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Everything posted by Erwin

  1. The problem with storing anything in "The Cloud" is that when the EMP burst happens or enterprising hackers bring down the system as they surely will one day, then we will be happy that we have hard copy DVD's. (Of course our computers won't work. But, at least we can hold the DVD's in our hands and imagine the wonderful games we had.)
  2. The jeep and kubelwagon mod is one of my favorite. Thanks...
  3. Yup. Using it there now. What about CMSF and CMA??
  4. Thanks. I will take another look at my Return To Baghdad folder.
  5. I use this in CMBN. Can't recall if it works in CMFI as well?
  6. I thought there was no longer a time limit on downloads. And in any case BFC seems good at allowing extra downloads if a customer has a good reason.
  7. Would a "shoot and scoot" order be usful for infantry AT work? Currently, it's hard to predict how long it will take for a unit to aim and fire (a bazooka) if you want to plot them to run to another location immediately after firing.
  8. Thanks for the correction YD. The HIDE + covered arc system worked very well as an ambush technique in CM1. Many of miss it in CM2 as having units on HIDE in CM2 when in close proximity to enemy troops is almost suicide.
  9. "I thought there was an "Ambush" command in CM1." Yes, and many wish CM2 had one too. But, the usual crowd say it's not needed...
  10. Thanks. That's good to know. I need to start permanently deleting mods that either are obsolete, or no longer work with the latest patches/versions. It's hard to figure out which those are.
  11. Yes, very useful reference/reminder even if one is experienced. Thanks...
  12. Baron: How do these new mod mixes work with the "SS CAMO Blurred edge early type" and "WAFFEN SS BLUR" mods? Should we only have one of your uniform mods in the Z folder, or do they somehow work together?
  13. Michael was referring to "pre-prepped" bridges. So the work of wiring em up would be already done when the scenario starts. Interesting idea. But, there would have to be an Achilles Heel. Like it takes "x" turns to actually blow the bridge, during which enemy paras for example could neutralize the triggerman (like we could do with IED triggermen in CMSF?) or otherwise capture the bridge.
  14. I keep useful mods in an UNUSED MODS folder. So, it makes a difference if a mod is completely obsolete and can be permanently deleted from one's HD, or simply a variant that should be saved in case of future need.
  15. Awesome work. Thank you. Note that there were 4 or 5 files that had names that were "too long". Not sure what to do about that or even what files those were.
  16. Does this replace the "DAS REICH SS CAMO and MIX" (of 2/11/13 and 8/27/13), or is it simply another variant and we should keep all?
  17. Looks good. Where do you get the dirty faces?
  18. Does this also replace the WAFFEN SS BLUR files you did? I love your work, but I now have so many of your uniform mods am completely confused if I need to keep some of the earlier ones, or if you have compiled everything into the two new 12SS and DAS REICH uniform files available yesterday at CMMODS. Can we delete ALL your previous SS Uniform mods, or are some of them still used/useful?
  19. Your idea of "burn down" is good. Makes the uniforms look worn. Too many times they look quite new. I plan to copy your "burn down" mods and replace many of the new-look mods with them. But I note that you call it SS v2, and you already have an SS v2. Or at least I have one that I think is yours - it looks very similar. Would be helpful if you call it v3(??) So we should just replace the old v2 with this new one?
  20. There's definitely a market here eager for new scenarios. So, thanks...
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