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Battlefront is now Slitherine ×


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Everything posted by rleete

  1. Me, too. and my women, and my shotgun and...
  2. Just for the record, it's Hubert, not Herbie. But hats are off, regardless. It is one fine game.
  3. Yes, there are some fine, upstanding individuals left. Those that have not whored themselves out, just to gain a worthless title. See poster above for details. I missed the first incantation of the rules, but knowing you, and your lack of anything worthwhile, I'm sure it was terrible. Go read Lorak's site, and memorize every word. Until then, please refrain from posting, git. (Note the spelling and bolding, Boo. Wouldn't want the Justawreck to come down on you for not following random rules invented to make it easier for old farts to read the thread, don'chaknow.) You better not be talking about "Crodabug", you sasquach. The only surrender you're allowed is an automatic one. After all this time and effort, you don't get off that easy, chump. The last line of your email {"God, how I hate you."} has made my day. Didn't even have to see the turn; just made me smile, it did. Mrspkr, let me congratulate you on extraordinary (okay, so it was obvious to everyone) sleuthing abilities in regards to SFC. Will you be billing BFC for this "service"?
  4. Rockets are very effective at sucking away MPPs...from your own treasury. Place a rocket close enough to hit England, and the AI will target it with every air unit it has. The cost of repair of the rockets and any adjacent air units will cost you more than letting him strategic bomb, by a long shot. Using two or more will sometimes prompt an invasion by the AI, to attempt to destroy them. Gamey strategy: buy four rockets. Place them in a line pointing from Berlin to London, with the last one on the coast, and the others evenly spaced back. The AI will send everything it has to get them, including sea power. Use your fighters to destroy the British ships, and defend against the air attacks. Any units the AI lands can be lurred back toward Germany, by retreating the rockets. They can be easily cut off and destroyed piecemeal. Worked once in the beta demo, haven't tried it since.
  5. More than likely it will be his only real victory in the rest of the game. He starts off like some kind of mad bomber, then fizzles out as the turns play on. Note to his opponents: he loves to face hummels. That's why they're erecting the plaque, m'lord. It happens so rarely, that it is an important event.
  6. But I want paras. And field kitchens. And horses. Why are there no horses? What about bren tripods? Are there going to be....Oh. Sorry, wrong forum. My mistake.
  7. The great MrPeng using smileys. The horror. Armageddon is upon us, lay down your head and weep.
  8. Doh, double post. I hate when that happens. [ July 22, 2002, 10:42 PM: Message edited by: R_Leete ]
  9. Good. One less troll to have to deal with. Don't let the door hit you...
  10. Boo, before the heat in the cheap seats (i.e. no A/C) melts your brain, maybe you'd like to send a turn? It may be too hot to hate, but not too hot to die a flaming death in that Super Ronson you've got double parked in my driveway.
  11. I like the thought of disbanding, but am also concerned if there are either large MPP gains or none at all. You should get something back, at least scrap metal value. My suggestion is to only allow disbanding of ships that are at 50% or less in strength. Then, the returned MPP value should be about a third to a quarter of that. So a battleship, which normally costs 660 MPPs, at 50% would be 330. To disband it, you get between 110 and 83. To not allow disbanding until at 50% or less strength, removes the option of just abandoning the fleet entirely. You have to use them first. It simulates not being worth the cost of repair after battle damage, but limits gamey options. Edit: I'd make the same restrictions for home vs. allied ports as are now in for disbanding armies. i.e. 50% less return for not being in the home country. [ July 22, 2002, 07:58 PM: Message edited by: R_Leete ]
  12. Posting one-liners now, Joe? Isn't that Berli's domain? Are you sure there isn't some rule or "tradition" (made up on-the-spot, most likely) against posting in someone elses style? C'mon, I'm sure you can come up with all sorts of standards, regulations and recommended guidelines. Be sure to spell them all out for us, so we may flaunt and break them at will.
