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Everything posted by rleete

  1. Oh, man. That was one ugly screenshot. And the Axis player still hadn't surrendered?
  2. Nah, shooting's too easy, and much too swift. I say, deny his order for 4 months until he goes mad reading all the posts on it.
  3. MrSpkr, did you really need to drag it out for three whole pages, just to tell a certain "vet" that he was a rude bastich? I believe I said the same thing, in about 4 short paragraphs. Or are you just practicing your 'lawyer type ranting skills'? Either House Bard has had more impact on you than you admit (not that I blame you), or you charge by the word.
  4. Was I ever off? I can't remember. Must be the DT's. Have to drink double tonight, just to be on the safe side. Expect a strange turn of events in the next file. Now, where did I put that bottle? Sir dalem, have you had enough of that trekkie wannabe (opinionated, immature, uninformed, et.al.) on the outerboards, yet? My guess is 14 or so. "Research assistant"? I'll bet he works in his dad's garage, looking up replacement part numbers. I guess a bigoted post in the name of religion is okay on this forum.
  5. Yes, that is exactly what I'm saying. You and Pop Kan, both. Maybe you two should consider...oh, I don't know...a REAL ISP service? You know, one that actually transmits your e-mail? Sheesh!
  6. As a matter of fact, it often works better to actually do the sending yourself, when it is your damn move, Pop Korn. I don't give a rat's a$$ (which is far better than you deserve, anyway), what you want. I want to live a life of decadent luxury, but it ain't gonna happen, either. Boo Radley, have you gotten that damn ISP sorted out, yet? As were about 2 turns away from autosurrender (who knows which side), maybe you'd like to get this Croda monstrosity over and done with?
  7. I really don't see why anyone would bother. I bought it new, and still consider it one of the worst ripoffs I have ever experienced. Much more complicated than Axis & Allies, but with the same end result. Way too easy to "trick" the AI, and a win was almost guaranteed. The comparisons with SC are a disservice to Hubert, as his game has all the earmarks of becoming a classic. The AI in SC has shown a great deal of promise to deliver a good game, time after time. Something HC never did. Yes, Hc was more "detailed". But with no decent AI, it was relegated to the unused pile, and is now freeware. I wish I had the 30 bucks I paid for it back, just so I could use it to buy another copy of SC.
  8. Whew! Guess big baldy is a bit touchy these days. I thought it perfectly suited to the MBT. Hey, Joe, nice rendition, but drop the hokey "down home" crap. I expected to see the word "varmit" at the end of every sentence. And Yosemite Sam, you ain't. But I'll bet Bugs could still whup you any day of the week.
  9. Hubert, no need to apologise. We still have the demo to carry us through a few more days. We are all behind you, ready when you are. And, when you say that SC is ready. The only post we need to see from you (in the next couple of days), is that it's released!
  10. Nope, just mouthed off to my leige, in public. He was in a spiteful mood, and gave me this as pennance. I have since completed his assigned quest, but kept it anyway. See page two of the last MBT for Seanachai's own long-winded post on the matter. Or don't, see if I care.
  11. Well, I could take the cheap shot, and mention PL's affection for small, rabid woodland animals, but let's not go there. Other than the unfortunate misunderstanding at the family reunion (how was I supposed to know we're related? ["Really? First cousin? No kidding!"]), you can rest assured. Since the master has left, without so much as acknowledging the setup I sent (bloody old fart), I have time for another game. Expect the setup this evening. You, of course, have the right to counter with a setup of your own; I defer to your having previously suffered under the same leige. ALERT! ALERT! ALERT! MrPeng has penned another instant classic rant. One sure to raise the hackles of the forum far and wide. One to cause fits of both laughter and tears of rage. Harken one and all to our prophet.
