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Everything posted by Firefly

  1. I think you'll find that the version you can pre-order from sites like softwarefirst and other British (and Finnish) sites is the CDV English version, not the US version. These sites will quite often offer games before they know the offical release date and price. BTW your link is broken, it leads to the defunct co.uk site rather than the .com site .
  2. Just had to turn down my first CM:BB ladder challenge, because I'm already playing both demo scenarios in non-ladder PBEMs. [ September 12, 2002, 10:26 AM: Message edited by: Firefly ]
  3. Always room for one more, particularly one we discuss cricket with (de rigeur in all good London clubs). I'm not sure about the South African wine though, I think crusty old generals only drink claret.
  4. It's a dirty job, but somebody has to do it.
  5. I can understand Steve starting to feel that he can't win. When CM:BO was first released there was a lot of whining on Usenet about it not being available in the shops, people not being willing to use their credit cards on the internet, the length of time the game took to arrive in Europe/Australia/Canada etc. Every issue of the UK games magazines had letters from people saying 'Wow! Great Demo! Why can't I find it in the shops?'. Now that BFC have actually tried to negotitate a deal which gives customers in Europe, at least, better access to CMBB, without compromising too much on BFC's basic principles, all they get is earache from people who feel they have somehow sold out. What was it Abe Lincoln said about pleasing the people?
  6. I always thought Daisy would be a nice name for a mortar.
  7. I think the point is, tero, that it makes the scenarios sortable by date, as the current engine does not allow for a seperate date field on the scenario screen. I hope third party designers will follow the convention too, as it's something I think a lot of people will find useful.
  8. Good Lord people, we've been waiting for this game for two years, what difference do a few more days make? I don't have any children, but I'm starting to understand what it must be like a few days before Christmas . [ September 11, 2002, 09:43 AM: Message edited by: Firefly ]
  9. I don't know about France, but in Britain we celebrate Christmas in December, which is after October 4th. The shops will probably have their Christmas decorations up by then though .
  10. bet you don't get it before Oct 4th .
  11. Unfortunately the unbanning of her alter-ego meant that she was banned.
  12. And I was hoping it was going to be one of those Donald Mcgill type things with buxom blondes and little old men with knobbly kneees.
  13. What happens if it's some drooling idiot who just turns up to post 'ThIs gAmE suX d00d!!!' and gets banned before we can pry the brandy out of Peng's claws? I think BTS should reserve number 10,000 for someone special. Roxy perhaps. [ September 10, 2002, 03:34 PM: Message edited by: Firefly ]
  14. I would go with Tarquelane here, there's no need to feel you have to buy CMBB, right now, barring any major disasters it will still be on sale in a year's time and you could probably save a little a month to pay for it. On the learning curve thing, I think a lot of that is probably unfamiliarity with the new concepts that will probably ease once you've played a few times. CMBO presented a challenge to a lot of of us used to pushing counters (or their electronic equivalent) around hex maps, but we got there in the end .
  15. They're charging an entire cent more? The filthy swine!
  16. I'd agree with you about the UK getting shafted if we were talking some of the practices we've seen from other companies, such as getting sub-standard or .pdf only manuals or patches that arrive weeks if not months after the US version, but, as Steve says, we're talking about a few ASCII characters and a .bmp that doesn't even appear in the main game and that you (or someone else) can mod if you don't like it. As for price, if I didn't already own CMBO, I'd wait for the reduced price version in a couple of weeks rather than buy it right now. Still it's your money and your choice as to whether you buy the game or not. I've had far more than £39 worth of enjoyment out of CMBO in the past two years and anticpate getting more than £27 worth out of CMBB.
  17. Well I paid $55 for CMBO, which at the time converted to about £39 on my credit card, so £26.99 appears to be a saving to me, not that I can see why I would want two copies. Also according to Moon, CDV will be re-releasing CMBO at a cheaper price shortly. As for the SS, did you complain that in CMBO, that British engineers were called Pioneers, or that Honeys were callled Stuarts, or that British squads and tanks were commanded by sergeants rather than corporals, or that when someone made an Arnhem scenario, Johnny Frost was demoted to Major, because that was the default for battalion commander? Personally I spend more time looking at what's happening on the battlefield than reading the small print in the bottom left hand corner. As long as a 'Waffengrenadier' platoon has the same number of men and the same equipment as a 'Waffen SS' platoon I don't care. If it bothers you that much why not take up the offer of one of the people here who have offered to buy the game on behalf of Europeans and post it to them. It will probably cost you more than £26.99 though.
  18. BFC have said that the UK version will have the same manual as the US version. I suggest you do a search in the CMBO forum where all this was discussed at great length.
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