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Everything posted by Erwin

  1. Conversely, why would an exterior location be any more "stable" than inside a building? "You put the tripod down, as soon as the extra weight of the gun is layed on top, one leg sinks into the mud. You scurry around for rocks to place underneath the leg, then the rock crumbles cos it's not solid but like road base. Then you find that your LOS is obscured by a particularly thick part of hedge, or a tree trunk, so, you..."
  2. In that case, apologies... Obviously, I very much hope we'll eventually have waypoints and lines function as they did in CM1 as it would speed up gameplay considerably.
  3. Unless it's like Theatre of War, how on earth can one control all those units (and in Real Time???)?
  4. "Yeah, (one of) the point(s) of using the lines to select is to retain the context of what you're messing with, and automatically wooshing half way across the map back to the unit would be irritating in the extreme (especially if you happened to click the wrong line in a crowded situation)." Clearly, we use different techniques to play the game. I find the above issue happened rarely to me in CM1. The frustration of constantly having to go back and locate a unit in order to then go someplace else in the map to adjust its waypoint happens much more frequently in my CM2 games and is far more time-wasting and irritating.
  5. So you are saying that it is actually impossible to do a set-up with any certainty of a desired LOS or result?
  6. "What is needed is to figure out why it didn't work. What was the key to spotting that we all seem to have missed?" That seems to assume that the system is perfect and all issues are human-player related. The LOS system is frustrating as it too frequently doesn't seem to mirror RL. I think most us would share in GAJ's frustration.
  7. The lack of spotting of a dirty great beast like an Elefant makes one wonder (again) if there is something wrong with the spotting programming. Stationary units should be harder to spot, moving units should be much easier.
  8. I have wondered however if CMx2's campaign system discourages the creation of CM2 campaigns. In CM1, once you made a large map, all you had to do was worry about the reinforcement schedule for a campaign. With CM2, designers have to create new maps with new AI plans etc for every scenario.
  9. Going to level 9 is almost like having a minimap. Any smaller scale in a large scenario and a minimap wouldn't be that useful. I do wish that the "ctrl-click" metyhod of moving around a map worked better. In CM1 is was very reliable and would takeone to exactly where one wanted. In CM2, "ctrl-click" on an area of the map seems to send one off somewhere totally confusing most of the time.
  10. "I find it a pleasurable challenge to scan over section of front and find my forces in tatters and I haven't a clue why." A good therapist may be able to help.
  11. The pics look amazing. Very lifelike. Request: If you do a new version that replaces an old version plz say so in the "readme" file. It's hard to figure out what older mods in the Z folder are actually showing up with every new version of the game.
  12. Thanks for the pics Luke. Shows how the bands blend in quite well in field use.
  13. If that was deliberately programmed in, it is very cool. Makes sense that for a short move they would just lift up the deployed weapon and carry the whole thing with tripod a few meters and plonk it down ready to fire.
  14. for reviews of cardboard wargames try www.boardgamegeek.com
  15. I hope that the need to have so many mods for different games plus different versions will eventually be addressed. Half the time I dunno which mod is working these days.
  16. +1. Getting waypoints that have that CM1 feature would greatly improve/increase the speed of CM2 gameplay. Been asking for that for so long with seemingly little interest from the community, am thrilled that it is now being widely discussed.
  17. That clownface is scarier than the SS skullshead mod.
  18. A lot of interesting helmets there. But, we should be guided more by WW2 pics and docs of combat troops rather than museum examples.
  19. The desirability of being able to click on any waypoint or line and immediately be able to issue orders to that unit has definitely been raised several times b4 on these forums ever since CMSF. That extremely useful CM1 feature is probably by far the most time-saving item making CM1 much faster to play. It would make CM2 much quicker to play as well - esp larger scenarios.
  20. Michael: If the grip is the same angle as the Garand and was to be used in the same way, that's a good argument. But, I thought it was designed to be an auto support weapon - and we can see in the other MG pics that their grips are at a completely different angle. Was this gun at lot before the Stg44 (ie: an experimental predecessor)?
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