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Everything posted by rleete

  1. An excellent idea. So, you got lucky. It happens. These two has been given enough chances. Time to enforce the rules. I'm all for general anarchy, but this chatroom crap has got to end.
  2. Oh, goody. Another sandbox to crap in. MrSpkr, is Germanboy paying you scale to make spelling corrections? Any just why are you bolding "Mike-you-idiot"? If he is the SSN poster boy, shouldn't he be relegated to permanant SSN status? Boo, you are right about Arty-fest. It is "butt-ugly", and I attribute that to it's semi-comatose creator. I believe it was authored by none other than our very own "Old Foul Joe". Art mirrors life, and all that rot.
  3. Ha! I knew I could get under that thick leathery hide. You're really such a nice guy, too Boo.
  4. Time for an update! (Yeah, he already posted, but I won, dammit!) It is finally over! Like condemned prisoners, rotting in the dungeons of Schloss Peng, but eventually granted a pardon, we are free. But, like said inmates, never to be quite the same afterwards. Boo Radley and I have, at long last, ended the debacle known as Crodaburg. After 6 months, and 46 grueling turns, it just…ended. No surrender. No warning. It simply stopped. Cheated out of the last few rounds. Yet another reason to hate Croda, as if anyone needed one. Don’t kill him too quick, Boo; make it last. Yes, I squeaked out a minor victory. My first within the ‘pool. Through no fault of my own, I might add (should have rushed that last jeep, Boo!). I promise not to make it a habit, M’lord. But the real victory is equally shared, and is the very fact that we played it out to the bitter end. No small task, that. From his classic set-up (arranging his vehicles to spell “sod off”), to his quick turnaround times, to his always entertaining emails, Sir Boo has been an exemplary opponent. I salute you, Sir Radley. From the very start, this one was a bloodbath. By the halfway point, both of us had lost the vast majority of our units. In the last few turns, it had degenerated into a brutal slugging match, at point-blank range. Picture the scene: a plateau town, heavily cratered. Surrounded by woods and barbed wire. Bodies, abandoned guns and burning vehicles everywhere. Boo's massive artillery barrage had reduced the once formidable defenders to a mere shadow of their former selves. Only two approaches, one barred by a roadblock. At the other, a lone Tiger, gun damaged. Boo sends his only remaining armor, a pair of Jumbos, to spearhead the last, desperate push. Instead of ignoring the toothless tiger, they bounce shot after shot off it’s massive bulk. Only to be K.O.’d by ‘shrecks while distracted. The Tiger, not completely declawed, finishes off a HT dancing forward and back, spurred onward by it’s orders, but fearful of the big cat. With good reason; he was one of the last casualties. Gamey use of a Tiger? Possibly. Well, Probably. Okay, it was gamey as hell. Effective? Absolutely. Didn’t even have to rush the 20 crews I has massed in the back. Ever the gluttons for punishment, we now will inflict Artyfest upon ourselves.
  5. Okay, I'll try it. Send it to the addy in my profile.
  6. 1946? Is this a typo? I hope you mean 1940 or '41. The war ends in 1946! Can you give us a little more info on unit changes? I assume you add a lot of German sea units, but did you sacrifice a lot of land/air units to do so? What other changes have you made?
  7. No, no. It's still here. He's having me gild it, for some strange reason. I suppose it's to be presented to the new S-SSN (sorta-SSN) seen lurking hereabouts. Boo, Crodaturd file sent. Let's get it over and done with, before the next generation comes out, eh?
  8. Someone was sending a set of BoB tapes around to whomever requested them. Then, they got passed on to the next guy. Whatever happed to them? Did they get shut down?
  9. Heh, heh. I wondered if you'd sobered up and reconsidered! Since you are bound and determined to be the cess ladder grog, I will have to show you just how quickly and utterly I can be defeated. Put me down for the next thrashing, oh dark one.
  10. Why? The longest game I've had to date ended in mid 1945. And that was because I was trying a strange alternative strategy. Most of my games are over by late 1943.
  11. The Tiger II was originally supposed to be a simple upgrade, and turned into a major overhaul. Many of the components are similar, but are not interchangable. They are, however, a natural progression of the heavy tank, and were lessons learned with the Tiger I. Edit: the hulls are not the same. Layout is slightly different, and dimensions are larger on the KT. [ August 07, 2002, 08:32 PM: Message edited by: R_Leete ]
  12. I would like to echo these sentiments, and say what a great job you've done. All except SuperTed, who is a sissy and a nog for not writing any more AAR's. The game is out, you have no more excuses, ST. Hubert, if you ever write another game, you can count on lots of support and customers here. You've earned it!
  13. Case in point... [ August 06, 2002, 07:06 PM: Message edited by: R_Leete ]
  14. Will you two shut your damn pie holes. Sheesh, this is the MBT, not the "lonely geek boys pissing contest". This lame, repetitive, drivel is best taken to an outside venue. Like the playground after summer school is out, kiddies. I know the "teachers" frown on violence on the little blue bus, but you can always wait until their backs are turned. A pen in the eyesocket would do wonders...for the rest of us at least.
  15. Better yet, do what I did. Buy a second copy, and spring it on them as a gift. Then, you have an almost guaranteed opponent.
  16. Snippit of an email from Boo Radley, concerning "Crodaburg": DAMMIT! DAMMIT! DAMMIT! DAMMIT! DAMMIT! I did not tell that Jumbo to advance! I did not tell it to move anywhere. Stupid, stupid, stupid Crapburg scenario. Don't you just love getting turns like this? This game is coming down to the last surviving units on both sides. Neither of us will finish with more than a dozen men left. Vehicles were a rare comodity a long time ago. Artillery has left the town standing, but just barely. The streets are so cratered, that the men must walk single file. Which isn't a problem, as most squads only consist of a single man. Now, if one was to contemplate using crews in a mad rush, things could get mighty interesting... And Seanachai, send a fecking turn. I know you've played it. I'm not so fussy like some old foul Joes, if you get my drift.
  17. Kelly's Heroes? Damn, that may be the last straw. I might consider a DVD player, just for that one.
  18. What about the longest indentured squire? I'm sure I could mess things up enough to piss of everyone, from Just-a-car on down to the latest bottom feeding serfs. What the hell is up with everyone's ISP these days? I'm getting all sorts of crazy email from opponents, and bouncing back turns everywhichway. Is Enron controlling the internet as well as trouncing financial markets worldwide? When is BFC going to invent a better system than this stupid net? Maybe a bribe in the right place can get them to leave out all the aussies, too. Win-win situation, I say.
  19. Thanks to you both. First the teaser, then the humor. Good posts, both. Edit: My wife thinks I'm nust for laughing at the computer like that. Even the cat is looking at me funny. [ July 30, 2002, 07:29 PM: Message edited by: R_Leete ]
  20. If I think I can safely do it (i.e. no other enemy armor about), I often try to brew up abandoned tanks, simply to try and cause infantry casualties. It alsp causes smoke, which blocks LOS. A sneaky but sometimes effective tactic.
  21. Sort of off-topic, but has anyone seen the US enter the war within the demo? When playing as the Allies, I always hope that the US and USSR will enter before the Axis gain too much ground, but the closest I've seen is "USSR prepares for war" on the last turn. Never had a chance to try anything with the soviets.
  22. Anything to keep him from posting more of his grog-porn pics!
  23. Anything to keep him from posting more of his grog-porn pics!
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