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Everything posted by MeatEtr

  1. How about a request? Yo MD, for your 20,000th post, will you bump my infamous "terrorizing telemarketers" thread from the GF? Oh please, oh please, i just can't bring myself to bump my own thread. That would be GREAT Yayyyyyyyyy!!!!!
  2. I'll get in this line. Although i'll be sure to play the hell outta the demo before i buy. Also check out some reviews as well and the feedback from here. Guess CMAK and CMBB will probably be getting much more playtime. Oh well, can't win them all.
  3. I'm pretty sure that would be a "No". There's no bonuses for overlapping terrain, like rubble with foxholes or trenches with foxholes. It's only one or the other. However, overlapping mines, now thats a different thing.
  4. Yup, thats your problem, i had to install it as well. There's a couple of threads about this found here and over here. I, as im sure others have to, assumed that the MS .NET 1.1 had already been installed or part of the default windows install. There really needs to be a sticky "tech help" thread here somewhere. First thing that could be mentioned would be the above problem, that would be a good start. Since im sure there will only be more people with the same problem.
  5. Nevermind, i found this in another thread. It works fine now. However, what exactly is this MS .NET framework? What is it for and what does it do? Any pros or cons? Thanks for any feedback.
  6. Gamespy has also given DiF a very positive review. Check it out!
  7. The heavens have parted and rained down onto you this amazing website. It's called "GameRankings.com". You can always keep track of most reviews released for a game of your choosing. Very handy.
  8. Just dled the new demo. It installs fine, no probs there. But when i try to boot up the game i get this: "DiFOLobbyClient.exe- Application error The app failed to initialize properly. Click ok to terminate." Thought maybe it was my Norton net security, but i disabled it to no effect. Any help plz?
  9. Nope, but you can find some links to audio clips from the in-game action right here. Enjoy!
  10. This is exactly what I'm talking about! Yaayyy! Yaaayy!!! I'm going to have screen shots! That's GREAT! </font>
  11. Master Blaster MikeyD strikes again! :eek: Awesome work as usual, thanks.
  12. Wow, what's the big deal? It makes perfect sense to have such an easily added feature. Regardless of how many customers use it. Why do you think nearly all games that are released have a screen capture in the game? Because THE DEVS use it to make screenshots of their game to, how shall i say, pimp it out. As a matter of fact, they should make 1 copy of the game without the screen capture thingie for Elmar to pay extra for. But in all honesty, i like what David said: I 2nd that.
  13. Hey everybody, got a amazing screenshot from the CMx2 engine here. I had to dig really deep for it. So without further ado, i give to you a screenie of a elite german sniper in a building.
  14. LOL, thanks i needed a good laugh. But i think he was talking about somebody like this.
  15. Ok, time for me to look like an impatient jackass, but here goes nothing. Posted on Aug.25th: I know it's only been just over 2 weeks now. But can't the subject matter for the 1st and 2nd CMx2 games be revealed. Since we all know that's already been decided awhile back and that gathering together the screenies(visual materials) is whats holding the announcement up. I'm willing to wait, as im sure others are too, a week or two for the extra screenies and stuff. C,mon already, spill the beans. [ September 19, 2005, 09:17 AM: Message edited by: MeatEtr ]
  16. Is Molotov Billy the same guy from the DoD dev team? He could be some guy just using his name on the BF forums. I've been a huge fan of DoD since the very first beta 1.0 cam out.(back in 99 i think?) But if it really is him, then it would be a true honor to kick your ass in any CM game of your choosing(email in profile). As for when DoDS will be coming out, in case you haven't seen this quote. Here you go. Ok, back on topic, which ones of the GP pack are you sending out? I got 6 through 10 of the pack and would be willing to send them out to anybody who wants them. P.S. I also have 5 for CMBB if anybody is interested. Sucks with the scenario depot gone. [ August 19, 2005, 07:27 PM: Message edited by: MeatEtr ]
  17. Totally agree. It'd be a different story if your calling your mods things like "total redo" or "from scratch" or "complete overhaul". But even then, it would just be considered a misrepresentation of the lenght/size of the mod. I think your friend thinks of mods as CSS is to HL2 or RO to UT2k4. Which are huge mods that are complete overhauls from the ground-up mods. A mod is still a mod, whether it be a mini-mod or a huge mod. Now go bask in the glory of being right!
  18. Along the lines of what securityguard was saying. It all depends on the situation and the terrain. Obviously at shorter ranges(cities, heavy woods) it's usually better to go with the smg squads and for the longer ranges(open fields, less trees) go with the rifle squads. The smg squads are basically worthless unless you can get in close range. IIRC the soviet recon troops have like 61 ammo pts, but have no lmg and only 1 smg. So they can engage the enemy for much longer periods of time. So the ammo loadout is also important to consider.
  19. Awesome pics guys, thanks alot. Btw, since it's obvious that Finnish steel shovel can get amazing penetration numbers. But just out of curiosity, in case you have blisters and can't operate the shovel, how's the penetration numbers of the 95mm "Musti" rifle? More military pics are always welcomed around here. P.S. I suppose i could post some pics of me playing with my G.I. Joe toys when i was a little kid.
  20. Yeah, i just got this DVD a couple of days ago too. I had been meaning to travel away to see this movie in the theatres, but never got around to it. I got the DVD at BestBuy for $17 and must say, it's worth every penny of it. Not sure what you mean here, there's only one interview with Hitlers secretary Traudl Hunge. The rest of the interviews are of the actors and the director. Nonetheless, the 'making of' feature is an hour long, so they don't skimp out on it. Overall, a great movie with a good DVD feature list.
  21. I agree and was just going to mention this. But on the other hand, it sounds like his opponent is usually picking the Pz4's, not any Tigers, Panthers, or Stugs. Which we all know can be a major bitch to deal with pre-85mm time. Btw, surprised this hasn't been mentioned yet, BUY SNIPERS, at least 2 for a 1000 pointer. Especially when it's mostly a armour engagement. The snipers will kill or at the very least, keep the TC's buttoned up, which can make all the difference in tank duels. They are also good for scouting, giving you a heads-up on enemy movement. Especially if you can get one deep into enemy territory, something of which snipers are good at, since they are the hardest unit to spot in the game.
  22. Pretty kool stuff, like that 3rd one the most. Thanks for the link
  23. So you'll never ever have to ask again. I give to you the very handy Acronym Finder, put it in your favorites list, you'll use it more then you think. I know i do.
  24. Awesome, just finished HSG KC Untrstfhr Muehleck the other day. Had s blast with it. I think your scenarios are great. Just my type too, smaller, vicious, kaotic, and tough battles, which can be finished in one sitting. Keep em coming buddy!
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