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Everything posted by rleete

  1. Well, as to "growing on me", I have to say this. If it were some kind of rash, I'd be in real trouble. If my lawn grew that quickly, I'd be mowing it by the hour. If...well, you get the idea. Thanks, Hubert. In spite of our endless "suggestions" and gripes, you have a hit on your hands. Kudos to you. Now, about those subs...
  2. Has anyone noticed what seems to be friendly fire when using the "next unit" ("n") hot key? Very strange to see the Maginot line units firing on each other. Specifically, when you have a unit selected, and your "attack" cursor is on an enemy unit. If you hit "n" in that mode, your unit appears to attack a friendly unit, which takes damage. It only happens if your unit can target an enemy unit. If no enemy is around, nothing happens. It apparently only happens with the French, as I couldn't get the German units to do it. Did Hubert model the lack of command for the French, or is this a bug?
  3. Of course they do. Through their open mouths, whilst drooling. You should really know that by now. Sir Lars , excellent beginning and title. Makes one yearn to watch the opening sequence of The Sound of Music . Your penance is having that image in your head all night. Now where the heck is my kniggit? Oh, "seany babe", you can come out now.
  4. Only 10-12? Waht have you been doing the rest of the time? Must be one of those slackers!
  5. It wasn't in Marseilles, but north of it by 2 hexes (in between the mountains). Not sure if that would make any difference, but thought I'd clarify. Also, one other point. If France falls, and all British units get sent back, shouldn't they have some sort of penalty? Sort of a "lost a lot of equipment at Dunkirk" type of thing. Either a hit to British MPPs (transport costs), or a random reduction in their strengths? I'm sure the Germans wouldn't just let them walk out, without trying to destroy them. It might add uncertainty to the decision to try and reinforce France, especially if they were on the verge of collapse.
  6. In essence, I guess we were both almost correct. Okay, time to start the incessant "when will it be released" threads!
  7. Okay, I didn't know about Spain. I guess I have to pay attention to the percentages better. Note to Hubert: please put those numbers on the main screen! But does the increase in Soviet war readiness jump by a specific amount? Is it fixed or random? If it's fixed, I can see a "gamey" cry arrising from using a set order of conquests to keep the Red Bear and the US at bay as long as possible.
  8. So, SuperTed, you're saying that the mine in Norway, listed at 5 on the map is worth 2.5 MPP to the Germans? That because a land route can't be traced, it gets the 50% treatment? Rounded up or down? Or it is already figured in, and the 5 points is the value? Can these values ever be increased?
  9. Absolutely sure. After having the Italian unit invading Algeria disappear, I thought it was destroyed (hadn't paid attention during the AI turn). Then I saw the thread on it, and Hubert's reply. So, this time I looked. Not on Britain or Canada, and not back in Gibraltar. I suppose it could have been in the far east, but I'm pretty sure I checked there, as well. It was very frustrating, as I had contemplated moving it to Algeria to help defend against the Italians, or disbanding it for the MPPs. At that stage of the game, 60 MPPs is a big loss.
  10. Straha, I think I do get what you mean. And, your edit seems to be what I'm getting at. If you have gone so far as to "capture" an enemy unit, that means you've either destroyed that unit (through multiple attacks), or weakened it enough that it withdraws. Which means you've taken the ground, and found the hulks. So, it stands to reason that after those encounters, judging from the toughness of that unit, that you'd know that it was upgraded. So, mentally, you know, but the game won't inform you. Just something the more experienced player gets a feel for, in the course of the campaign. Incidentally, don't the tank icons change as you upgrade? I havent encountered any upgraded units, so I don't know if they show enemy upgrades, or just your own.
  11. I have to question the strategy of attempting Sealion. It brings both the US and USSR into the game much sooner, and is a very risky proposition. In my two attempts at it, one failed miserably, the other was moderately sucessful, but brought the USSR crashing in. I wouldn't have held out for long. The US also declared war, and was probably transporting units to reinforce. After the fall of France, I try to keep a reserve of at least 500 MPPs, to cover any instances of invasion, especially by the USSR. Usually more, around 750. Building/moving lots of units on the eastern border seems to trigger an invasion, so I just keep the points in reserve, to be able to reinforce and create a counterstrike force. In the meantime, I go for Sweden, Greece and Africa. This assumes I've already conquered Yugoslavia, and Vichy, and am building up for Spain and Gilbraltar. Bringing in the economic might of the US seems to almost insure defeat, as the Soviets are sure to invade. Opening up another front to defend seems foolish. I have yet to see the British invade in any kind of force, so defense against them only involves a few corps, and maybe an air fleet or two. Is the potential payoff in MPPs or lack of a staging area for US invasion worth the cost and risk? I do know that it brings Spain in as a minor on your side, but isn't it better to invade Spain, and get the eventual pillaging bonus? Anyone have any comments?
