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Everything posted by MeatEtr

  1. Master Blaster MikeyD strikes again. Another AD(automatic-download) mod, thanks a million, these are much needed too. Btw, just to confirm, Pat's right about that bmp, it doesn't work.
  2. Ok, enough bowing and kissing the feet of the Mod Gods. Everybody should just get back to your caves for fear of upsetting one of these mighty Mod Gods. They might just deprive us of their super high-quality mods, then we'll starve. :eek: Oh yeah, as usual, awesome mod MikeyD, another AD(Automatic-Download, no need for pics & info) again. Looking foward to the others. *bows and slowly leaves the room*
  3. The official release date of CMx2 will be on my 30th birthday on Jan. 15th of 2006. This will be the greatest birthday gift known to mankind and i already thank BFC for it. So mark that date on your calenders because it's set in stone.
  4. What a tease, and he even has the audacity not to post a screenie.
  5. A whole gun crew can abandon under enough fire and especially if it's a green or conscript crew. But yeah, i think your right, if theres only 1 guy left, recieving no fire from the enemy, can just abandon the gun on his own accord. Now ive seen the last guy of a immobilized MG surrender very easily, even when my forces aren't even all that close. Then shortly after, he stops surrendering and becomes the enemy(targetable) again. Which now becomes a moveable 1 man MG, but can't fire. The MG is useless basically, but it's ID shows a mobile 1 man MG thats not captured. Hmm, makes me wonder, do you still get points for once captured troops that you don't have control of at the end? [ March 12, 2005, 01:13 PM: Message edited by: MeatEtr ]
  6. As that saying goes, "don't just give food to a starving person, teach them how to fish or hunt", or something like that. I give to you this website.
  7. Just wondering if there's a tentative release date. Or will there be a demo soon? If so, any idea when we'll get our hands on this good looking tank sim?
  8. Man, i wanted PE2 soo bad too, loved the original. This i suppose will have to do.
  9. Yeah site is down, bad timing. Someone probably doing too many dls at the same time can cause it to crash. Definitely gonna get this mod when the site gets back up. Thanks for the mod Philippe, looking forward to dling it.
  10. Awesome mod dude, looking forward to getting it. Now if only the site wasn't down. :confused:
  11. Ahh yes i remember the ST, sure as heck haven't used it in a long time. Problem i had was that my opponent used his T-34s to speed up by my ST for side/rear shots on it. Didn't really have much to deal with his tanks, ST is just too damn expensive. On a side note, i forgot how plain the stock flags look. Check out this flag mod, made by Grunt. Although i don't think the screenies do this mod justice, they look much better ingame.
  12. What a great mod release this is, awesome work as usual. Thanks MikeyD, you da man. Got a question for you though. Have you ever considered doing any of the big cats, Tigers or Panthers? I know it's true, there's already some very decent mods for them already and i know you've been asked before. It's just that you do a helluva job with everything you decide to mod. With your talent, id love to see you tackle the big cats. You know, for all those big cat lovers(like me) out there.
  13. I swear somebody just posted about this book like a couple of weeks ago. Since then, i ordered it and already recieved it. Haven't had a chance to read it yet, just flipped through it, looks good. It's next in line after i finish reading Mr. Beevor's Fall of Berlin, which really isn't that good. At least not nearly as good as his Stalingrad book. I also bought Slaughterhouse: The Encyclopedia of the Eastern Front, which somebody here recommended. It's a great reference book.
  14. Who knows what the heck he's talking about. But i have read that the JagdTiger was mounted with the 88mm L/71 gun often(about 1/3rd of total built) because the 128mm L/55 gun was hard to come by.
  15. Hehe, and MikeyD is probably one of them. But everybody loves him for it. His mods are easily some of the very best. His mods are what i like to call "AD's". That stands for automatic downloads, cause it's a no brainer to dl them. Do a search for "best mods" and you'll find the best and fav mods from the community. Oh and btw, like most others stated, you definitely want CMAK and CMBB. There's just been too many tweaks to the CM series to bother with CMBO anymore. Besides, CMx2 will be out(hopefully) in a year-to year-in-half. So you'll have time to enjoy them.
  16. All this sounds fine and dandy, but when did you say that demo was coming out? Ah hell, knowing my luck, on my way to the store to pick up my copy of CMx2, a piano will fall from the sky(freak accident from a FedEx plane overhead) and crush me, killing me only a few yards away from my wargaming bliss. Or i'll have a sudden and fatal brain aneurysm right as i open my mailbox and see my very own copy of CMx2. P.S. Thanks for the bones Steve. This thread and the other one. Now there really is reason to live.
  17. Yeah, that happens, but not that often and it's not a bug. Keep in mind that what you see is just a graphical representation of whats going on in the combat simulation background. I noticed the timer showed he tossed it in about a second after it showed the unit as eliminated. Think of it more like this, the unit fired and got killed while the projectile was inbound to it's target. I've noticed this more often when 2 squads are duking it out in close combat. As one squad gets eliminated, they'll inflict some casualities or get a grenade off right after it shows them as being eliminated.
  18. Yeah, he's right, i just dled it a few mins ago and the BMP's are messed up, can't view them at all. But i just got that PzrIIIN, i like it, looks great.
  19. Haven't you heard, CMx2 got cancelled. :confused:
  20. Well of course treebursts will be a problem. As with most everything, there are positives and negatives. But in good coverage(woods/pines), more than likely, you won't be attracting any mortar/arty until you start shooting. If you put them in wheatfields or steppe then they will get spotted much easier, compared to woods/pines. Then probably get the attention of mortars and arty before the troops inside fire a single shot. Yes, no treebursts to worry about, but still. I don't buy it either. Something ain't right with your tests. Simply put, no tanks, buttoned or unbuttoned, will spot any gun(non-fired) hiding in good/wood/tallpines coverage. Unless of course maybe the gun is on the very outer edge of the cover tile and the tank is practically on top of it. </font>
  21. Well of course treebursts will be a problem. As with most everything, there are positives and negatives. But in good coverage(woods/pines), more than likely, you won't be attracting any mortar/arty until you start shooting. If you put them in wheatfields or steppe then they will get spotted much easier, compared to woods/pines. Then probably get the attention of mortars and arty before the troops inside fire a single shot. Yes, no treebursts to worry about, but still. I don't buy it either. Something ain't right with your tests. Simply put, no tanks, buttoned or unbuttoned, will spot any gun(non-fired) hiding in good/wood/tallpines coverage. Unless of course maybe the gun is on the very outer edge of the cover tile and the tank is practically on top of it. [ November 12, 2004, 11:09 AM: Message edited by: MeatEtr ]
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