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Everything posted by MeatEtr

  1. So, um, is CMx2 still on track to be released on my 30th b-day, Jan.15th 2006? It's gonna be the greatest b-day gift known to mankind. I can't wait, you guys are too good.
  2. So, um, is CMx2 still on track to be released on my 30th b-day, Jan.15th 2006? It's gonna be the greatest b-day gift known to mankind. I can't wait, you guys are too good.
  3. Lol, nobody, it's the 10kb virus thats imbedded/wrapped on to the file that'll get you. Viruses come in all shapes and sizes, could be a 500mb or 50kb file, makes no difference. Honeybunch, I run an IT business. I know enough not to be patronised by you. Pull your Paranoid Broom from your backside and get a grip. </font>
  4. Hmm, pretty odd. A very first post with a direct ip link to dl a file? Very suspicious. :confused:
  5. Oh man, this sucks really really bad. What a blow to the cm community. So many scenarios, so many enjoyable searches and battles with them. This is big bad news that hasn't got much attention yet. Although it's only been a few days. I think there just isn't much activity down here in the CMBB forum much anymore. And all everybody seems to be talking about in the CMAK forum is CMx2. Keith, thanks for the great ride while it lasted. The site will be sorely missed.
  6. Looks very kool indeed. Thanks for the early feedback Fox. Please don't stop now, keep it up. Hopefully others who recieve the game early will join in for more info/feedback. Thanks again.
  7. Btw, completely off topic. Mr.Noobie, your T-34 mods rock dude. Good to see you back.
  8. Kool, haven't seen a list like this for years, not since the release of CMBB. All kinds of things like this were brought up. But as the previous posters have said, it's too late for CMBB.
  9. Hehe, the calm before the storm, my fav part of a battle. Give em hell! :mad:
  10. Nicely done Gurra, just got the mod now. Thanks. I don't use CMMOS or any other mod helper. Call me old fashioned, but i just like to apply mods manually. I've got it down to a science now.
  11. Lol, hehe, nicely done snake, i stand corrected.
  12. Not quite sure what he's talking about, jumping the gun here a bit i think. Moon posted this on July 3rd. I think snakeeyes just likes to get peoples attention. :eek:
  13. (FIREWORKS GOING OFF, SIRENS SCREECHING, DRUMS BANGING, WOMEN MOANING IN ECTASY) Yup, it's my 1000th post and i dedicate it to MikeyD and his amazing mods. This is one helluva monster mod release. Very much needed as well, Shermans looking great now. Was playing alot of CMBB lately but now it's time to come back to some CMAK action. What scenario are you refering to? I'm always willing to play a scenario that shows off some new mods. I just fired up a QB allied attack, but i prefer actual scenarios to the QBs. Btw, im using the chevron tracks, no particular reason. P.S. Why would women moan in ectasy over a 1000th post you ask? I don't have a clue, but it does get peoples attention.
  14. What's the deal on the demo? Any idea or update on the status as to when it will be ready? I know im sure you guys want to get a solid demo out for us. That surely will be the determining factor on whether a potential buyer will order or not. Not the screenies or videos. Im just eagerly awaiting the demo, like many others, to try this game out for myself.
  15. Hell yeah man, they look great. Anybody got a drip pan? Because im drooling.
  16. As if anybody can truely size up the tactical situation of that MG crew from that pic. Who really knows for sure? But I do like this pic of a Tiger. You can see the dent in the turret from a shell. Oh and thanks for the links to these great pics.
  17. Yeah, i really wish there was more visual marks/dents/scars from direct hits. Obviously though, im sure the damage from the direct hit will be modeled. But it'd be great to see more effects like sparks or something, rather than either a full explosion/brewed up tank or a unscratched looking tank. The actual explosions don't look all that good IMO, kinda plain looking. Then again i haven't played the game, just judging from what i see in the videos. But in all honesty, i care more about how it plays then it looks. And on that note, where's the demo you bastards?
  18. I must admit, that did look odd to me as well. But IIRC it was the 2nd or 3rd shot on the tank. So i guess maybe a HE shell hitting the track could cause that to happen on multiple direct hits. But then again, i sure as hell wouldn't know.
  19. LOL Haha, the jokes on you...they have your money and you ain't got no game. </font>
  20. Btw, that beef stew i had the other night was great. But earlier tonight i had my fav, Papa Johns pizza. Oh sooo good!
  21. Ok, now this is getting bad and i guess more hilarious. But admins, please check the ip of this fella(ProfHis, ahem, our newest member). I'd be willing to bet it's the same as athlete. Which would constitute a banning correct? Not that i really care. P.S. Still waiting on the beef stew. [ June 09, 2005, 03:35 PM: Message edited by: MeatEtr ]
  22. Ok, well dinner time is coming around now. We're gonna have some good ole fashioned beef stew. I'm looking forward to it, i am a MeatEtr after all. I just hope i chew the beef well and don't choke to death on it. Wish me luck.
  23. Well, i must say, you don't see this stuff in the BB forum much anymore. I'm gonna go have scrambled eggs and bacon for breakfast now. You all have a good day.
  24. Here's some info on mods in this thread.(towards the bottom) I think alot depends on the success of this game initially.
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