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Everything posted by Firefly

  1. Well in the UK games are always released on a Friday, which the 27th is. I believe that this due to an ancient superstition dating back to Saxon times, that releasing games on days that don't have an 'F' in them is unlucky.
  2. When I played the tutorial using the written instructions, after I'd got slaughtered using my own cooky tactics, the human wave attackers only lost a couple of men and succesfully got into the woods in a fit condition to mop up the remaining Hun. [ September 02, 2002, 05:57 AM: Message edited by: Firefly ]
  3. As CDV aren't writing it, how would it? Just think, if it wasn't for that opening splash screen you'd have to find something else to complain about, personally I couldn't care if the opening splash screen showed Brittney Spears, it's the game that counts.
  4. You're lucky, I've had so many turns today that I've hardly had time to play the demo. Not that I'm complaining, I think I'm winning most of them (famous last words...).
  5. Started the tutorial, totally ignored the tutorial document and decided to try out some of the cool new commands (and by 'cool' I mean... etc.), by turn 7 all my infantry was pinned, one T-34 was doing a scrap metal impersonation and the other had fled off the map, no doubt terrified of my inept leadership, so I abandoned it and tried following the instructions and won 97-3. Remind me never to play Moon in a PBEM. [ September 01, 2002, 03:32 PM: Message edited by: Firefly ]
  6. No it's supposed to look like that. It's showing the rank insignia rather than the face. No hamster mods in the future I guess.
  7. Don't you have Wordpad? Micro$oft do also do a free Word reader if not. Try a search on their web-site.
  8. Some tools such as GetRight and Gozilla can be configured to only download files in one part at a time and it's good manners to do so. In fact some sites will chop the download if you don't do this. Others just don't allow them at all.
  9. There won't be any swasitikas in the US version either, the only difference is the renaming of the Waffen SS units as Waffengrenadier and the different copy protection.
  10. Can I be the first to claim to have lost to the AI in the tutorial? Edit: Damn didn't see the other thread. [ September 01, 2002, 05:40 AM: Message edited by: Firefly ]
  11. It's always a good idea to check the tech support board here before downloading new video drivers, let sombody else be the guinea pig . There''s been a thread over there about this for a week and Matt mentioned that there was a problem with the new drivers and CM:BB.
  12. Thanks Panzer Boxb! I should have the demo by the time I finish my CMBO PBEM turns now, rather than sometime this afternoon.
  13. Soddy, Software First have it listed and are accepting pre-orders. I haven't pre-ordered myself (natural pessimism - I might not still be here on the 20th), but one of my regular PBEM opponents has. [ August 31, 2002, 10:45 AM: Message edited by: Firefly ]
  14. You're replying to a very old thread. The latest official Nvidia drivers, 30.82, have fixed the problem with the white text. You can get them from Nvidia's web site. It looks like there is a problem with the latest leaked beta drivers, so it's best to avoid them. See the thread below for details.
  15. Well it's now 17:07 BST (GMT+1), so I'm going down the pub.
  16. Even easier for Windows users, who don't trust the BTS board's clock, double click on the Winodws clock and select the 'Time Zone' tab in the display .
  17. Kerriist, it's not hard. Look at the time on your PC/Mac/Commodore 64 or whatever, then look at the time of your message on the board .
  18. Thanks Henk, at my age you're never too sure if you're going mad or not . I'll have to try to get down to the museum in Delft the next time I'm in the Netherlands, it looks interesting from the web-site.
  19. Nope, definitely Leiden. I lived in Noordwijk and often went to Leiden at weekends. I don't think I ever went to Delft.
  20. Same sex realtionships were OK then? All together now In the Navy... [ August 30, 2002, 06:05 AM: Message edited by: Firefly ]
  21. When I lived nearby, in 1974, there used to be an Army museum in Leiden. Is it no longer there?
  22. Hmm.. 60 scenarios. Is that a typo or have BFC added 10? Nice to see Bruce got a job though, I used to enjoy his wargame reviews on Gamesdomain before they were bought out by thhe great Satan (aka my ISP).
  23. Well the French text is Revivez les grands batailles de la 2nde guerre mondiale : de l’opération Barbarossa (Europe de L’Est) jusqu’au débarquement de 1945, de la mer Noire jusqu’au cercle polaire Arctique. Which I would translate as Re-live the great battles of the second world war: from Operation Barbarossa (Eastern Europe) to the [something] of 1945, from the Black Sea to the Arctic Circle. We're discussing what the [something] is, because: a)landing, unloading and dismissal don't make sense in the context and we're bored .
  24. This is probably what you are looking for.
  25. It was worth it just to see Berli using smilies.
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