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Everything posted by Erwin

  1. "If you expect to upgrade you really need to get more than 1KW power plant these days. The vid cards are thirsty. That's utter nonsense. I run my GTX 680 at far less power than that." When I went to upgrade an older machine with about 850W I found I couldn't due to the higher power requirements of cards and probably everything else. Maybe your machine is better optimized. You build them yourself?? +1 for big screen. Dell was selling off 30" units a few years ago and I bought one even though my hardware couldn't run it(!). After I got a decent machine it's been great - something like 2700x 1800 resolution.
  2. Ooops. Should have read "Competent Incompetence."
  3. Just completed this 4 scenario campaign. Really enjoyed it. Well worth a look. Fun to play as the Russians with Afghan allies.
  4. If you expect to upgrade you really need to get more than 1KW power plant these days. The vid cards are thirsty.
  5. ************SPOILERS************** I have attempted the Brit version but having a very hard time proceeding with any kind of speed without casualties. Firstly the briefing warns that low-lying areas are soft so vehicles are prone to bogging. So, I put my heavy tanks behind the hills on the Brit R and L flanks along with an FO on each. This tends to make em useless since my biggest fear is enemy ATGM's. I then moved along the central gully with my platoon. But, left the inf AFV's behind for similar reasons. After a light bombardment of the closest NAI, I get ambushed and lost 2-4 inf in two tries. The only thing I can I can think of is that one must heavily bombard each NAI first and just have the inf move in to count the bodies. But, am unsure how much arty ammo I have, and don't want to prematurely run low. Even so it takes me 30 minutes to this point, and the assault force arrives in another 30 minutes. I certainly won't have time to recon many further NAI's at this rate. Any pointers re tactics or how to proceed?
  6. is there any chance that BF can provide us a list of the new naming conventions for all the mods made for previous versions? I have literally hundreds of mods (for each CM2 game) and it would be very helpful to know which are completely useless now and can be deleted, and which work ok and which need to be renamed in order to work. Just knowing which will never work and can be deleted or moved to an UNUSED MOD folder would be a great help.
  7. There have been some threads about renaming mods to make em work with the new version. Right now I have probably hundreds of mods in each game and it's a bit of a mess to figure out which are working and which are not or need to be renamed. Very frustrating.
  8. Would you also have possible jamming of the UAV by the enemy, or even them taking control and using it vs friendlies? Presumably the UAV would not be any better at spotting enemies hiding in buildings. To spot guys hiding on rooftops or in streets I currently I use helicopters with a wide area fire command. I still am unclear what extra info your UAV's would provide over the current helicopter option. I suppose that the only difference is that helicopters are seen firing at unseen targets. It's not that I am against the concept. But, I would be very surprised if this were a priority for BFC when there are so many other much more urgent issues to fix.
  9. IIRC onmap guns don't have a TARGET WIDE option.
  10. So HOW will it play out during a battle? If it functions "in the same way that manned air support is currently simulated" then what is the difference? It would be very helpful if you can describe a single typical one minute turn explaining precisely how these UAV's would function that is different from the way air support is depicted now.
  11. Maybe I simply didn't see the IED's in the setup turn. Will take another look. *********** Ok I restarted scenario 5 - initial set-up turn. But, I can't see any IED's. I have seen them in in other scenarios when the blue teams discover them. "You can see them in the setup menu with a blue square as you can any other friendly unit or an explosion icon during battle if you have these options on." Sorry, don't understand what you are saying. I go to level 8 or 9, and I can see all the units. I can drag a rectangle around all units to select them. But, no IED's.
  12. The other issue is what sort of map size would a UAV patrol over. I reckon a UAV would have a hard time turning in order to even stay on a typical CM2 map. And if you're saying that the UAV could be a few miles away using its zoom lens that can read a number plate on a car at 10+ miles away, then what about space-based satellites that reputedly can do the same. Would we see a window showing a TV image of what the UAV or satellite can see - and then we could just order a tomahawk or aircraft missile to take out the target - just like in RL. My concern is that I do not see a use for these high tech systems in a "miniatures-like" GAME in which people like "pushing" tanks and squads around. However, if you can describe the how the gameplay of such a scenario would be experienced by a player, it would be interesting.
  13. A bit confused by this one. In Battles 5 and 6 one is given IED trigger teams. But, I don't see any IED's. Are they hidden someplace and I need to place them in the setup turn? And until the night scenarios I don't understand why one even has engineers with demo charges since one can't get close enough to any Russian units to use em. Anyone completed this campaign?
  14. You know how some folks love ancients, and some like men o' war, and some like Napoleonics... I predict that the majority of the folks who like WW2 and tanks and conventional conflicts are not going to "get" next generation warfare. Not that it isn't interesting. But, so are some sci-fi games...
  15. And there are some nice Syrian mods available as well.
  16. Agreed. A probability thingy would do the trick. Eg: 10% probability the team will be able to acquire a third MG.
  17. "Give them an order into the danger zone, then an order back where they came from..." Interesting tactic... Will try that. Usually I use a combination of HUNT and QUICK, hardly ever use FAST. Not sure I see any observable difference other than units tire quickly on FAST (plus IIRC they are more likely to keep running to the next waypoint rather than seeking cover).
  18. That's a very useful discovery. In all CM2 games incl CMSF there have been certain vehicles that carry acquirable ammo, but one can't get anyone other than the original crew to mount those vehicles to get at the ammo. Would be great to have this looked at. Am still hoping that we will have an overhaul of the acquire capability so that ADJACENT units can swap/acquire ammo and even weapons (with restrictions so you can't give one unit more than a certain number of, say, MG's etc). The requirement to jump into and out of vehicles is a PITA in WEGO.
  19. Finally completed this xnt scenario... ******** SPOILERS ********** Got a draw 100 Brits vs 87 Taliban. Even though there were still enemy in the two NE VL's the system awarded me all objectives (strange). I lost one AFV and one wheeled vehicle, 10 KIA vs 144 enemy KIA; 22WIA vs 86 enemy KIA. What surprised me was to find that many enemy had infiltrated/reinforced at some point during the scenario into my rear area start positions. That's why the enemy still had 57 guys to my 125-ish. The new enemy forces just stayed there and I had no idea they were there or when they had arrived. It had never occurred to me to leave any troops behind as a guard. This was an xnt training scenario and helped me learn and relearn how to conduct a prepared inf assault with air and arty support. Unless there are significantly different AI defense strategies, I don't think I would want to play again, as now I know the enemy positions and that is more than half the battle. Thanks to the designer. Wish there were more challenging scenarios like this out there Now, I have to go complete A HELLUVA ROAD OPENING which is the other scenario that is xnt for training in inf assault supported by arty only (IIRC).
  20. John: The footage doesn't show the Brummbar firing. Did you watch it?
  21. Unfortunately, I have no talent as a designer or modder. Learned that with CM1. And CM2 is waaay harder.
  22. Does one see that MP40 with the crew if they abandon the vehicle? Also, I was referring to the "mounted" bit. Am still unsure if the MG we've been discussing stayed with the vehicle or was dismounted for inf use.
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