  13. Seanachai, you doddering old fool. Like the aged dragon slayer (replete with cracked and blackened armor, dragging a broken sword), wandering off from his grimey hovel, in search of past glories. You must be led back, with calm, soothing mutterings, lest you get yourself immolated on the altar of sacrifice. The beast has grown large (with big, pointy teeth!), and your power has faded. You envision yourself as some form of anti-grog. Ramdomly bouncing off others, in hope of a reaction that will bring the end in a blinding flash of heat and light. But you are merely a low-energy isotope, capable only of creating noxious gasses. They swirl in a blinding, choking fog, but have no substance, and are soon lost to the wind. [Now, I'm sure some chemistry/physics grog will come to correct my inaccurate metaphor. It is their nature.] Get thee back to the cesspool. Bring out your lyre, and regale us with songs of the past. Sing to us tales of the great heroes of yore. But sing softly, quietly. The rest of us have great matters to discuss, and need not be inturrupted by senile rantings of an insane Bard.
  14. There you go, then. You'll see, it is all for the better. Personal sacrifice, for the good of the 'pool and all. Just like Spock, I'm sure Nimoy would be proud of you, son.
  15. Man, that was funny. Most of the newbies probably don't get it though...
  16. S-T, you're a right bastid. Time to post, you got time to finish another AAR. Get writing, funny boy.
  17. Can't you just feel the love here? dalem (do you capitalize that, for the beginning of a sentence?), for you to really and truly hate, you have to lose the dog. For dogs epitomize blind, unerring love. Well, dogs and mormon wives, but let's keep this within the bounds of decency. Ah, yes. The faithful hound. Kick him, and he will still come back. Spit on him, and he will return to lap your hand. Lose his ears in combat...well, you get the idea. You must wage this campaign in stony silence. With steel-eyed determination, clenched jaw, white-knuckled fists. Unencumbered by affection. Unfettered by companionship, your heartstrings taut. Tightened still further by rage and envy. Your loneliness will only fuel the burning forge of your contempt. Only then will you achieve the pure essence that is the MBT. Do this, and the sounds of songbirds will be as the screams of hell. You will not revel in the sunset, as it only portends the dark emptiness. Every sight of lovers holding hands will sear into your very being. Only then can you have the barest inkling of true hatred. Of course, if you're married, that's another matter. Maybe time to borrow the shotgun from Lars, and do a bit of hunting. Or, get a really big cat. [ July 19, 2002, 11:06 PM: Message edited by: R_Leete ]
  18. You guys are all slackers! Got in at 77931, myself.
  19. New home already, huh? Can't say I like what you've done, the place is already infested. A fine song, m'lord. Do you have the sheet music?
  20. Why, thank you, sir. I'll be careful not to drip on your newly aquired "special captain's chair". But I really was hoping for some rocky mountain oysters, you see. I hear Lady Persephone has a couple marinading in a jar somewhere. Labeled "paddock" or sumfink. Maybe you could trade your dogs ears for them. No? Well, how about winning them in a game? Oh, I see. Nevermind. Not that it makes any difference. The desired results have been achieved. Have fun in the box, boyo. Not that you're unused to being alone in the dark, "amusing" yourself. Mrspkr, either send a turn, or a new setup. You ain't getting paid by the hour on this one. My leige, welcome back. I knew you could make it back through customs. The bribe to see that you were "delayed for questioning" was merely to keep you entertained. I do hope they used the glove, as promised.
  21. Well, all right then! Let me be the first to rat him out. Back-stabbed in the finest traditions of the 'pool. Both our battles are/have been not ME's, but attacks. And him defending as the Germans, no less! Maybe you could forget to count them in the final tally? A couple of extra nights in the box couldn't hurt, either. I say this for his own good, you see. "New meat's got to learn the rules, same as everybody else. He got the box, 'cause he back talked to the man." See what ragging on me (so I forgot to attach the turn. Sue me) gets you, Pop Can? Any more parameters you were supposed to use?
  22. Tarqulene, that was hillarious! Snorted my beer on the keyboard over that one. It was worth the mess.
  23. Well, you could. But it would take lots of manpower. You do know how many clocks they have, right? And cuckoo clocks, too. All thos nooks and cranies!
  24. Thanks, Hubert. If you are reading/posting, things must be getting into the last stages. That is very good; the wait is nearly over!
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