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Everything posted by Firefly

  1. Where did you get the £55 from? Just pick it out of the air? And how is the game crippled? Because of one name change? [ September 09, 2002, 09:01 PM: Message edited by: Firefly ]
  2. Ausralian in origin ('Whinging Poms' were British immigrants who spent all their time complaining about Australia), but now quite common in Britain too. The 'g' is pronounced softly to make it rhyme with cringing.
  3. First Andreas agrees with Dalem and now I find myself in agreement with both Seanachai and Dorosh. It's a sign of the apocalypse, I tell you.
  4. Well even Stalin and Churchill agreed about some things, I'll leave you two to work out which is Stalin and which is Churchill .
  5. Hey don't knock PL! He's the only whinger we have left, all the rest have migrated to the CM:BB forum .
  6. Very good point. There was a discussion, after the CDV release of CM:BO, in the Usenet strategy games group (Mace will probably remember it) where a guy who is a long time member of category 2 argued that whilst he had no doubt to CM's accuracy, what he described as the 'amateurish graphics' in the demo had made him decide not to buy it because in his view it was little more than a shareware game. A few of us argued that mods had improved the graphics immensely, but his initial impression had prejudiced him against the game and it wasn't the balance or replayability of the scenarios had caused that impression. Of course, as Steve says, CM is not deliberately aimed at that sort of gamer, but to assume that the CM:BB demo is less likely to attract them than the CM:BO demo is questionable at least. [ September 09, 2002, 09:59 AM: Message edited by: Firefly ]
  7. Not likely as BFC have repeatedly said that they will doing the localisation. The SS units are not being removed, simply renamed.
  8. Perhaps we could revitalise a bit of interest if we started a thread about how much the CM:BO demo sucks.
  9. Ah! The first Bren tripod sighting of autumn. There's life in the old forum yet. [ September 07, 2002, 07:32 PM: Message edited by: Firefly ]
  10. LOL. I'd drifted off topic though, as usual, and was referring to the infamous grognard review of TOAW at the wargamer site and I think Chad was too . Hmm... it was 100 jeeps vs. 50 Tigers.
  11. Yes, but don't you need something like 100 kubelwagenen vs. 10 JS-2s .
  12. Hmm... things I learned. 1. 'Always buy cheap armour, it blows up just as well as the expensive stuff' (from The_Capt). 2. The Waffen SS are nothing more than overpriced hamsters (source unknown, but probably some Pengista). 3 Always say hello to your mother (from Croda). 4. The number in American tanks, such as M4 or M5, indicates the number of turns they will survive (unknown again) 5. Do a search! (from everyone).
  13. Ring of golden stars on a blue backrgound. Good news - member number. Bad news - they only have 2184 copies.
  14. PK, the closest CDV have admitted to is late September/early October. As the localisation is being done by BFC, not by CDV as some people seem to think, they probably can't give a definite date just yet. [ September 07, 2002, 08:48 AM: Message edited by: Firefly ]
  15. Moon, My point was that ordering it from CDV doeen't make much sense if you're in the UK, because of postage costs, it would be better to buy it in the shop or order from a UK e-tailer.
  16. Sorry I've been distracted by some of the noobs on the other boards. It's getting to the stage where you can't call someone a tosser without provoking a hissy fit, unless you add 25 smilies.
  17. I'm enjoying the German civil war that appears to have erupted over there. Goes well with a nice Havana.
  18. Hear, hear. Who needs T-34s when you can knock out Italian L3s with Rolls Royce ACs .
  19. Actually if your AFV has a bow machine gun in CMBO the 'target' will also report hull down for a soft target too (just happened to me targetting a US inf. squad with a Panther), but you're right you do need a target. Personally I like the 'hull down', IIRC it was a much requested feature a few months ago, along with the 'move to contact' command; people felt that micromanaging the tank driver was out of place in a wargame and I still can't get it right 100% of the time in CMBO.
  20. I've just heard from a PBEM opponent, who contacted CDV directly rather than speculating here. The reply he received was that the game will be released in the UK in late September/early October and will probably cost £29.99. [ September 04, 2002, 06:10 PM: Message edited by: Firefly ]
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