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Everything posted by Erwin

  1. Since we had partisans in CM1, hopefully we'll see em in CM-OST.
  2. It depends on the order in which you split the squad into three teams.
  3. For its scale I still find the graphics acceptable. Great to see long convoys of armor and transports... Flamethrowers... And the foxholes are better than in CM2.
  4. Just wanted to say how impressed I am with the EUROSCAPE series of mods. They seem to depict the vehicles in particular in far more detail than the desert versions - even the mods made for Syria. Wish the Syrian mods had as much realistic-looking detail. Thanks to everyone who worked on putting EUROSCAPE together.
  5. That's interesting re Win8. I guess will have to look into it. Not sure I need touchscreen features though. What other advantage does Win8 have?
  6. ************SPOILERS************* Been wanting to complete this superb scenario for months and finally got around to it. Automatic Total Victory with 46 minutes to go. It was a wonderful training mission with German, US and ANA forces. However, I hate it when the scenario suddenly ends like that when I still am unsure if I have accomplished the mission. Friendlies: 22 KIA and 33 WIA Enemy: 76 KIA and 140 WIA (18 still alive although mostly yellow WIA) Was amazed at the number of IED's. I guess I did it right, reconned with inf and killed the trigger men. Although it still seemed like high friendly casualties. This would be a good scenario to replay as (IIRC) there are different AI plans, and several possible strategies to take in order to clear the road and relieve the beleaguered forces at the dam. For example, you have to first decide if the ANA will go ahead with US and German support, or if the US will do the heavy lifting with ANA and German support. There is open country fighting as well as MOUT-type challenges. Highly recommend this scenario.
  7. "These guys = conscripts " So, basically like going to work via the subway system these days? (Or, maybe flying Southwest Airlines??)
  8. Messing with expensive components scares the cr%$ out of me as I have no instincts for assembling this stuff. IKEA is bad enuff. I usually get mine built by XI computers in California. They do high end machines akin to Falcon. I always think I will upgrade rather than buy new. But, after 4-5+ years of troublefree use, I figure it's time for something bad to happen so I'll probably buy all new again. I just hope I can still get Win 7.
  9. That was one of the most interesting cips as it showed an entire operation from start to finish like in the CMSF game. Inf trying to run from building to building gets WIA. They bring in a "Tanky" and an APC to rescue him. Then more "Tankies" come in and make smoke and provide covering fire the rest of the inf unit can run between the buildings. Then the "Tankies" withdraw and refuel. Great stuff. And I will start calling my oppo's armor "Tankies" from now on just to irritate him (or her).
  10. These days you can link your computer (preferably via HDMI) to any size HDTV for a decent image.
  11. That must be why the pilots are now behind soundproof/blastproof doors.
  12. IIRC ATG's were deployed in platoons with (ideally) interlocking FOF. It's cos the CM2 maps/scenarios are so small that we end up with ones and twos of things.
  13. Heh. Well that's clearly where I went wrong. But trust me you wouldn't want "the destroyer of machines" (me) to get too close to any equipment.
  14. Hell, a Korean conflict set today would be interesting. I do wish that CM2 was more moddable, so that we could mod Arab-Israeli, Korean, even India-Pakistan (although since that's Red on Red can we not already do that in CMSF?). BTW: Had a conversation with Chinese rep yesterday and he swore up and down that the west has nothing to fear from any Chinese military expansionism. So, modding that theater is going to be a bust lol.
  15. Thanks for the clarifications...
  16. Thanks for the advice. It just plain scares me to run armor into unscouted territory. In RL, wouldn't one send scouts in first?
  17. The point is that there are probably so many other problems that are statistically more likely (exploding batteries anyone?) that this is the same as people worrying about getting killed in an air crash when you are far more likely to die driving to the supermarket. Are we panicking about driving?
  18. I keep wondering are these specifically for Sicily/Italy, or would they be suitable/realistic for CMBN?
  19. In CM1 crews were valuable to keep alive and had poor spotting capabilities to prevent them being used as scouts. Any idea if the same is true in CM2?
  20. IIRC The whole cell phone ban issue was that drug dealers were doing deals and couldn't be tracked when in the air at 500 mph. Then the airlines realized that they could charge flyers simply for the privilege of routing the calls via their own tech. Safety issue totally bogus.
  21. "If you expect to upgrade you really need to get more than 1KW power plant these days. The vid cards are thirsty. That's utter nonsense. I run my GTX 680 at far less power than that." When I went to upgrade an older machine with about 850W I found I couldn't due to the higher power requirements of cards and probably everything else. Maybe your machine is better optimized. You build them yourself?? +1 for big screen. Dell was selling off 30" units a few years ago and I bought one even though my hardware couldn't run it(!). After I got a decent machine it's been great - something like 2700x 1800 resolution.
  22. Ooops. Should have read "Competent Incompetence."
  23. Just completed this 4 scenario campaign. Really enjoyed it. Well worth a look. Fun to play as the Russians with Afghan allies.
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