: Message edited by: Vader's Jester ]
  6. *Moral lesson on* Yeah, Toys-R-Us was selling off their last two 1/6 JU-87's and I thought: Wow. For $45 that would be sweet! But, uh. . . . . .where the hell am I going to put it? I decided not to get it. I think what did it for me was the damn Star Wars action figures I have on my desk. I was excited to get that Jango Fett when he came out. He still looks cool with his twin pistols and all, but then I think: What a freaking waist of money. If you do decide to buy something like that, make sure it is a one-time purchase and not a new collecting habbit. It almost always ends up a waist of money. *Moral lesson off*
  7. US Postal (Air Mail). Why worry about that anyway? If the person you are helping wants to shell out the big bucks for say, FedEx, that's their business. The way I am doing it is I am ordering for a couple of people, then giving them a total cost of game price and shipping to them (using their method of shipping:I am giving two options: Air Mail and FedEx), then once I get their dough, they get the game. Pretty simple. :cool:
  8. This is just pure speculation, but perhaps CMBB will have an option to have "unrestricted" force quality as an option (much like several other options that currently can be set to unrestricted in CMBO). This way, you can have your green defensive troops with the crack reinforcement you so desire. Or the vet tank platoon with the regular troops, but elite AT teams, or whatever. . .
  9. I'm six hours away, but a chance to meet the great Andrew AND play CMBB?! Hmm, may have to think about this one. What day? I can't make it on a Sat myself. I could only do a Sunday (one of the reasons I missed ACTOR's gig in Corona).
  10. I was wondering if one of the PC mags will do a cover story preview on CMBB. With all the high praise they gave CMBO, I would not think this to be unreasonable this time around.
  11. Wasn't it Napolean that said, 'the only time the Italians finished a war on the side they started on is when they switched, and then switched back again'? Don't tell my half-Italian wife I just said that! She'll mop the floor with my head!
  12. Are you on dope?! 1. What did you think of the death clocks? 2. How complete did the game feel/look? 3. Do you think you'll ever play CMBO again even though CMBB is going to be better? [ July 21, 2002, 12:09 AM: Message edited by: Vader's Jester ]
  13. I love threads like this. We'll have 'em play a little game of Russian Roulette in honor of both the Deer Hunter and our upcomming Russian forces in CMBB. Load one round, spin the pistol, pull the trigger.
  14. Hell yeah! That mod rocks!!! :eek: Now kick out that Chaffie to match Andrew, and my CMBO battlefield is 'bout as complete as I could hope for!!!! Pretty please? [ July 20, 2002, 10:13 PM: Message edited by: Vader's Jester ]
  15. Andrew, Juju: I for one cannot wait to see what magic you two are gonna mod into BB!! :eek:
  16. Yes, but UbiSoft distributed IL-2, and the makers of that game are as much dedicated to their customers as BFC is. They punch out patches and listen to their fan base's needs just like our slaves, er, BFC does.
  17. Hey guys, I have a suggestion. Since you want to keep a lot of CMBB secret, and you just don't have time to give us bones as much as we would like, how about reviving CMHQ's Picture of the Day ? You could post a new screen shot every day or so. This way, you wouldn't have to waist any more development time on the game with those awsome (but time consuming) bones you have been throwing us. This would also allow you to keep the rest of the game secret so as to suprise us as well (witch is what you are trying to do anyway, right?) And at the same time, you would be throwing bones anyway by what hidden little extras were in each screen shot for us to discover for ourselves. Just a suggestion. :cool: You could also save time by having your beta testers send in the screen shots to you. You then could pick from the best one every day and post it. [ July 20, 2002, 12:52 AM: Message edited by: Vader's Jester ]
  18. Have fun tomorrow guys. I wish I could be there, but I just can't deal with four hours in the car *shutter* plus I gotta work all day anyway. I envy thee.
  19. Cool. I'll be on the look-out for that book then. Thanks.
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