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Everything posted by Erwin

  1. I started both when the game first came out. But, decided to wait until the game is fully patched and modded. Looking forward to starting em again playing the "final" version.
  2. What many of us have been requesting is an overhaul of the acquire/buddy aid system so that: 1) You can choose whether to take the WIA man's weapon and also how much ammo. 2) Units only have to be adjacent to other units or vehicles in order to be able to acquire (swap even) weapons and ammo. There should be safeguards built in to avoid one unit taking all the MG's for example. ie: limit to a reasonably realistic number etc.
  3. +1 if programming this is practicable. There are SO many conditions to be evaluated and it would be easy for the "pinned" troops to do something else equally annoying.
  4. Interesting: 21. says the SMG of the driver. I didn't even know there was a "mounted SMG" for the driver. However, it does not appear to be referring to the MG mounted at the top for use by the commander.
  5. Once again... an amazing map. Hope for an AI scenario one day.
  6. Thanks Baneman. I wondered what dots going red signified. It didn't seem to be an ammo issue.
  7. Thanks ArgysEye. Your explanation is so obvious when you put it that way. This thread has been a real education.
  8. I loved the quote: “I’d love to sit at a cafe and just hang out. The last time I was there as a senator, I still had the option of wandering through the Old City of Jerusalem. That option becomes much trickier once you’re actually president. You can’t just slip out and interact with people without having a bunch of guys with machine guns with you.” Is it accurate when he said "machine guns"?
  9. If you mean CM2, am sure that there has been such a delay since CMSF.
  10. +1. Even for checking out scenarios, it would be great to see something a lot quicker than loading the whole thing.
  11. never had a mortar shell hit a nearby tree. does that mean an HE mortar shell could kill its own crew? Or does the game simulate the safety timer/fuse? if, so of course wouldn't smoke shells also have a fuse/timer?
  12. Yes, the Syrian towns featured look like bombed out German cities after WW2. The only good aspect is that they'll probably be rebuilt with modern structures that are quite nice. Now's the time to buy Syrian real estate!
  13. That's a good idea for play efficiency - even if one uses on-map indirectly. The logic would be that you HAVE to use the menu for offmap, so would need it for offmap more often than onmap arty.
  14. I didn't understand much of this. Could someone please provide a crayon version interpretation? Many thanks.
  15. +1 re making the arty tool more visible. I also find it hard/time-wasting to figure out what gun I am using. Re the FO, the game system should be making thing easier for us re LOS not harder. The FO should be in whatever position is best for LOS - unless an enemy is close or he's being fired at. If we're going to get into too much micromanagement we're going to end up with game that can only handle a platoon, or may as well become a first person experience (like the xnt Panzer Elite was for a tank platoon).
  16. "I think I missed the exit... never mind, this should do it..."
  17. And also N. Korea seems more of a problem than Iran which appears to be run a bit more rationally despite the Mullahs. The Iranian middle class are doing quite nicely and have everything to lose.
  18. Agreed... Re UAV's one can buy relatively cheap model helicopters and fixed wing aircraft that can carry payloads for use as short range recon and missiles. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WcfdY1sZlsw
  19. "I wish they'd do even a cursory strategic layer though." +1 to that... Altipueri: IN CM1 the mods are the actual bmp's and they replace whatever bmp's you have in your BMP folder. If you haven't saved the default bmp's they are lost. In CM2 it's safer... All the mods go in a folder you create in the DATA folder and call "Z". They are loaded last and therefore show up in the game in ALL scenarios however created. You can also then remove those mods easily and replace with other mods, or let the game go back to default graphics.
  20. I still enjoy CM1 for different reasons than CM2. They are really quite different game systems that share a similar name for promotional/marketing reasons. CM2 is much more detailed than CM1, more like a simulation and significantly more work to play well. For those reasons and computer power, you rarely see large CM2 scenarios and nothing like the huge CM1 scenarios. CM1 is more of a game and is more fun for a quick session.
  21. Thanks George... By pure chance I only just now found the mods. They are under CMSF BASEGAME. (I had been searching NATO.) Wow what a huge amount of work you did. Thanks. Am delighted to finally delete the mess of SYROPE files and folders.
  22. "If it is a campaign you seem to lose the scavenged weapon in the next mission as it reverts to the soldiers default." I am certain that my troops have held onto their scavenged weapons in a campaign. Have often had squads with 2 or 3 MG's etc. You may have been sent new troops in some campaigns.
  23. So, we simply replace the old Wittman's Demise with this? (No reason to hold onto the old one?)
  24. As my father was Polish am always interested in Polish scenarios. But, it would be helpful if you said if it is H2H or vs AI.
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