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Everything posted by Firefly

  1. There's also a piccie of Dame Kitty in the Airbourne Assault credits. Considering the other pics in the credits (Dorosh and The_Capt to mention too many), she should clearly consider consulting m' learned friends.
  2. Astonishing - you have discovered a new date! Will it be known as Pvt.Ryan day henceforth? Inquiring minds want to know. Let's just hope that CMBB does not appear on that day, because nobody would friggin' notice. </font>
  3. Fionn is correct in that there is nothing you can do about it practically. FWIW 'Netiquette', which can only be enforced on moderated groups anyway, normally has it that anything posted on Usenet can be quoted but quoting private e-mails without permission is supposed to be off limits. I'm not sure where that leaves web boards, personally I'd ask for permission before quoting, as I have no guarantee that you read the specific news group, or provide a link to the topic on this forum so that people wanting to get involved can do so here. However I suspect that accusing this individual of a breach of Netiquette would have the same effect as it does with most trolls. The sweet smell of 'Ignore' is the best answer. [ June 28, 2002, 07:11 AM: Message edited by: Firefly ]
  4. 1960s??? What does that mean? </font>
  5. We've got power-ups already, they're marked with skull and crossbones signs. Just drive your tank over one and it will be restored to full health. Honest. The main reason that there should be no console version is the health of this forum. Morrowind was released for both PC and XBOX and take a look at their official forum; it makes the BFC General Forum on a bad day look like the height of reasoned discussion.
  6. On the whole that is true, but I recently started a PBEM scenario (which shall remain nameless), where my 16 Shermans started in full view of 4 PZIVs and an ATG (still don't know what calibre), after the smoke cleared it was 15 Shermans vs. 0 PZIVs and no ATG. One of the most explosive first turns I've ever seen.
  7. Franceso, You order as usual from the BFC order page and select the option for European delivery. The confirmation e-mail you receive still says that the game will be despatched from the eastern USA, but I guess that they just haven't got round to changing the standard e-mail text. Obviously, I don't know how BFC will handle the release of CM:BB, but pre-orders were accepted from Europeans for AA and despatch was from the warehouse in Ireland.
  8. When I originally ordered CMBO, it was available from the States only and took two weeks to arrive, I recently ordered Airborne Assault from BFC and it was delivered in two days from their warehouse in County Cork. With a service like this, I don't care if CMBB never appears in my local EB.
  9. No. If you could you could also decrypt your opponent's password. The only time it happended to me was during the set-up phase and I simply apologised to my opponent and we started again.
  10. I don't know about the availability of maps in the US, but in London the mother of all map shops would be Stanfords in Covent Garden - if they haven't got a map it probably doesn't exist. Their web site at this address gives details of their stock and also has a small map showing how to get there from the nearest tube.
  11. Well if you don't like the rules don't use them. They're not compulsory. My only comment is that banning all vehicles in the infantry only section whilst allowing ATGs and IGs will probably upset those who, for realism purposes, think that one should by tractors for guns particularly in MEs (I remember a long rancourous thread about this). I realise that this could be negotiated separately, but allowing unarmed tractors (not trucks) shouldn't unbalance things too much. Why you'd want to buy ATGs in an infantry only battle is another matter of course .
  12. Stand alone mods should be copied into the BMP folder within your CM folder. You will get a message asking if you want to overwrite the existing file, reply 'yes'. [ March 30, 2002, 10:34 AM: Message edited by: Firefly ]
  13. The UK version of PC Gamer also reviewed it,they reviewed the original too and liked it.They gave it the same score as before - 89% - and described it as still the best computer wargame ever. Their only cavils were the price tag and they would have preferred more building mods on the mod CD. [ March 24, 2002, 08:40 AM: Message edited by: Firefly ]
  14. 13 misses? I'd consider myself lucky to get 13 shots off with a Marder. The normal sequence in my experience is: 1. Marder fires 2. Marder dies.
  15. Not really because you are only turning it off for yourself. The graphics (or the code for them) are still there.
  16. 1.6 mb is pretty large, you are probably playing a large scenario or QB with a lot of armour - in my experience moving armour is what bumps up the size. The size of the files will probably shrink as the game progresses and AFVs start dying. The only answer is to play smaller scenarios with less vehicles if it's a problem for you, I've seen small infantry only encounters with movie turn file as low as 40k.
  17. One of the assumptions we are making here (not surprisingly because CM makes the same assumption) is that veteran units will perform better than units with less experience. This was certianly not borne out by the experience in Normandy. The British commanders were dismayed by the performance of the three veteran divisions in the campaign (7th Armoured, 49th and 50th infantry), whilst the less experienced 11th Armoured Division and 1st Polish Armoured (attached to the Canadian Army) performed relatively well. Carlo D'Este quoted a British officer saying that combat experience did not necessarily make a soldier braver, just more crafty which could involve knowing things like the best time for your tank to develop mysterious engine problems. I don't have Decision in Normandy to hand so I can't give the exact quote.
  18. Hmm.. I wouln't describe the Cromwell as a heavy, medium tank at best. It could be worse he could be facing Matilda IIs in Pz II and IIIs .
  19. One of the best I've played so far is 'Into the East' by Andreas Biermann (Germanboy). I played the Polish attackers, but my opponent, who played the German defenders, agreed that it was one of the best he'd played too. For the record we fought to a very bloody draw. It's available from Der Kessel
  20. Sorry can't really help - my graphics card is a Geforce 3 and I had the common problem of white text disappearing unless I ESC'ed out of the game and then switched back. The new drivers fixed that one for me. I did have to increase the gamma settings to the maximum (Alt+G) as everything seemed too dark otherwise, but that doesn't appear to be your problem either. Perhaps Schrullenhaft can help? (Edited because I can't spell Shrullenhaft) [ February 21, 2002, 04:46 AM: Message edited by: Firefly ]
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