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Everything posted by Erwin

  1. I tried TOW and just couldn't get into it. Didn't enjoy the RT aspect and the difficulty in controlling so many units. I really like CM much more. But, I regret that the CM2 series has focused towards (imo) an unachievable "realism" goal. The problem is that the more detailed and "realistic" the effort, the more the unrealistic aspects stand out. I am concerned that the plain old "fun" aspect of playing a game is being put in the BG (unless you have the mind of a detail-oriented accountant).
  2. Just curious... if it's that easy for a PzIV to hit a Sherman turret at CM2 ranges, then why don't the German crews do that all the time anyway? One would think that the AI would calculate the best probability of a kill would be to aim for the turret if it's about as easy to hit as the body. And hence it wouldn't matter if the Sherman was hulldown or not.
  3. Do your desaturated trees (and bocage) work in CMFI (or do the bocage bits screw it all up)?
  4. Am curious how much extra time does it take you to do the various mod versions for season and weather etc. compared to the earlier games?
  5. We'd need to know some probabilities on that, Womble. Presumably it's a lot harder to hit just the turret as it's smaller. So, you have a better probability of not getting hit at all if you're hull-down. If you're not hull down what are the probabilities of a non-lethal hull hit vs a lethal turret hit? Someone with a statistical BG maybe could illuminate.
  6. It makes sense that a directional arc will increase the spotting abilities in that direction cos all eyes are turned in that direction. Per Womble's point, the problem with only using FACE is that I find I lose more men to them shooting at units that shoot back when they'd be better off just quietly spotting while I bring up something heavier to blast the enemy. So, a faster way to get irectional arcs - esp the greatly missed 180 degree arc would speed up play for folks who do frequently use directional arcs.
  7. Wish there were more scenarios or campaigns that featured the AC's. Looks great!
  8. So, if we use the bldg. mods we lose the café name? Hope Pat or Tanks a Lot put the name in there (at some time).
  9. IIRC setting a directional arc will improve spotting by a "small amount". But, of course we are not told how much. I almost always use a directional arc to get every advantage I can get on principle. Wish we could get back to the "one-click" 180 degree arcs of the earlier CM as it takes time to make them now. Spotting issues that are of major concern: 1) Stationary troops near vehicles (esp tanks) can't spot the AFV's even though they must be making a huge amount of noise (and ground vibration) whether stationary or moving. This really affects ambushes. You would think that troops hiding on one side of a wall, would know there is a tank rumbling on the other side and pop up and shoot it with AT weapons. 2) Moving units seem better at spotting stationary unit than stationary units are at spotting moving units. As I almost always play as attacker (vs AI), this is lovely. But, in the few times I have been on defense it's "disturbing". In terms of LOS issues, I was shocked that one can spend hours placing units like bunkers to get good Field of Views, only to find that when placed it drops into the ground thus eliminating the LOS that you planned. How on earth can a designer place bunkers effectively?
  10. Bizerte Conrath's Counterattack GL Foiling Fustian GL Monte Cassino GL Raging Buffalo GL The Corridor Invasion at Gela The Fleeting Moment Troina (2 versions) I don't think there have been any user-made campaigns for CMFI or GL. (Plz give d/l links if there are.)
  11. What makes modders'' work even harder are the number of versions they now have to make re season and weather conditions. I didn't think it would be possible to be even more impressed with what Aris is accomplishing for us... but I certainly am.
  12. Re recovering the KT. IIRC I used the engineers to blast paths through the hedges to get the crew plus supporting units to the KT and reverse the KT out. Lost one crew members. Don't recall who else, but nobody important lol.
  13. Those are terrific Finnish War pics. Thanks. A great resource for uniform modders as well re how beat up and drab the uniforms are.
  14. We talked about how the west's strategy was to get those factions to turn their attentions and start killing each other (instead of us). Looks like that may work brilliantly. Hope they don't come to their senses and join up now.
  15. Hey, I'd like something like in the Silent Hunter submarine series where you can award medals and promote crew in campaigns between battles. But, probably that would be too much like fun and annoy the "realism at all costs" crowd.
  16. The problem I found with the KT and other Tigers in other scenarios as well is that altho' they have enuff armor to survive, they seem to suffer from frequent gun hits and become mobile MG pillboxes rather quickly. Have no idea if this was addressed in any patches.
  17. Marco Bergman is working on a new interface graphics for GL.
  18. There may be something wrong with your shaky hands, Jason. I have a 10x and it's perfectly steady. (Wouldn't go bigger mag tho'.)
  19. ah... I understand. Thanks for being so perfectionist.
  20. So you didn't tweak the video card settings, only the in-game settings? I have all the in-game settings set to "Best" but am constantly fiddling with my NVidia card settings to try and get the best "look". However, that seems to change depending on time of day etc. But, my inf and terrain still don't look as at good as yours. But, hopefully, it's your wonderful modding skills.
  21. They look really good. You have to tell us what video card or other visual settings you use.
  22. It's probably all got to do with the "tug of war" between the "realism" fans vs the "fun gameplay" fans. I am one of those who loved the CM1 operations system - especially dynamic campaigns where you could make progress on a huge map on which you played only on a section and could move the front line back and forth depending on each battle's result.
  23. If one can only use one option, does it really matter if the US BG doesn't match?
  24. We can always use another good campaign. As more and more game versions get developed there have been fewer and fewer scenarios and campaigns for each.
  25. Holien seems to be using the full trees, branches and leaves setting. IIRC repeatedly hitting trees with HE will eventually degrade them, but I have never seen the above phenomenon (a denuded tree thanks to HE when the full tree branch and leaves setting is used). Is there an explanation?
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