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Everything posted by Firefly

  1. Yes, Mark Clark throwing the Texas Brigade across the Rapidan river to certain death reads like something from the First World War. The brigade's CO protested the order to no avail. Churchills 'Stand or Die' order to the Aussies in Tobruk only escapes criticism because it worked (and the RN was better at re-supplying the besieged garrison that the Luftwaffe was at Stalingrad). As you and Andreas say, people seem to be exrapolating a lot from a scenario based on a 1941 battle with pooly trained conscripts. A quick read of people like von Mellinthin will show how the Russians fought later in the war.
  2. Well having translated the manual into German, they have to translate it back into English .
  3. Sounds a bit steep to me, the normal price of games in the UK is either £29.99 or £34.99 for 'big' titles like Warcraft 3 and the like. Still there is no shortage of discount online and mail-order retailers.
  4. Well the LOS tool will tell you if yor tank is already hull down. If it automatically cancelled a hull down order this would prevent you from moving from one hull down position to another.
  5. You obviously didn't play many scenarios by Rune and Andreas . The Poles were cool. And by cool I mean totally sweet.
  6. No we've got new look houses and some different building types. Check out the screenshots.
  7. Most of the topics on this board have benn about CM:BB for the last 6 monts .
  8. Well we had the desert mod for CMBO, so something similar could be possible with CMBB, at least they've now got PZ-IIs, IIIs and early IVs to play with as well as the lend-lease stuff. Allied infantry will be a problem though.
  9. You realise they were singing about Coventry? Perhaps we'll end up with all the Peng rejects in here .
  10. Well if the rumours about the European release date for CMBB are true, a lot of us are still going to be still playing CMBO for a couple of months yet. I can't see myself giving up on CMBO until BFC revist Western Europe in '44-45 with the new engine or I can't find opponents any more. [ September 04, 2002, 05:51 AM: Message edited by: Firefly ]
  11. He could have given it the supreme English accolade... 'Hmm, not bad.'
  12. How did you guys manage in CMBO? Did you only play the Americans?
  13. Didn't do a very good job did he? He must have overslept.
  14. Unfortunately, the site that was showing a price (in pounds sterling) has gone back to £TBA. This converts to $TBA US. Don't know what that is in Canadian.
  15. You can give a group move command for the first leg and then deselect the group and give each unit further commands. It's not ideal, I know, but it save a bit of time.
  16. No, but your forces had more than one pair of eyes.
  17. No, if you live in France you cannot order from the US as that's against the agreement between BFC and CDV (this has been gone into in great length elsewhere on these fora), if you want an English manual, you'll have to either get the UK version from a company in the UK that ships to France or find a friend in the US who will buy the BFC version for you and mail it to you privately. I agree about the erxcellent delivery time in Europe for Airborne Assault though - I got it in two days. All the European versions will have references to the Waffen SS removed as CDV is a German company and their products are subject to German law wherever they are sold. [ September 02, 2002, 04:22 PM: Message edited by: Firefly ]
  18. Well as I said in the other thread about this M$ do a free word viewer in addition to Wordpad, as they do with the free Excel viewer.
  19. Perhaps it's to make up for the omission of the Spanish Blue division.
  20. Works fine in Wordpad for me. I'm using Win XP, so I don't know if it's a later version of Wordpad than that with Win 9X though.
  21. Oh well, I was hoping to go on holiday in late September, early October anyway. Perhaps they've delayed for my bithday on October 15th .
  22. If broadband's not an option, you could get a download manager like GetRight or GoZilla, these will resume downloads from the point where you or your ISP disconnected them so you can get the mods you want over a number of sessions.
  23. Nah, unlike you Yanks, we just don't get over-emotional about minor matters like losing a leg . As an old (Irish) song has it 'If you can't take a joke, you shouldn't have joined'.
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