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Everything posted by rleete

  1. Boo, I blame you for this. The delay, and the whole task/errand/quest thing. See if I confide in you any more. Now I realize your existance in Akron is roughly akin to living in the third world. Like Oztrailia. But to go and gossip is just so Dear Abby. Next, you'll be making up love-slave fantasies about GB, and trying tp pass them off as someone elses. Say, old foul Joe, for instance. For shame.
  2. After I take it from the French, I usually hold it for the rest of the game. Is it that difficult?
  3. Okay, so maybe it was a bit of a cheap shot. Opportunity knocking, and all that. The email ruse was wearing thin, and I needed to see if you had succumbed to heat stroke yet. But it did do the trick, and bring you back. Think of it as waking you from your nap in time for tea. Yeah, you sent me the list of T. Pratchett's (bolded out of respect for someone who should be [at least an honorary] cesspooler) fine works. And then went back to ignoring the MBT. Just the occasional trolling on the outerbords. Not even a mention of our game at all. And "young"? I'm damn near as old as that decrepit old fool, Papa Khann. Granted, I don't fart dust like Shaw, but I'll get there in another 60 years or so. Yes, {all properly contrite} Master. A Bow, banging of the head on flagstones. Okay, it's been done. Does that mend your bruised ego? You really should put some salve on that. Otherwise, it might fester, and get all bloated like Joe's. Nobody wants that. Yeah, right. Like that'll ever happen. I have the uncanny ability to stick my foot in it. Gotta stick with your strengths, doncha know. And this part: "How I hate you, you sodding awful old man." Well, not really hate. It's difficult to loath those who are only living on past glories. But you wrote it, so I'm not the one to change it. No, not forbearance. More like bloody well ignored. Croda himself foisted that evil, neverending scenario on me before you ever got the chance. I'd already played Jabos!, even losing as the Allies. I'll give you the part about the French. Nobody deserves that. Well, most of the Oztrailians do, but that's another story. However, now you do humiliate me, with the latest sig. Lord, even if it was written in Greek, the entire world would know it was from you, because of it's length. I wear it proudly, proclaiming to all the MBT my defiance at your neglect. My lack of faith should serve to remind you to vigilance. [i could have just stapled post-it notes to your monitor, but that would mean traveling to Minneapolis, and I'm not that masochistic.] [ July 01, 2002, 08:25 PM: Message edited by: R_Leete ]
  4. Hey, bub. I'm 5652, and I'm supposed to be your @#$% squire. Was it just a come-on? Now I just feel cheap. I have been used. Some floozy that you yanked around like a perverted forum toy. And in spite of Andreas (or just to spite him in general) I'm not some johnny-come-lately SSN. I am more than my number! I am worth listening to. Okay, only on ocassion, but I do get in a good post every 3 or 4 hundred.
  5. Hey, no fair steeling my best lines (and out of context at that) from my emails. The least you can do is come up with your own lame excuses. Hey, Boo, why don't you send your human waves directly into the barbed wire. We need a little decoration, and dying in droves right outside the borders is so passe.
  6. An hour and twenty minutes, and this was the best you could come up with? Hiram, you're slipping. Let it out; all your anger at the croda-esque world. Don't hold back, you'll pop an aneurism or somthing. And Boo_Hoo, you overflowed the cess. Next time, get a plunger. Or, better yet, use one of those SSN's to clean out the squishy bits from the drain. Oh, those are the SSNs? My mistake. In that case, send me the turn. It's been hours now.
  7. Bah! There are no bugs in the game. You just want to keep the full game for yourself, and keep us waiting. Lynch the beta testers, and start shipping!
  8. Papa Kahn's forces of evil, nasty men was not swayed by my haughty Cannucks bravely marching into death. His self-admitted use of homing schrecks caused our fine steel steeds to become campfires for his s'mores. He used sound infantry tactics, and other unseemingly behavior in a Der Kessel scenario. Sir Mensch would have been very disturbed (not that he isn't already) to see such groggly conduct {unbecomming a 'pooler} in one of the scenarios from his site. Is Lorak still chalking up losses? Make this one my third. I'm on a roll.
  9. Seanachai, there's also another female, who goes by the hande "Amy Aemilius". She posts very rarely, and mostly in the Strategic Command forum. Still a junior member, I think.
  10. Way to go, Hakko Ichiu! We, the lowly denizens of the 'pool all salute you. I raise my glass in toast. Enough derision, Joe?
  11. True enough. But you also learn what is enough to get a country to surrender. It's more of a "feeling" than any set circumstances, but after playing the demo a zillion times, you get to know what it takes.
  12. I always try to take at least one of the forts off the Maginot, to ensure surrender. That always seems to work. Providing Paris falls, of course.
