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Everything posted by Firefly

  1. Agreed. Reading how the Aussies first went into action wearing their greatcoats, pinned back Foreign Legion style, because of the cold and rain, might shatter a few Hollywood inspired misconceptions about the Desert war . Barrie Pitt's Crucible of War is a good start.
  2. They've said frequently that their tentative plans (note emphasis) are for the new engine followed by the Mediterranean and early war after that. Anyway they kept the Finns happy with the East Front, it's the Aussies and Kiwis turn next .
  3. I prefer the Western Front, although I enjoy CMBB and other East Front games. Yes, I know that the East Front is where the war was decided and it's where the big battles took place, but I'm English: two of my Uncles served in North Africa/Italy, my Sunday school teacher was at Cassino, another Uncle had his house destroyed during the Blitz (luckily he was a firefighter and was on duty when it happened, the next-door neighbour wasn't so lucky), my mother was a nurse at a hospital in Leeds, caring for both Allied and German wounded, my Dad joined the RAF as a technician, but did a stint of guarding Blackpool from the Fascist invader before being sent to India, virtually all of my friends' parents played some part in the war and so on. The Eastern Front is interesting, the Western front is personal . [ November 12, 2002, 02:06 PM: Message edited by: Firefly ]
  4. George Forty's Tank Action highlights the following: Lt. D.F. Lavrinienko, Ist Guards Tank Brigade - destroyed 52 enemy tanks in the Battle of Moscow. Junior Technical Lt. G.I. Tulayev - broke into enemy positions at Jaraslaw, Poland, knocking out numerous stongpoints. His tank was KO'ed, but he continued fighting from the blazing wreck until reinforcements arrived. Guards Capt. Konstantin Samokhin, a battalian commander in Ist Guards Tanks Brigade, in 5 months he and his crew destroyed 69 German tanks, 48 pillboxes, 15 prime movers, 3 bowsers and 117 other vehicles. KIA 23rd February 1942. Junior Lt. (later Colonel) Alexander Oskin, knocked out 3 Tigers and captured 3 Panthers in full working order in one action on the Visutla on 12th August 1944. Captain (later Colonel) Alexei Grigovich, destroyed 4 artillery batteries, 5 mortar batteries, 10 APCs and many other weapons while leading his battalion across the River Spree. Later severley wounded in the street fighting in Berlin. Mariya Vasilyevna Okyabrkaya, one of the few female TCs, postuhumously awarded 'Heroine of the Soviet Union'.
  5. See this thread for explination... cm.cozog.com is down COG</font>
  6. Back to the first page you go. Just to save those of nervous dispositions from the sound of Soddy going 'bump' in the night.
  7. Greece, Yugoslavia and Somalia/Ethiopa too I hope . If they stretch it to include Iraq we can have Russians too. Lili Marlene as the theme tune too with a bit of luck.
  8. I can see the difference, but don't see it as a ruining the game. Michael Emrys was saying the other day that the difference appears to be more pronounced in lower resolutions. Personally I just use view 2 a lot more than I do in CMBO, where 1,3 and 8 were virually the only views I use.
  9. I always thought that the Treeburst model was Roxy . (NB 'in-joke' dating back at least two months)
  10. That's pretty much it, it always amazes me that people don't get it, but I'm from the country that brought the world Monty Python and Blackadder. The fact that there are people here with a sense of humour is what keeps me coming back to this board. One clarification though 'Peng' is not a term they give themselves, Peng (or more correctly MrPeng) is a semi-regular poster here who was the recipient of Seanachai's original challenge. There is also a Chinese restaurant in London called Mr. Peng's, but I don't think it's the same person.
  11. Well he's already posted it in the CMBB forum and the Tips and Tricks forum, so why not? I'm expecting to see it in the Airborne Assault forum next.
  12. So secret that you need a password to read it.
  13. Despite owning CMBO for over two years, I only saw the opening movie a few weeks ago when Silent Hunter 2 decided to install Quick Time on my PC. Can't say I was particularly impressed, I can understand why they didn't bother for CMBB. FWIW I always preferred the newsreel footage used by Steel Panthers or the film of re-enactors used in the Talonsoft/John Tiller ACW games as intros. The games weren't as good though . [ November 08, 2002, 06:29 AM: Message edited by: Firefly ]
  14. Units that fly all over the place when the cat jumps on the monitor. The sound of dice being rolled just before your T34 bursts into flames. Messages from the AI like 'I'm sorry, but rule of sub-section 6 of the Use of German Field Kitchens in 1943 section says you can't do that'.
  15. Indeed. Not even a totally sweet ninja with a wailing guitar.
  16. Always nice to meet someone older than me - there's so few of them around. In the sixties I was pushing Airfix miniatures around by myself.
  17. That's the problem for us old boardgamers, as you and MD say, we spent far too much time playing solo, because of the unavailability of opponents. The great thing about computer wagames was that we always had an opponent, even if it wasn't a very good one. I suppose it might appeal to people who didn't spend most of the seventies and eighties pushing cardboard counters around all by themselves .
  18. Another thing he'll learn is that this place is always wierd, The release of a patch, or even a new game, will only stop the wierdness for about 10 minutes .
  19. They changed the format so that there are now 'opponent finder' forums for English, French, German and Finnish speaking people. They also gave them their own section on the initial menu as they are for all the BFC gsmes, not just CM.
  20. Would you mind if I put that in my sig?</font>
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