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Everything posted by Erwin

  1. Beautiful work. However, seems like one of those rare occasions where the shader makes it look a bit too contrasty/bright. The LHS "dull colors" pic looks better to me.
  2. BTW: The Sdkfz 231 at CMMODS is old. For some reason CMMODS often makes old uploads appear at the top as if they were new ones.
  3. Just noticed a Sdkfz 231 by Aris appear at CMMODS.
  4. Good idea to post at Repository and CMMODS as well.
  5. "2-Email games for up to four human players (2 vs 2/2 vs 1)" In CM1 we tried team play a few times - but you really have to rely on your teammates to stick with it and send turns in a reasonable time or everyone gets PO'd. Team play would also benefit if during set-up you could assign units (via password?) to a particular player so that players don't move "someone else's units" in error. But when it works, it's great to have a CinC and (say) 3 subordinates, each ico certain units or KG's.
  6. +1 for Habibollah Kalay. Xnt scenario. You can train to win without "recon by fire".
  7. http://cmmods.greenasjade.net/ is the better/easier/faster place.
  8. I agree and have seen tank guns shoot through individual infantrymen many times in CMSF.
  9. Also back in those days, "survivability" wasn't as high a priority as now. As Rickusty posted elsewhere, the Italian high command saw their troops as expendable.
  10. +1 re the demob. revelation. Thank you for the interesting insights, Rickusty.
  11. If that was a shell being fired that camera must have one hell of a long focal length and be very far away to capture that.
  12. Wow. Now, THAT looked "realistic"!
  13. I especially like the trucks and little scout cars etc. But, everything looks very good. Much as the amazing work by our volunteer modders is greatly appreciated, it would be wonderful to have a game looking so good out of the box that we don't need nearly so many additional mods. Downloading, and mixing and matching 3rd party mods is an enormously time-consuming game in itself - esp when v2.x then makes some older mods obsolete(!). (And of course NEVER release anything until it's ready.)
  14. Another wonderful addition. Thanks, Aris.
  15. Thanks akamezozo. Have you thought about uploading it to CMMODS or here at the Repository?
  16. The irony is that BF believes (with justification if you look at board wargame sales of similar subjects) there isn't enuff market $ for them to develop games like CM:KOREA; WW2 PACIFIC THEATER; CM:VIETNAM etc... however, they also prevent volunteers from trying to do the work for this unprofitable sector, even though one would think that some sort of arrangement could be worked out. There are modders who have worked with the CM series for a decade and would hopefully be trustworthy (not to abuse the situation).
  17. Finally had time to get back to this xnt Libyan campaign. Up to Battle 5 and every scenario so far has been very interesting and entertaining to play. It's fun to play with such a mix of units, Cracks, regulars, mercenaries/Uncons etc. Lots of different vehicles and AFV's. The designer seems to have used everything CMSF has to offer. Well recommended.
  18. Just tested this v1, and I was amazed at how close it felt to be watching one of those UTube videos of RL tankies and BMP's as they race through blown up sections of a city. Turrets swiveling all over the place, firing into buildings, racing between safe spots on roads etc. Great fun.
  19. All good points. And look at Karzai and his warlord gang/govt (all living in Dubai mansions) who have been ripping off the US taxpayer from the very start. Only now it's being talked about openly. The biggest threat to our democracy is the elected officials being removed from any of the concerns of the "common folks". They have their own pensions, medical etc etc so why would they worry about their constituents... the voters that is. They certainly are concerned about their much more important funding lobbyists of course. They even "adjusted" the sequester cuts to the FAA at lightening speed when they realized it affected their own flights home.
  20. Who knew young Richard Branson was a WW2 tank ace AS WELL!!!?
  21. One of the challenges of CM2 is that one often cannot quite get the optimal combination of teams using the split command for this sort of assault. But, yes the principle is good. Others have been asking for a specific "BUILDING ASSAULT" command that would make this work better.
  22. The good thing about auto maps is that they made for a starting point that was better for adapting than starting from scratch from a blank map. On the other hand so long as we have talented map and scenario designer who enjoy making them, that's more important.
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