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Everything posted by MeatEtr

  1. As usual, kickass uniforms Andrew. Thanks to you all our virtual grunts look great on the CM battlefield. This may not be a good time to ask you this, since you just finished these. But is there any chance in hell we could a dirtier war torn version of you uniform mods?
  2. Another beauty, once again, thanks for the conversion.
  3. Sounds to me like he's doing some pistol work. Ive noticed gun crews(not KOed) do the same thing when the enemy gets in close.
  4. All i gotta say here is "Happy New Year". Im gonna go do the 3 "S"es. Thats ****, shower, and shave. Then im gonna go get drunk at a party. Cya all next year.
  5. Yeah, i got the same thing, i think averybody else does too. I noticed it got worse in CMBB and now even more in CMAK. I can live with it, but i see your point.
  6. Once again, another horrible uniform release by Andrew. He really does make the worst uniform mods around.
  7. Hell no, we don't mind. Once again, automatic download. Thanks Andrew.
  8. Thats always been a great looking Panther. Thanks for the converison.
  9. That reminds me about something. What about rotating on AT mines? Will this set off any? I suppose i could run a test myself, but then again im lazy. Reason i ask is because i vividly remember a battle in CMBO a long time ago where i parked a Sherman right on top of them for several turns. Was rotating alot to engage soft targets. It was one of those instances where the armour duels was over and was time to use the tank on softer targets. Hehe, i had no idea why my opponent was so upset until the battle was over.
  10. Ahh ok, thats what i was looking for, thanks for the links Los. I like the IHF site, large selection and they appear to be cheaper too. Anyways, was wondering how is "The Russian Front" 4 box volume set? Just curious before i sink $60 into it. Already got my shopping cart upto $80. Heck while im at it, what about the "Tanks" 3 box set?
  11. Ahh ha, thats where i heard of it, in the WWII mag. Thanks MD, i didn't realize it was readily available.
  12. Los, i have heard of this training film. How would i go about getting my hands on this? Is it available for download or purchase?
  13. He's just goofing around. The next thing will be the big ole engine rewrite. Which very little details have been announced. They might release a patch for CMAK, but that will be about it.
  14. Wow, thanks for the posts Los and 1st Shirt. I just saw your edited/updated post on the first page 1st Shirt. You have certainly made a believer out of me. Since 1st Shirt has first hand experience and Los has researched this weapon and i have neither of these and you say the shot in question is not BS, then thats sure as hell good enough for me. Now that i know that, id be a fool to say otherwise. Thanks for the info fellas. Ive now taken this out of the BS cabinet, deservedly so. P.S. Welcome to the boards 1st Shirt, i hope to see more of you.
  15. Ah come on, that shot was pure luck. You all know it, admit it. Take note, i never said the shot was impossible and i never said the BS was steaming. Ok, jokes aside, im now very curious how much actual training went into handling the rifle grenades. Is that true Los? I totally agree, it is all about the training. Id say the determining factor would be in the training of this weapon. Sure we all know these guys were highly trained ass kickers(scientific term) but how much did they actually train with the rifle grenades. I just gotta know now. But then again if anybody could make a shot like that, it would be 1 of them. Ive now opened the BS cabinet and am contemplating whether i should take this sucker out.
  16. Im on XP too and i had no problems, i just clicked and dragged. Check this thread.
  17. Forgot to ask. Monty, anyway we can get a war torn dirty version of your german flag mod? Did you do that mod? Or to whoever did the mod. I forget. :confused: [ December 27, 2003, 09:45 PM: Message edited by: MeatEtr ]
  18. Also note that Tanks a Lots excellent concrete and wooden bunker mod works fine with CMAK. Some other good CMBB mods that work fine with CMAK are minefields, barb wire, and trenches.
  19. So....are you saying its easy or common that one could hit a target the size of 2 men at say around 100 yards away and about 3 stories high on a roof with a rifle grenade in 1 shot? (judging from the BoB scene) Grant it, i know the shot doesn't have to be perfect since a grenade exploding just has to be relatively close. But in BoB his shot was just too perfect and i don't buy it. I categorize that in the BS cabinet.
  20. A bit off topic. Which is exactly why i thought it was BS when in BoB they took out that MG team on the roof with one shot from a rifle grenade. I concur 100%.
  21. No Tar, i was wrong. I was drunk when i posted that. I do remember some rumblings about this a long time ago. I think somebody said that the engineers should be able to spot mines or something like that. For like a wishlist for CMAK. I think maybe thats why i posted it.
  22. Yes, engineers can spot mines but they have to be very close in order to do so.(-40m) You would have to park them there for a few turns as well. It doesn't matter the skill level of the tank crew. A elite or green tank crew will only spot the AT mines after they hit one.
  23. Mines won't be identified until one of your tanks/infantry squads takes casualites from it. How else would you be able to spot mines buried in the ground? The daisy chain AT mines can be spotted very easily since their on top of the ground. The only one that can see the mines is of course the defender.
  24. Theres a minefield mod out that changes the color for the AT mines to yellow. So you can easily distinguish between AT and AP mines. Not sure where the mod is located though.
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