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Everything posted by Firefly

  1. I may know nothing about the fuel consumption of German WW2 vehicles, but I do know that Tigger, the Pooh character, is pronounced with a short 'i' (rhymes with bigger) .
  2. How about a scenario from 'Enemy at the Gates'? You get one sharpshooter, the Germans get the Sixth Army.
  3. CMBO will run fine on a 450mhz machine with a half way decent graphics card. With less than a 32mb card you'll notice slow downs and jerkiness in scenarios with lots of graphics effects such as moving vehicles or burning buildings. Smaller scenarios in CMBB will probably also be OK, but some of the larger ones would probably be unplayable - the Stalingrad operation, for instance, reduces my Athlon XP2000 with a Geforce 3 Ti500 card to a crawl.
  4. The Wittman scenario gives you the opportunity to use Tigers at long range as the Germans. The only problem is that it's a bit easy as the Germans vs. the AI.
  5. Well it looks like you need a new source of information. The full manual is about 150 pages and BTS have offered to provide CDV customers who want it the with the full manual at cost, as opposed to some wargame companies who only supply a .pdf manual to all customers. There is no difference between the flags in the CDV version and the US version.
  6. It's in the shops too. I picked up mine at 11-30 in Game.
  7. I also got the same mail shot, unfortunately it arrived before I read here that the release had been delayed until the 11th, so your info may be out of date I'm afraid. Still I'd be happy to be wrong. At least it show that CDV have put some money into marketing in the UK. [ October 03, 2002, 01:56 PM: Message edited by: Firefly ]
  8. Not likely, as the CDV English CDs are different from the BTS CDs. No-one has even seen an English CDV CD, apart from from the preview hacks, so it's not likely that they've sold out.
  9. I agree, but in the meantime I've found that turning off vehicle graphics shows your passengers quite clearly. They're the guys levitating 4 feet from the ground. It also makes them easier to select.
  10. Give it a few more days, this place is always quiet on Sundays. Not that I'm suggesting that most of our American friends only read the forum at work, of course. Oh no.
  11. Agreed, you won't see it during the game with FOW or EFOW, but I thought someone said that at the end of the game the full details will be available in CMBB, which is what I thought Green Hornet was asking about.
  12. What you don't see on the unit's 'kill total' are any unidentified casualties they have inflicted, even at game end. This is most noticable with artillery spotters and on-map artillery and mortars. I believe that this has been changed in CM:BB, perhaps someone who has that game can confirm.
  13. I can't see myself giving up on CM:BO, although I will be buying CM:BB. I still play the old Talonsoft games and CM:BO is better than those. There's always been room for more than one wargame in my life.
  14. Fine, send me your printed manual when you get it and I'll send you my .pdf file. Then we'll both be happy.
  15. I think that's because they have different days in different countries and they still haven't got definite dates for some places, France for example. It appears that the Finnish guys have found out that their version is out on the 18th Oct.
  16. Was that CDV or BFC? I can only find TBA on the CDV site for the non-German release.</font>
  17. Wow just like CDV told us a week ago. What a shock.
  18. I just used one of those CD cases that magazines stick their worthless cover discs in. Now I can always find my copy of CMBO, on the rare occasions it's not in the CD drive, it's in the case with a blue Subaru on the back.
  19. Nah, I've been a crap typist much longer than I've been playing CM.
  20. You forward MrPeng's essay on smilies to all your friends. [ September 17, 2002, 04:52 AM: Message edited by: Firefly ]
  21. You have far too much time on your hands young man </font>
  22. As I shall be sprinting (OK walking quickly) down to the shop at 8:30 a.m. on Oct 4th, I'd better stick to tea or coffee.
  23. I think they should junk tradition and commission Damien Hurst .
  24. Didn't we have one idjit banned after just one post? I think Matt was in a bad mood that day.
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