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Everything posted by Firefly

  1. The term 'British' and Britain or Great Britain are often used here, in everyday language, to mean the whole UK. A bit like referring to the USA as America, but in reverse . The BBC (not UKBC ) will often refer to the British Government or British forces. Sometimes people will say England when they mean Britain or the UK, but this is guarranteed to annoy the Scots and the Welsh. Until recently the use of 'UK' in everyday language was mainly confined to expatriates, it's become useful shorthand in the Internet age. [ August 17, 2002, 04:47 PM: Message edited by: Firefly ]
  2. OK the Grogs guide . Britain - England, Scotland, Wales, i.e the big island. Great Britain - The above plus offshore islands. United Kingdom - All of the above plus Northern Ireland, the Isle of Man and the Channel Isles. British Isles (geographic term only) Britain, Ireland and all the offshore bits, including the Isle of Man, but not the Channel Isles. Confused yet?
  3. Hmm.. someone complaining about CM not supporting a the latest greatest video card (with backwards compatability of course). Sound familiar?
  4. Mmm.. Grog or Gamer? I've been a wargamer for a long time and have served my time with AH/SPI boardgames, played Steel Panthers to death, single-handedly kept Talonsoft in business by buying every iteration of East Front etc. I've also always been interested in history, but fail the true Grog test as my eyes glaze over when confronted by a table of armour penetration values (this also happens when confronted by a table of wool exports in Tudor England). On the other hand I've always liked games, and ever since I got my sticky little hands on an Amiga 600 have been playing strategy games like X-COM and Civ. CMBO actually fulfills both needs. So a long-winded way of saying a bit of both really.
  5. 1st prize - a copy of CMBB. 2nd prize - a copy of Wet Attack 3rd prize - two copies of Wet Attack
  6. Wearing the Mr. Picky hat, that I borrowed from John Salt, I'd point out that Wales is a principality, but Scotland is a kingdom, which due to the late 16th century shortage of Protestant monarchs ended up having to share its King with England.
  7. So Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland weren't allied countries?
  8. Though probably they won't ship to Finland. Typical. :mad:
  9. People can also pre-order from Software First and possibly other online stores in the UK, although I believe they charge postage for sales outside the UK.
  10. To back up what John says, Ken Tout, in Tank describes how he took over as Tank Commander after the TC had his leg broken by being thrown against the edge of the cupola by the shock of an artillery shell. Prior to this he had been the the loader, but had been the TC of a light tank before switching to mediums. It seems that the loader, who would assist the TC in spotting when not in combat, was considered the deputy commander. This appears to have been reflected in rank in the British Army, where ideally the TC was a corporal, the loader a lance-corporal and the rest of the crew privates. Of course the troop sergeant and the lieutenant were also TCs.
  11. What operating system are you using? I noticed that OneClick doesn't appear to work properly in Windows XP.
  12. I'd say that it depends on latitude and time of year. In Norhern Europe the sun is quite low in the sky in winter, so it's possible to have the sun in your eyes when looking straight ahead on a sunny winter day. Of course it's more likely to be foggy, raining or snowing. The problem in North Africa wasn't so much the sun, but that the activity of battle would whip up a sand storm, which would reduce visibility considerably. In winter this was added to by strong winds, rain or mist.
  13. When I did Geography at school Italy was in the Mediterranean not Eastern Europe. That was a long time ago, though, it may have changed.
  14. I don't have the problem sending e-mails, but I often get duplicate turns from one of my regular opponents. Neither of us use hotmail and it happened when I used to use Turnpike and still happens with OE. It's no big deal to me so I never bothered the guy about it, but it's apparent from posting times that he has only sent it once.
  15. No, Seanachai is one of those people who starts a topic and generates hundreds of 300 post threads.
  16. Well I'm not going to speculate on sales figures, but I think 20% non-registered is a pretty low figure, most estimates put the lurker/poster ratio in online boards and newgroups much higher, with far more lurkers than posters. Remember you don't need to register to just read the board.
  17. This is also a problem when reading the history of the war in Greece. It wasn't until I checked the map in the book, that I realised that the town Anthony Beavor referred to as Canea in his Crete was the town referred to in holiday brochures as Chania and transliterated by the Greeks themselves (on road signs etc.) as Hania. I can imagine the war in China provides similar if not more difficult examples. [ August 05, 2002, 07:41 AM: Message edited by: Firefly ]
  18. "Are you going to caw or croak, I wonder," said Lu-Tze, apparantly to himself. "Croak," said the raven. "So you're not the raven we saw on the other side of the mountain, then?" "Me? Gosh, no, " said the raven. "That's croaking territory over there." . - Terry Pratchett, Thief of Time .
  19. Well as Wet Attack wasn't an option, I voted for CM:BB.
  20. Sebastian Faulks gave his WW1 novel the title Birdsong because WW1 Western Front veterans remembered the birds continuing to sing throughout the war.
  21. Yes Steve. Software First are normally cheaper than the the high street, so the price in the UK shops will probably be £29.99 - about $45 - same as the CDV version of CMBO.
  22. Software First in the UK are accepting pre-orders for the CDV version, but don't give any price yet.
  23. I've only played a woman once in a PBEM, and it wasn't Dame Kitty. She beat me, but I beat her husband. They are few and far between, but they are out there. [ July 30, 2002, 04:55 PM: Message edited by: Firefly ]
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