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Battlefront is now Slitherine ×


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Everything posted by Erwin

  1. Hardradi: How large is your monitor? That's what determines if using high res is readable.
  2. Sounds like a good idea. You'd have to make sure that the initial starting positions for all the tanks in the convoy one is creating started in suitable positions. ie: The path from the tank being selected to the tank it is following is clear. One thought though... when one orders inf to embark, it's not uncommon for the inf to try to move to the position the tank will be at at the end of its movement. Have experienced that frequently even when sure that the orders were given in the correct sequence. Hope the same issue wouldn't be a problem for tank movement as it seems like a similar sort of action.
  3. All I did was a Google for tank gun barrel hits and checked through a hundred or so pics. There was some very interesting stuff there actually.
  4. There is just something about fit young women deftly handling sharp and deadly objects...
  5. 736 × 552Images may be subject to copyright. Learn More Is this is what you want? Amazed to find that PzIV's were also used in Golan Heights in 6 Days War. And of course the definitive word in armor:
  6. ok thanks... another reason to hope for CM3
  7. Not brilliant filmmaking. But the young ages of the soldiers at least seem more appropriate than usual, and uniforms and held held battle sequences etc are interesting. Seems like 18 short films... And found another similar movie. Must be a ton of re-enactors in Germany! And also: "Generation War" TV series is also highly recommended. Can't believe the amount of WW2 videos/movies one can find on Utube these days!
  8. Very very nice... The thing that I keep kicking myself about is that I own all the IL modules, and have never loaded any(!). CM took over all gaming time for the past almost 20 years! Altho' I do play a bit of Silent Hunter WOTP when I want to see ocean and gorgeous sunsets, and Grigsby's WITPAE for a complete change of pace.
  9. You mean King Charles Stuart? (At first I thought you were talking about Military Police executing some poor bloke called Stewart.)
  10. Good article with ideas for recon oriented scenarios. Thanks George... PS: Better Cossacks:
  11. Ditto... I have 30" monitor capable of 2560 x 1600 and I have to use 1920 x 1200 to make the UI readable. Wonder why this has never been addressed by BF in all these years.
  12. Just realized this was first posted by GEORGEMC. Thanks George...
  13. From a pdf article link by Les Gray that someone posted on these forums: eg: A Russian motorized rifle battalion is defending from positions in direct contact with the enemy. The enemy strength is uncertain, and there are some two kilometers between forces. The terrain is fairly open, trafficable and interrupted by occasional stands of deciduous trees in full foliage. The brigade’s tank-battalion commander was directed to conduct a company-sized pre-dawn mounted reconnaissance-in-force. The company’s mission is to determine enemy strength and dispositions, capture documents and prisoners and determine the strength and route of the counterattack force. The company will plan on withdrawing after one hour unless the enemy withdraws. If so, the company will provide support to a follow-on attack/pursuit. An artillery howitzer battalion and a motorized rifle platoon will provide support to the company. The tank-battalion commander decides to employ his second company to conduct the reconnaissance-in-force. It will conduct an attack from the march from a company attack area forward of the brigade’s second-echelon defensive area. The artillery battalion will conduct a 20-minute artillery preparation in advance of the attack and plan to conduct deeper fires, on-call fires and standing barrage fires on the flanks of the attack. The artillery battalion, motorized rifle battalion, reconnaissance company and engineers will establish observation posts overlooking the attack. The attack commences before dawn following the artillery barrage with two tank platoons on-line. After breaking through the initial defensive line, the trailing platoon continues deeper to establish a support position. The right and left flank platoons reverse to begin their exploitation and possible withdrawal while determining and destroying the location and extent of enemy positions. The motorized rifle platoon dismounts, searching for prisoners, documents and enemy crew-served weapons. The enemy launches a counterattack, which is stopped by artillery fire and the forward tank platoon. Upon the command to withdraw, the reconnaissance-in-force company will withdraw, normally under a particulate smoke screen. Upon the command to defend, the company will dig in as a supporting position for a follow-on battalion or brigade attack/pursuit. Also see: https://community.apan.org/wg/tradoc-g2/fmso/.