  13. I agree completely. While I did buy a second copy of CM:BO, most of the people I recommend it to have gotten just that. With the price of SC being only $25, I plan to get at least two right off the bat. Probably more, when I find out how good it is in the long run. So, by keeping the price low, they are much more likely to have higher sales figures. More opponents, more mods, more discussion. All around good.
  14. What in Crom's name is a "watery squirrel"? Are you breeding the local fauna? Is that what you get from too much BBQ sauce on the brain? You flatlanders sure are a strange crowd. Edit: take that, you A-R spell checker. Yes, I mean you, Panty Sniffer . [ June 25, 2002, 09:33 PM: Message edited by: R_Leete ]
  15. Next, you should know that I am squire to none other than Sir Seanachai , the creator of the MBT itself. Okay maybe not the creator. More like the fool who stumbles upon the chained, iron bound, oak door to Hell, (replete with dire warnings in ominously glowing letters) and strolls in without any thought to the consequences. Pandora's got nothing on him, no sir. More, as to your half-hearted (and witted) attempt at a challenge: I have a website listed in my profile. Which, upon viewing, should provide ample oppourtunity for one of even your advanced senility to ridicule, debase and deride. Did you take the free shot? Noooo , you just think I'm going to let it slide, and grant you a game. Whadda ya think? I'm some soft-headed old goat like Joe ? Taunt me all direct and personal like, and then we'll see. First, you draw blood, then say "engarde". Lesson for the day. Last, what's up with all the damn conditions? As the latest SSN (at least the only one barging around like we want them here), you takes what you gets, newb. Like Jabos!, maybe. Naw, that one is too long. And other, seeing as your from the same Minisnowda as my Lord and Master, I'll grant you a boon. Pick something from Der Kessel. By the way, anyone heard from [loony] Mensch [/loony]? Byte Battles are perferred. If not, small QB. All random, either side. But beforehand, you must show me some back-stabbing verbal foreplay. I may be easy, but I'm not cheap.
  16. I believe Sir dalem is still smarting from being out-bid on the "ultimate chair". Ask him about it {snicker}, and he may give you leave to fill in for him. Note that I shall use secret information (imparted to me by undisclosed sources [thanks, Boo ]) as to the correct placement of assault boats in a QB. In other news, Sir Seanachai , he of the coma inducing posts, has put the final hurt on my attacking huns. Dispite matching 20mm flak guns, a pair of 20mm HTs, and a Hummel (a fecking big hammer), his artillery was too much. 51 to 38, chalk up my second 'pool loss. [The first was to MkIV, and he disappeared just as the rematch got underway. Bastard.] Croda-bleaurg is still going on, much like my leige's posts do. No end in sight, and the brave aryan defenders are still being shredded by artillery. Don't you ever run out of shells, Boo ?
  17. Way to go, old man! I am refering, of course, to my leige, Seanachai . Two (long winded, what else?) posts, and the newbie thread has been locked. Slapped him about the ears right good, he did. And the little weasle didn't even get it. A classic verbal knockdown if I've ever seen one. Sheer poetry.
  18. Warphead, I have tried cut & paste, as well as the link you provided in your last post. I still get the damn "cannot find server" error. Is anyone else having this problem? I cleared the cashe, deleted all the cookies, and refreshed. Still no dice. I've never had a problem viewing pics on the forum before. Any ideas? edit: I can't even get the base URL site to display (i.e. http://www.wartner-ag.com/jagdtiger); same error. Maybe the US-European line is down or sumfink? [ June 23, 2002, 01:01 PM: Message edited by: R_Leete ]
  19. Warphead, I can't seem to get the pics to display. Is the site down? I'd really like to see them!
  20. Hubert has already stated that some of these (Italy invasion by the allies early on) have been "tweaked", and won't work. Or at least not as easily.
  21. Picky, picky. I'd rather a few names were wrong, and I had the game. Stop causing trouble, Straha, and let Hubert finish!
  22. I think this is basically just a flaw as seen in the short time of the demo. In the full game, using research, bombers can be much more effective. To prevent heavy bombers from becomming a "win the game every time" thing (a la Axis & Allies), they have to be fairly weak at the start. I've often put research points into AA radar, and one level gained is usually enough to dissuade the Brits from bombing. I haven't tried to research heavies, but I assume it will be devastating to the port/city bombed at the higher levels.
  23. First Kitty and now jd? Is the world about to end, now that all the past sinners are showing up?
  24. Maybe because it's one of the better verbal sparing partners here lately? Hmmm?
  25. That's it! A bolt action door knocker! 7mm Mauser should be sufficient, don't you think?
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