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Battlefront is now Slitherine ×


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Everything posted by rleete

  1. Moriarty , ya left the damn door open again. You should know better by now. It's your mess, you clean it up! Or get your slovenly grandsquire to do it. Maybe that will keep his mouth shut for a while. Then again, probably not. Mouth breating whilst involved in mentally taxing tasks is his norm.
  2. Why, you're just racist! That's it. That's the reason you persist in mowing down my fine young aryan soldiers defending their beloved home of Crodaburg . I'll bet you pour the used photo developer chemicals down the storm drain, too. You racist planet wrecker.
  3. No need. Just find a shiny rock, and he will stand there oogling it for hours. In the meantime, you can burn down the whole damn strip mall.
  4. A lot depends on your definition of the best. Most wins? Most surprising? Or most entertaining opponent? I'll take the later over the other two, any day.
  5. Heck, 25 bucks is a bargain anyway you look at it. I paid a lot more for any number of games, most of which had a thoroughly idiotic AI. I want to be able to play against the computer without it being a walkover every time. SC povides this. Having pretty graphics is a plus only if it isn't at the sacrifice of gameplay. Too often this is lost on the major game developers, looking for a fast buck. Hubert has already demonstrated the kind of dedication to customer service that is exemplary. Gameplay in the demo is never the same, indicating that the full version will have replay value. Try saying that about all the games that have come before. Now, when is it coming out? I'm ready to buy!
  6. I think it bodes well for us that there don't seem to be any more "is this a bug?" threads. Mostly along the lines of "I'd like this tweaked." So Hubert is probably busy putting on the finishing touches as we post. The heck with the gold version, let me order!
  7. What about us non-lurkers? We demand equal billing! You'd better change the title of this post, or we'll have to get the ACLU involved.
  8. Bombers reduce entrenchment levels. Two bomber attacks on a city, followed by two air attacks will completely devastate any defenders. Usually a tank attack followed by an army (or corps) will be enough to finish off the defender, and take the city.
  9. Hear, hear, Aloid. I agree 100%. (none of that 110% non-sense here!) Just concentrate on giving us the final version, Hubert {bows abjectly}, and we'll accept any patches you care to make.
  10. Well, seeing as I haven't even been put on the "warning list" by our very own mad bouncer, I feel it's safe to join the fray. Please, oh gods of gamedom, blees us with a scrap from the beta forum. We beseech thee...
  11. Too true. Hubert must feel like the French garrison in Paris, getting hit from all sides! But I think we all agree this will be a great game, and we're just trying for that little extra something which will make it a classic. He has been listening to us, and making changes/tweaks where they have shown to be for the good of the overall game. Kudos go both to him and to Battlefront for picking just the right kind of game designer to partner with. Edit: forgot to reply to the original post! Yes, I agree with the assesment of rockets, at least for the first year. They only seem to serve as a draw for British air power, and between repairs to defending fighters and themselves, can become a big drain on resources. Bombers, as was stated, must have escorts. All your other "grades" are really pretty spot-on. [ June 06, 2002, 02:33 PM: Message edited by: R_Leete ]
  12. And we have a winner for the "understatement of the year" award! Even with fighters at +1 defending, I took damage to the fighters and the rockets. Much more effective than if he bombed my port. The AI is such a gamey bastich.
  13. Known bug, Hubert has already said he'd fix it.
  14. Rockets only have a range of 2 or 3. They have to be right on the coast, or one hex back to be able to fire. That also draws every British air fleet to attack them. They are magnets for Brit air power.
  15. I would agree with the attack then move, for tanks. That would allow for a more blitz style of play, and simulate breakthroughs. But not any two attack per turn. I think that it would really screw up any play balance.
  16. Hubert, you da man! This is very good news. After playing my fifth PBEM, the lack of a replay was getting to be a major handicap. My opponent was learning my strategy (Allies), but I was having a hard time of it, because I was playing blind. Hard to do much, when all your units are right on the front line, and his can operate a few hexes back. I was planning on getting two copies right off the bat anyway. But this will definitely increase my appreciation, and therefore my praise to others. Many thanks.
  17. Thanks, Madmatt! Much nicer now. I think it looks good, and I'm already "used" to it. More great customer service from the guys at BFC.
  18. I think this is a huge part of it. I have been playing like it isn't going to end in a year, too. It does make a difference. Rushing too fast leads to impromptu attacks, instead of a concerted effort. Great synopsis on the subs, as well. I'll have to try some of that in my next game.
  19. Damn, that was funny. Sig file material there, Jeff. I do see your points, but also haven't had any real problems because of it. It just makes the defender's turns kinda boring. If anything, I'd like to see what happened, to see how well or badly the opponent's attack was doing. If I see that it took 4 or 5 different units pounding on my one army to bring it to strength of 2, I'll be happy, knowing my defense was holding. If, on the other hand, I see a single attack do the same damage, I'll know he got lucky. That maybe my defense was sound, but the breaks went against me.
  20. I thought I could get used to it, but it is starting to get to me. Way too dark, for one thing. If you want to use such dark colors, brighten up the background or sumfink.
  21. If the USSR was an active player, the MPPs would have to be really limited. Otherwise, at 460 a turn, they could be rolling into Berlin early 1941. Not much fun playing such a one sided game.
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