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Everything posted by MeatEtr

  1. Wow, he really is a jedi, only they can see and predict the future. :eek:
  2. Yeah i noticed that too, but again no big deal.
  3. Hey, i just noticed something odd with these new drivers. The smoke/fire now shows through the info/kills box. Im pretty sure this wasn't the case before these drivers. But its not a big deal at all. To see if this little quirk happens with your pc, just click a unit, click enter to bring up the info/kill screen and then position that screen over some smoke.
  4. I was always more partial to kindbud, err, i mean Kindworks. :eek:
  5. I never did try the beta versions of this driver. I usually just wait for the official release and had heard of the AA fix, so i was looking forward to this release. Anyways, i just uninstalled my old 53.03 drivers and installed the new 56.64. Im happy to report no problems at all with CMAK, especially the AA problems. Hell yeah, my alt-tabbing days are over, time for a drink. Edit: Running it on a Geforce FX 5800 Ultra(a.k.a. The Leaf Blower) on WinXP SP1. [ March 16, 2004, 05:04 PM: Message edited by: MeatEtr ]
  6. Its version 56.64. Just wondering if anybody has tried them yet? If so, the usual questions. Any compatibility problems found? Any noticeable performance boost? Here's their press release notes. Just curious.
  7. Thats not entirely true. You troops can stay in the area of the fire only for awhile. Ive seen several times when troops of mine are in an area which catches fire only to be auto-moved(AI) several turns later when the fire gets too fierce. I think troops can move into a area with fire as long as the fire isn't too intense. It all depends how bad the fire is, that goes for houses too. As for how quick or slow a fire can brew up, i just had a HT burning in a wheatfield for over 10 turns until the wheatfield finally caught fire. Just more randomness that makes the CM battlefield fun.
  8. You see, its mods like these, that makes those that refuse to use mods look nuts. Awesome work Mikey, as usual. Thanks a bunch.
  9. Hey, im there and im not even a modder. Wicky, i like the screenshots you got for your hellcat mod. Thats kool how it flashes from the old pic to the new pic. Never seen that before, nice touch it gives. Good job.
  10. Good god almighty, this is a monster mod relase. This is like releasing an entire whore house to all the modsluts out there. Thank you so very much Andrew, those HT's look awesome.
  11. Tank you Tanks a Lot, kool mod. Perfect timing too, my US troops are wading through the Volturno River in the Island Hill op. Their taking a helluva beating from german arty. :mad:
  12. Damn, Oddball is pimping his own mods on Jujus mod thread. Thats bold. Kool foxhole mod Juju, thanks. Dare i ask, whats next on your list?
  13. Damn dude, your good. Once again, amazing work MikeyD. I salute you.
  14. Oh wow, those look awesome. Thanks MikeyD. Gonna go download immediately.
  15. Yeah, ive noticed this. It works 1 minute and not the next. Im new to the Blitz and was wondering if this will be fixed or is being fixed?
  16. Well, well, well, its Juju's ModSlutSmack Pack o Small Arms. I was wondering if we were gonna get treated with your amazing small arms modpacks for CMAK. Its great to see you back. Oh and remember kiddies, rehab is only for quitters!
  17. Better, and in some cases, a helluva alot better. Start downloading immediately. But i gotta warn you, modding any of the CM games becomes a hobby and an addiction.
  18. Either post in the opponent finder forum here. Or go to chat room over at CMHQ.
  19. Thanks alot Dressler, this is a much needed mod for CMAK. The default seemed a bit too plain for me. Also appreciate the option to not have missing side panels. I think they just don't look right.
  20. Thanks for the link John. A great deal too, if you go over $40, then you get a $10 off coupon along with free shipping. Placed my order just last night and they're already shipped, great service. I have now bookmarked this site for future purchases. Thanks again.
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