  12. Maybe it wouldn't necessarily be revealed for that particular type of encounter. Were those upgraded tanks, or was that just a particularly nasty result? If known beforehand, it gives away too much. For instance, would the British continue bombing, it they know that the Germans have already achieved A-A radar? After multiple instances, it becomes apparent, which the descerning player will soon realize. If your tanks regularly are getting outmatched, you have to assume he has gotten some research points. If you see units at 11 or 12 strength ("but this one goes to eleven...") you'll know that the enemy has tech upgrades.
  13. I had moved a Brit corps unit into southern France (off Gilbraltar, via transport), to try and stave off the German onslaught. Before it could move up to defend Paris, France fell. The unit was within what would become Vichy. When France surrendered, the unit disappeared. Do all British units within France just vanish? Doesn't this automatically avoid saving some units a la Dunkirk? What about air fleets? Do they disappear as well? I have never seen that, as my air power is long gone by the time France conceeds. It this related to the Italian unit disappearing in Africa if it has moved in to try and attack Algeria, when Vichy is conquered, and the gov't moves to Algeria?
  14. I'd even go so far as to suggest that movement would not be allowed, if it was to capture a city or resource hex. Only into open territory. Just a little operational movement, to get the tanks up towards the front. It might even be wise to reduce the operational efficience of the unit. Say by 10-15%, to limit tanks becoming "uberunits". But it would add a definite advantage to tanks, which seem to lack a little "oomph". As it is, tanks are limited by not being able to attack through other friendly units, one of the key points of the blitz.
  15. So, when does the epic battle between Hubert and Charles commence? You know, the one for the ultimate control of all the lesser gods.
  16. I heartily agree! This is my one unanswered niggle with the gameplay to date. It isn't so much that subs are ineffective, but that they're so easily found and destroyed. We've all heard the stories of Britain's lifeline threatened. This with what? 50 or so submarines? The two groups are almost always elimintaed long before they do any real harm, as the area is too small to hide in for long. Even the Italian subs are more effective in the course of the game. That's just wrong. Maybe even give the Brits an extra surface ship fleet to help from overbalancing too much. The way it is now, I don't think I will ever purchase any additional subs. Much more cost effective to buy other units.
  17. Excellent suggestion, Tellu. I would add that it should only be possible with tanks, not armies or corps units. Adds a "blitz" feel to the combat.
  18. The most I've gotten from taking France is 1139 points. Sometimes it's as low as 989. Anyone know what the formula is? Is it just how quickly you conquer a country that determines plunder? My persomal best is ending the game getting about 430 points, and I'm all set to invade USSR. Have the entire border lined up two deep with armies and tanks, with 3 HQ units, and a half dozen air fleets.
  19. SuperTed, no apology necessary at all. I was simply trying to clarify, so I don't appear to be a complete boob. Now that you aren't doing any more AARs, can you give us some updates on the tweaks Hubert has been making? Have there been any changes that had to be reversed, due to play unbalancing?
  20. I was typing my post when you posted, SuperTed. I was also just commenting on how it appeared to work, without having any of your insider knowledge.
  21. Well, it works when it wants to. Sometimes it doesn't seem to get you anything. I'm assuming it's some kind of random chance, influenced by the number of points put into each category. I researched radar AAA, with three points, and got nothing. Then, I researched jet power (1 point), and got it the very next turn. Just having one level increase caused the AI to abandon strategic bombing on all ports/cities covered with improved air units, and he had three bomber groups. I've tried heavy tanks, A-A radar, and heavy bombers, three points in each, and gotten nothing. Then again, I've tried rockets, industrial production, and jet power, one point each, and gotten all but rockets within 2 turns.
  22. What does the great Peng have to do with this? I think he stated the obvious quite eloquently in the thread title.
  23. Download the patch file. You can find the link in the "demo tech support" thread, page two. I had the same problem, and it fixed me right up.
  24. Okay, despite holding France (and even the low countries) on the easy setting, I can't even hold France for the full year, without some really good luck. My strategy is just the opposite of Wolfpack's. More akin to Galatine's. Move everything you can to France, and hold on for dear life. Abandon Gibraltar, Alexandria and Beriut. The units farthest west are disbanded for the extra "cash". Move the fleet up to the coast, and pound anything within range. Use the airpower defensively, and repair when necessary. Keep the Maginot line at full strength if possible. Only attack when odds are very favorable. I tried the northern invasion route, and it does pull units off the front. It can even severely damage German air units, if you get a little lucky. Just be sure to keep both sides of the peninsula lined with ships, to bombard his units coming up to drive you off. In general though, that is merely a delay, and will usually get a lot of stuff killed off. Then there's nothing to rebuild, and the French line is weakened. If you can hold the line for a year, that gives the USSR time to come in. It usually prevents the italians joining, and the other minor powers. Don't buy corps, unless he's right at the gates of Paris. Wait, and get an army. Get the Brit HQ over there as fast as possible, as it really helps to influence air power duels. With the HQ, you need to reinforce less, thus building experience. I have a couple of other tricks, but as my opponent reads the forum, they won't be revealed until I've stopped him cold.
  25. Hey, cynical! You may be right, but it got me hooked.
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