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Everything posted by Agua

  1. Was just *painfully* reminded of this one and hoping to hear some good news. TiA
  2. On many, many weekends I'll play six - eight hours on Friday night/Saturday Morning, sleep three - four hours, get up and play twelve to fifteen hours on Saturday until I crash (around 7 p.m.), wake up at 2 a.m. - 3 a.m., and play twelve to fifteen hours, finally crashing around 7 p.m. Sunday evening; conservatively, thirty + hours from 6 p.m. Friday evening until 7 p.m. Sunday evening. That used to be pretty typical for me.
  3. Would like to know myself. Particularly for the "Scattered Trees" terrain.
  4. Do a member search using DD's member # in CMBB. There are only a few threads and I believe most of them prior to today include screenshots.
  5. Well, there's a *scenario* named "Storm 5-5-5" that is 90 turns in duration. That's more than a lot of operations include. Somewhere the designer stated that he had increased the number of turns to 120 (indicating a previous version), but the version that I played had only 90. It could use the extra 30 turns. Sorry, I couldn't come up with an operation for you, but thought I'd mention it as it's a pretty fun scenario with lots of units (but not to the point of being unmanagable), huge rural map, that you can sit down and play in about 6-8 hours.
  6. You've got to compromise somewhere (or not). If it doesn't bother you, fine, np. Personally, I make a distinction between flank security where intel gained is secondary to it's job of security, and split squads thrown forward through 300 meters of woods which have no purpose except to exploit absolute spotting. It's a line that I can live with, ymmv.
  7. I've struggled with this recently, in my mind. There's a thread somewhere in here where folks come up with a lot of good self-imposed rules for conducting recon. The most satisfactory approach, just from my personal perspective, is to always maintain command between the scouting units and a HQ. You do run into folks, quite commonly, who will throw half squads waaaaaaaaayyyy the hell away from any other friendly unit. The black "out of command" lines running all over the place must look like spaghetti. I just don't see any way, without a designated radio scout unit (with a decent point cost attached to it), that folks can rationalize intel from troops on the far side of hills and large stretches of woods from any other friendly units.
  8. Man, I hope y'all can work something out on that. This will be one that NEEDS to be available at CMHQ for new folks who are just now checking out the CM scene, and I'd imagine CMHQ to be the first place new folks go after checking out battlefront.com.
  9. WOOOOOOOOHOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!! Thank you man. I will LEAVE WORK EARLY to DL this one (hey, as good an excuse as any, for me anyway).
  10. If we can find a host for DD's terrain mod, it will be THE terrain mod to have, so keep your eyes peeled for that.
  11. I don't really see the point in CMMOSing a terrain mod. That's just me though; I guess some folks like to switch trees and grass out for some reason. BUMP! Someone PLEASE host this mod, and soon!
  12. DD, THANK YOU MAN!!! I had hoped that some how, some way, you'd come out of hiding and make a terrain mod for CMBB. Can't wait man.
  13. Yup. Works like a charm. My personal expression of this sentiment is "[t]here are a hell of a lot worse hobbies for a married man to have than playing computer wargames.".
  14. HEhehee... yup, that one's a biatch ain't it? I've tried the approach gpig suggests, but I guess I was too slow in movement and I ran out of time. DEFINITELY a tough scenario, though. BTW - This thread really ought to be in the "Scenario Talk" discussion forum. There may already be some discussion concerning this .cme in that forum. Good luck.
  15. Man, you've really gotten to work. Lookin' real good my man. Thanks.
  16. Haven't heard anything in a couple of weeks. Hope he's still motivated.
  17. That's pretty much my take on it. There's nothing new in there that experienced players who follow the forums aren't aware of, but the unit data tables are realllllllly nice. There are also some bits of information in there that are either incorrect, or not stated in a complete manner so as to leave an inaccurate impression of game mechanics. Nothing big though that a quick forum search wouldn't correct. For a new player, I'd highly reccommend it. It provides nice, detailed walk-through tutorials based on several of the CD Missions. In fact, I may well purchase a couple copies for some friends who recently bought CMBB.
  18. Okay, got it last night. For new players, I'd say the thing would probably be pretty valuable. It includes tutorials for several of the CD missions, and does a pretty good job of describing orders, their functions, morale, fatigue, the influence of HQs, etc. For experienced players who keep up with the forums, there's really nothing new in there. There's also an occasional snippet of information provided that is incorrect, or presented in an incomplete manner so as not to provide an accurate description of mechanics. The unit data tables are laid out really nicely though. You may consider it worth the $ to have those.
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