  14. Be patient. It takes a serious amount of time to properly playtest a 4 hour scenario. Had to play thru the first 30 minutes 2 or 3 times and restart due to improvements made by MOS. Then got up to an hour, then 2 hours. Last time (Beta 8) I had to stop as my Ukrainians were running out of ammo after 2 hours play, and that was not a design intention. So, now TOC is on Beta 9...
  15. That's kind of my point. If a typical map is 1Km x 1Km, then generally it will be designed so that LOS will be limited to maybe 300 meters max. My question is would you deploy a relatively expensive recon vehicle with all its electronics to observe or "recon" at that sort of range? My experience in the game is that a vehicle at that short range gets KIA quickly. In that situation it's better to send in a leg unit (or dismount the vehicle crew). But, if one is going to be using leg recon, why have all those recon vehicles that CM2 has available? If the intent is to simulate short range engagements, then you are saying that BF would be better focusing on something other than providing numerous recon vehicles.
  16. Yes. Maybe I should have been clearer. CM2 features many, many recon vehicles like that.
  17. But, if you are at the point of departure where infantry reign supreme as the primary focus of the game, what use are (so many) lightly armed recon vehicles on a small map? His description is still accurate: "Every scenario with armored vehicles feels like a knife fight, with little room to move without becoming instantly engaged."
  18. Quite so. However, has made me wonder why CM2 features so many recon vehicles - when they are relatively useless on small maps. One of the motivations for larger maps and mobility is to be able to have a realistic function for recon vehicles. 4Km x 4Km is large enuff. Agreed. But, remind me... how many scenarios exist currently on that sort of size map? That my interpretation re what Apocalypse was saying. The vast majority of CM2 scenarios are exactly how he described: "Every scenario with armored vehicles feels like a knife fight, with little room to move without becoming instantly engaged." It's not the game that is the problem imo. The challenge is that so few designers able or willing to design the large scenarios.
  19. World's biggest dildo/vibrator...? Anyway, it's convincing re Nazis having superior tech. There is so much evidence in the preceding pics that some of it must be true, right?
  20. HIlarious. So once again political correctness strikes. Presumably the feature that upset "someone, somewhere" is that it has a Swastika on it. We're basically saying that these days people are so stupid/uneducated that they would think that a StarWars-type toy was based on a real thing. If people are that dumb then they wouldn't care who the Nazis were or that the Germans had "superior technology". All this fuss has done is provide a huge amount of free advertising for this model (regardless of who is the manufacturer). If it wasn't selling like hot cakes b4, it is now. You have to laugh... BTW: What did the saucer use for Propulsion? And did the Nazis invent Deflector technology?
  21. Some of the experience of playing on large maps requiring maneuver can be simulated though the cleverness of the map designer. eg: The current 3K x 2.5K Tactical Ops Center map created by MOS is designed cleverly so that a great deal of mobility is required - making it "feel" like the player is maneuvering on a much larger map.
  22. I totally agree with that. That's why I didn't mention that aspect. What I was trying to point out is that (from what I understand) they seem to have put all their effort into making uniforms & weapons etc historically accurate - something that we always complain about on these forums. So, this appears like a relatively realistic war film, even tho' dramatically it is sucky. (And let's face it, how many movies are out there that feature SS troops as heroes?) Many will find it interesting to see how colorful and beautiful the countryside is. It's definitely not washed out "WW2 color" as many of us (including me) tend to associate with WW2 films. However, the camo uniforms are wonderfully faded. washed out and worn. Definitely not colorful they way some modders make em. It's enjoyable to identify the various camo patterns that appear in the film. Not sure if they had enuff historicity to accurately depict different patterns in different theaters or eras of the war. Hopefully someone more knowledgeable can chime in on that aspect.
  23. Agreed... Will check out Rome, Knightfall and Last Kingdom. (Do they feature SS troops or subs?)
  24. Dam - that would be worth a few bob today... if you'd snapped up a bunch. Maybe the real reason the toy was removed is that the US is basing its new "Space War" concepts on it??
  25. Found this on Netflix: "The story of Captain Ludwig Herckel, soldier of the SS Leibstandarte, he fights in every major conflict from the Eastern front to the battle of the bulge." Altho' looks like a low budget (Italian?) movie, it features quite a lot of soldiers in various camo styles and a surprising number of AFV's and other vehicles. Not bad at all, and worth a look. The battle sequences are shot handheld documentary style and are quite effective.
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