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Everything posted by MeatEtr

  1. In case your unaware of this site, here is CMMODS, your go to place for CM mods. There's also Zims excellent CM site. Which hosts Tarkus's awesome Dark Steel interface mod. Also, here is a direct link to Pavlov's Red Victory interface mod. It's a unique soviet inspired mod, very well done. I personally use a combo of both of these great interface mods. They look/work just fine together. There's a bunch of terrain and building mods at cmmods. So you can mod your CMBB to your hearts content. Oh and welcome to CMBB. Once you get used to CMBB, you'll never go back to CMBO. You'll just move on to CMAK and beyond to CMx2.
  2. I remember when this came out a long time ago. But i decided to stay with Tarkus's great Dark Steel interface mod and basically forgot about this one. Now fast foward to a few days ago when i tried this interface mod out. Wow, i love it, it looks great. I like how the title splashscreen has a grainy effect look. I'll be using this one for awhile now that's for sure. Although im not saying it's neccessarily better then Tarkus's interface mod. Because it simply comes down to personal preference. It's just great to give CMBB's interface a makeover once in a blue moon. [ June 06, 2005, 12:24 AM: Message edited by: MeatEtr ]
  3. Kool, looks like the good doctor is a bit of a building destruction grog. :eek: Edit: I just couldn't bare to see my typo. [ June 04, 2005, 12:46 AM: Message edited by: MeatEtr ]
  4. That's great to hear Matt. I'd be willing to pay easily $20-30 for a WWII version/x-pack. I think most would around here. Is it just me, or is it obvious that there's a glaring hole in pc games, WWII tank sims. The market has changed alot since the Panzer Elite day's. There's money to be made here now, the market is ripe. Just take a look at all those BF42 mods(BG42,FH, XWWII), there's amazing detail in the tanks, a primary focus of the mods. I don't play as much as i use to, but it seems that most people just want to play with the tanks mostly. Or how about the inclusion of tanks in the very popular CoD x-pack United Offensive, it's a major part of the x-pack. Apparently, tanks will be a much bigger part of the sequel then they were in the original CoD. But overall, it's way too arcadish for my tastes. Which brings me to my next point. Imagine a WWII tank sim with the scope, detail, and most importantly, realism scale ability, much like that of a IL2 or SH3. So you'll get both the arcade-like and the hardcore sim tanker crowds. Or is it me? [ June 09, 2005, 02:29 PM: Message edited by: MeatEtr ]
  5. Hey that's my quote, how dare you go and start a thread with my words. Where's the justice? :mad: :mad: But like i said, it did need it's own thread. Btw, it's never too early to start talking about possible mod projects.
  6. Dear god almighty that Panther G is gorgeous. Looks great next to your recent Panther A mod as well. I now officially nominate Gurra as the Panther king. And about MikeyD's Panzer IVH, well, what could i possibly say that hasn't already been said. I don't even bother reading or looking at the pics of his mods, i just go dl immediately. Thanks guys, you both rock.
  7. Fair enough, thanks for the response Martin, certainly clears things up. Sorry to hear you guys couldn't get the mp working for the release. Yeah i agree, better to release now a cheaper non-online-mp version rather then wait until the end of the year. That's great to hear about the editor, looking foward to tinkering with it. Btw, although this could probably use it's own thread, how about the modability of the game? You know, for the obvious WWII time period. It'd be great to control, for example, a Tiger or Stug on the Eastern Front.(Panzer Elite fans?)
  8. Thanks for the link. Btw, PC Gamer has also got a preview of the game. Although it's only available in their latest published mag, not online. It was very positive. I suppose i could type it out here if anyone is interested, it's not too big of a preview.
  9. Just read this from over at Blue's News: I don't know how the rest of you feel about this but i don't like it. Half the reason i was gonna purchase this game was to play against some buddies online. I'm so bummed right now, oh well, now we gotta wait til the end of the year for mp and will proabably have to pay extra for it. I hope the sp campaign is gonna be big. But i guess it is good to hear that they will continue working on the game after it's release.
  10. Oh, that's just wrong. Don't fall for it, this is like the following joke.... How do you keep an idiot in suspense? I'll tell you later. </font>
  11. Awesome news, looking forward to the demo. Some nice looking videos as well too.
  12. That suits me just fine too. I'll take one, thanks for the winter mod DEY.
  13. Wow, that was quick, thanks alot Gordon. Now my virtual big kitties look even better. The cake has been officially iced. Junk2drive, no problem at all man. Actually i appreciate you trying to help out. So thank you for the effort. Btw, here's a little scenario to give them new KT's a test drive in. It's from CSDT's Seelow Heights pack. Not too much of a challenge, but still good fun.
  14. Patboy, quick question for you. Will the WW one work in CMAK? I've been playing some Ardennes scenarios lately and have been looking for a 251/9 Stummel-WW. But i just put this sucker in my CMBB, thanks. Btw, awesome WW job.
  15. I tried this and it simply doesn't work due to the, as Gordon said, partial graphic bmps. It will work for the regular sized bmp graphic options, but certainly not the partial graphic bmp options. Which are the majority of the options. I see what your saying and i thought of this too, but i wouldn't know where to begin as to how to do it. [ May 28, 2005, 04:06 PM: Message edited by: MeatEtr ]
  16. Gordon, i totally agree, including all the bells and whistles in the non-cmmos version would be overkill and simply too big anyway. But is there any possibility of getting just a tad bit of the options for the non-cmmos version. Maybe with like just a couple of the tac numbers for the side and rear turret and maybe a couple of kill ring options. It doesn't really matter which tac numbers it would be, artists choice, just to have them on the tank would be great. It would certainly be the icing on this amazing mod cake. Nonetheless, i still love this mod either way, i can't recall ever using KT's as much as i do now. P.S. Looking forward to the other versions.
  17. Is there a way for us non-cmmos users be able to use any of the options available in the cmmos version?
  18. The heavens have parted. Thank you very much for this gem of a mod Lord Gordon.
  19. Yeah i 2nd that, due to the popularity of the Tiger there is always room for more. I'd certainly like to see your work. Oh and Andrew, thanks for the sneak peek. Looking forward to seeing the finished version.
  20. Btw, does anybody know if there's a winter version of MikeyD's excellent Stuh42/late mod available anywhere? Or have i missed it in all of this mod crazyness lately.
  21. Once again, simply awesome MikeyD. Think im gonna go give this new, not seen much, Hetzer a try, looks great. Thanks
  22. Thanks for the bump, i've been away(Cancun). Wow, these Panthers are amazing. Hats off to you Gurra. Thanks a million.
  23. The heavens have parted and rained this gift down onto us. Let the mod orgy begin.
  24. That's exactly what im thinking. Although i thought this crest effect was done away with from a patch a long time ago. Since a gun could be un-KOable from direct HE fire. Because IMO, this pretty much never happens anymore. Im guessing the tanks didn't have much HE shells left anyway.
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