  12. How appropiate, F R J, that you should actually forget the senile, wordy one who started this whole mess. Seeing as you're getting so groggly of late. And now of all times, when he is away; trying to find wood faries or some such. MrSpkr, I propose that we, both of the same house should challenge each other. An excellent oppourtunity to flaunt the legal loophole in the rules, as outlined by Shaw. Each of us can declare the other the winner, and thus garner double points for our noble Lord. Plus, you just know it will piss-off Joe, and that's never a bad thing.
  13. Hear, hear. Justicar, do your duty. edited, due to lack of proper bolding. [ July 10, 2002, 08:58 PM: Message edited by: R_Leete ]
  14. Just one? Buy a couple, and then you have an instant opponent. I plan on at least two. Now Hubert, when can we order?
  15. If you watched carefully, you would have noted that they kept their guns pointed in the direction of the enemy. Okay, the dweeb played by a dweeb (bob newhart) didn't. But McQueen showed him the error of his ways, all without saying a word. Something you should note for future games of Croda- (who'd want this damn town anyway) -burg.
  16. Now Persephone, that's just plain nasty. I mean, Joe's probably going to skip right over my post, but he can't miss that one. Pity I didn't think of it myself.
  17. Just thought I'd get this in a separate post, in case you decided to edit later. Nothing like having something hanging over your head for when your boss returns, eh? No, no. Don't thank me now. You can remember me when Joe assigns that extra essay paper (double spaced, as he doesn't see to well anymore) and you're burning the midnight oil.
  18. "Subtle"? That better be a weak attempt at irony, m'lord. It was the outerboards, fer gawd's sake. What more, short of crossing our host's own line, could have been said? Or, was banning part of your not-so-shrewd plan? What better way to remove one's self from the burden of a recalcitrant squire, than to have BFC expel them? If all your plans are this tranparent, it is no wonder that the "eliminate the Aussies" campaign has been such a resounding sucess. Well, if that's the case, I'll just keep the sig, thank you. Anything that brings further jealousy to that oversized, rock groping sasquach is icing on the cake. Since Crodaburg is an endless, ongoing torture, his discomfort is music to my ears. Just one small request. Please stop slinging all those anti-idiot arrows at Dorosh on the outerboards. Those are custom, handmade missles, My lord. They don't just grow wild, you know. Not one to complain (yeah, right), but their poisonous effect seems to be lost on such louts. They are specifically crafted to puncture the thickest of heads, but that is supposing that there is something inside. And it's getting harder to find the proper materials in the wasteland.
  19. If they told you, it wouldn't be a surprise, now would it?
  20. How to win friend and influence big bald bouncer guys?
  21. Ditt what Otto has posted. Hubert, while I appreciate the emotional impact this has had on you, don't let the inconsiderate actions of an single individual discourage you. Just getting to this stage has been a major acomplishment, and something to be extremely proud of. We all salute you. We all eagerly wait the final release, with credit cards at the ready. Let that thought boost your morale, and help you through this. To Hags: I hope you pull this same sort of crap later in life, when the consequences will be much more severe. Cheat on your income taxes, flaunt the traffic laws, shoplift and lie to your boss. You deserve to lose everything. You are a burden on society. If it were up to those of us waiting on SC, I'm sure you would be flogged. Go away.
  22. Just who is this girl, that you have to walk from flank to flank?
  23. The obvious answer to both your questions is: Of no importance or note.
  24. Okay, Lord Seanachai, it has been done. It will probably get me banned. Or, at the very least flammed from all sides. You may peruse my post on this thread. Chances are that the dullard will not see it for what it is, and I shall have to spell it out. Why do you make me suffer fools? I found the pseudo-grog discussing (ranting), at great length (even you would be hard pressed to keep up), a subject that has been beaten to death so many times, and in so many ways, that it single -handedly is the poster boy for reincarnation. He's even posting statistics, for cripes sake! Oh, the humanity. Happy now, you spiteful old man? [ July 03, 2002, 09:51 PM: Message edited by: R_Leete ]
  25. Nah, the biggest difference is an intelligent AI. I have never lost a game vs. the AI in A&A. I have been surprised by SC, though.
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