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Everything posted by Firefly

  1. For Something Awful, that's a pretty good preview. Not sure if BfC should link to it from the main page though .
  2. I'm confused (yes, I know that's not very difficult). Is this a new one or the old one resurrected? If it's the old one I'm still the same, if it isn't, I'm not.
  3. W00T a small world thread, I used to live and work in Darmstadt, went to see the Stones and the Who in Mannheim. To keep it on topic, there's a photo of the grain silo at this French site . The text is in French, but I'll translate the prophetic quote from the German soldier's diary 'If all the buildings in Stalingrad are defended like this, none of our soldiers will return to Germany'.
  4. Never taken a holiday in the Med. have you? Never underestimate the German towel. [ July 23, 2002, 06:08 AM: Message edited by: Firefly ]
  5. The provisonal plans for CM3, that I read a long time ago, were for a Mediterranean game, so I'd guess at the Balkans, North Africa and Italy. So you should get Bir el Hakkeim. One of the sneak preview threads on CM:BB mentioned that the Russians get Mathildas.
  6. Yeah, I saw the Usenet post by Matt too, he did emphasise that these requirements were provisional and may change on release though. [ July 20, 2002, 05:03 AM: Message edited by: Firefly ]
  7. I've seen no mention of the use of of poison gas in any theatre of what is conventionally viewed as WW2 i.e. 1939-1945 (although the Italians used poison gas in Abbysinia in the mid-30's and the RAF used it against nationalist rebels in Iraq). I think the main reason being that the participants followed a 'no first use' policy. Hitler was a former WW1 infantryman and could have shared the disgust that most WW1 infantrymen had for the use of mustard gas. I believe it was banned by international accord, but international accords didn't seem to have much effect on other German behaviour in the East.
  8. Zee, if you prefer real time, you should check out the Airborne Assault demo from this site. Despite what a lot of people are saying, real time does not = click-fest. AA is different scale to CMBO and you only have to to give orders to HQ units (although you can give orders to individual units if you wish) and on the slowest setting time is not an issue. AA is not 3D and uses the traditional map and counter style of board wargames. That said, however, the scale of CM means that issuing orders in real time in a battle with more than a few troops would become a chore at best and would make using good tactics difficult at worst, the average CM battle last 30 minutes of real time as opposed to a day or even more in AA. [ July 18, 2002, 08:44 AM: Message edited by: Firefly ]
  9. Oh! The nasty pink bit disappears. In that case I shall bid £3 11s 8d.
  10. Since downloading the latest Nvidia drivers, I've had no problems running CMBO on my Ti 500.
  11. I heard that the unsigned ones are worth more.
  12. The WEGO system has been used in quite a few wargames prior to CMBO, Atomic's V for Victory Series, Charles' own Flight Commander 2, Over the Reich and Achtung Spitfire and Major H's Tac Ops series to name a few. It's pretty standard in miniature wargaming too. The first time I heard it being called 'WEGO' was by a veteran computer wargamer called John Beaderstadt (who may post here - I don't know) in a thread on the comp.sys.ibm.pc.games.war-historical Usenet newsgroup, shortly after that group first started, which would have been in 1997 or thereabouts. Back in the SPI days it was normally referred to as Si-Move, as Phillipe says. [ July 13, 2002, 05:50 PM: Message edited by: Firefly ]
  13. The annoying kid from Enemy at the Gates.
  14. Great news, but it's not my birthday until October 15th, could you delay it a bit?
  15. I can assure that London drinks every minute.
  16. Well the Asian theatre wasn't just US Marine invasions with massive naval bombardments, the Japanese did quite a bit of attacking at the start as well and there's also the war in Burma, Phillipines, New Guinea and China. Not to mention Khalkhin Gol (sp?). I doubt we'll see it from BTS though, theu've said previously that they wouldn't be happy doing the war in the Far East as their area of expertise is the European theatre. We'll have to make do with Rising Sun a bit longer for tactical warfare in the East.
  17. Double post, sorry. [ July 01, 2002, 04:54 PM: Message edited by: Firefly ]
  18. My memory's a bit vague (OK.. a lot vague) and I don't have my copy Tank to hand, but I'm pretty sure Ken Tout describes just such a manoeuvre.
  19. That's a common problem with holy grails. King Arthur's knights had a bugger of a time finding the original too.
  20. http://groups.yahoo.com/group/RDCM/ A quick search on 'Combat Mission' in Yahoo Groups shows about 32 matches. Does anyone if any of these groups are still active?
  21. Yes I know, however as the Dutch learn English at school from age 5, I'd have thought they would go with the English spelling, rather then the smelly cheese eating spelling. [ June 30, 2002, 04:52 AM: Message edited by: Firefly ]
  22. What's the Yahoo one? I know that Rugged Defense (I'd have thought that the Dutch at least could spell 'defence' properly ) use Yahoo groups as a mailing list for their members, but is there a different ladder on Yahoo?
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