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Battlefront is now Slitherine ×


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Everything posted by Erwin

  1. Hey... Wouldn't it be cool if we had a victory video at the end of our CM battles where we saw units done up like yours doing a parade?
  2. I understand the policy. Am talking re the psychology of marketing so that customers perceive value etc...
  3. ********SPOILERS********* I split all my squads into short range assault and long range support. Put all support in buildings that could fire at the bunker and overwhelmed it. IIRC it was abandoned after a few turns, or possibly I was able to get my assault guys up along the left most edge into the ditch next to the canal. and hence close to the bunker. The support and mortars then need to suppress any MG's (and the gun) across the canal so your assault troops can rush the bridge and outflank. IIRC I got a surrender Total Victory. And of course I play WEGO like any real man would. Hope this helps...
  4. Thank you EZ... Works with CMRT or does not work with CMRT? Only Heer uniforms are in this mod. You doing others?
  5. BF needs a couple months just to recover from RT. Game development is knackering - esp around launch. So, I would give em some time b4 asking for another game.
  6. Not sure about that. Once the fighting has moved away so that the area is safe, I find my rear echelon guys provide buddy aid about the same as before. There's just so many more Russian casualties...
  7. Maxims seem to work very well. Enjoying the first Soviet campaign mission. Have yet to actually get my flamethrowers in range of anything tho'. Some day, I hope that BF can adjust something so that the discovery of a minefield by the first poor sod to get blown up will automatically stop everyone else from following in blindly and also getting blown up. That's where 80% of my casualties are occurring since am trying to move Soviet platoons en mass rather than the careful way we usually handle Germans. But, this is the best out of the box CM game from BF so far. The maps, graphics etc all seem superior and no new issues so far. Great job!
  8. Re parade paint don't they also paint the outlines of the wheels white as well and also splash guards etc. (or is that only with their modern stuff)?
  9. YankjeDog - I read your post but am still not clear re what changes if the mines are marked. Are you saying that marking mines definitively reduces the probability of blowing one up when moving through?
  10. Unfortunately, it seems that one has to learn the game by trial and error. The manuals have been somewhat lacking in explanations. The CMRT manual is actually way better in explaining the basics to new players than any previous manual. So that's a good step. But even us longtime players don't know exactly what is going on. eg: There doesn't appear to be a definitive answer to the effects of minefields and how best to deal with them. You eventually just learn to roll with the punches and ignore the pain and suffering of not knowing basic things...
  11. One solution is to include extra content with a v3 upgrade, so there is better "feel" about getting value.
  12. It's not a big issue and I have learned to live with the uncertainty, but this minefield issue re how they actually function has been around since CMBN. So, that is quite a few years. You'd think by now we'd all understand it... let alone beta testers. I find that unless one is told where there is a minefield there is no realistic way of finding one other than someone getting blown up. THEN you can use an engineer to mark em. But, does marking em have any effect other than informational or victory conditions? Would be great to get a definitive answer to this easy question. Am also sure I have had troops blown up by any kind of movement thru a minefield other than SLOW. AFAIK SLOW is the ONLY safe method of traversing a minefield.
  13. Some really xnt feature improvements. Thank you...
  14. Speaking of lighting, what causes the shimmering when "shaders" are on? (I think I will have to keep "shaders" turned off due to that.)
  15. These out of the box models are really great.
  16. "the fighting on other fronts—including the skies over the Reich—that made it possible for the Red Army to go all the way to Berlin." Am sure the Allies didn't plan for the Soviets to go that far and take over half of Europe. IIRC The Soviets thought the west was hoping that Germany would bleed the Soviets to weakness, but were shocked when the Soviet steamroller started, and that is what provoked the WAllies into invasion etc. as they suddenly got concerned that the Soviets would end up in Paris. Churchill long argued for the 2nd Front 2 B in Greece not Italy to intercept and prevent the Soviet occupation of that part of Europe.
  17. It may be simply that the WAllies had more transport. IIRC riding on tanks was primarily a stopgap solution to not having sufficient transport to carry infantry.
  18. Bulletpoint: There is rarely one simple answer to any of your questions. It will depend on the circumstances. eg: Flanking. CM2 guns have slow traverse, so if you are shooting at an ATG from the flank it will take them some time to rotate to be a threat to your flanking unit. If you have more than one unit firing at a gun from different directions, the gun can only respond to one target.
  19. "To the best of my knowledge..." MikeyD, this is weird... You are a beta tester, and you're saying you don't really know how the game works? How engineers function and what are the effect of marking mines is is something that should be a cut and dried rule and in the manual. In RL, one would know what one's engineers are capable of. Surely somebody at BF can definitively explain these sorts of important gameplay features once and for all?
  20. I rather hope there are very few mods. Keeping up with mod versions in previous CM2 releases was starting to take more time than playing. Am happy that CMRT looks pretty good out of the box.
  21. mjk: I was just looking at the campaign setup and I noticed the absence of the HQ's. Had to rush off after that. Hope I have time to actually play later. So, no 2nd Inf Company HQ or 1st Company HQ Tanks is deliberate? AFAIK all 2nd inf company units are on map, so why no Company HQ?
  22. That Panther really looks like as if it had been modded. Lovely work for out of the box!
  23. Re Darth Vader, I always sympathized with him and The Empire. I mean, it tales a LOT of work to run a zillion planet Empire and keep everyone fed, appropriately employed, good medical and retirement benefits etc. What the hell did the Rebels ever do except blow things up (like the largest high tech device ever built - how many workers died?) and try to restore an obviously oligarchic monarchy influenced by mystics and magic (wasn't that Tzar Alexander b4 the revolution)? Damn terrorists they would be these days!
  24. I think it's great that BF has gotten into its "stride". Just saying, if you don't have time to actually play more than a fraction of scenarios... (Maybe everyone else is just very fast?)
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